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Status Updates posted by Shadonix

  1. Today is my best friend's (IRL) fourteenth birthday. Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this. :P

  2. Oh by the way, would you have any interest in a Homestuck-based MAS I've been planning? PM me if it's a yes.

  3. XD

    Had me going there for a sec. :P

  4. Jeez Jan didn't know you were so explosive about the whole thing. O.o I was just joking, anyway. Sorry about that, though. :(

  5. Hey, timelord (44444444444H4H4H4H), what's with the freaky noobish sounding name change? :P

  6. Hey, I have no objection, just wondering.

  7. Epic Inception pic is win.

  8. How long have you been making comics? I've certainly seen you around before.

  9. It doesn't bypass the BZP name rules unless it's imitating a staff name. Rez is fine. I've been Shadonix on here since 08, and a year later, Shadix came along. If that's alright, so's Rez.

  10. Freaky messed up username is freaky and messed up.

  11. Hey, how you been? You remember me?

  12. What's with the gender confusion? :P

  13. You know that as of now you have EXACTLY 100 more posts than I do?

  14. hapi borthday, skorpz.



  16. I thought it was CS4 you had. *shrugs* Anyway, I've just been PMing with Philbert and he's gonna teach me glowing, rotating and the like. I'll PM you in a sec about it.

  17. Meh, whatever. From what I've seen, most people here could do with some early college. :P

    Anyway, I took a class on html from the University of Illinois. As it turned out, I was the youngest person to ever have taken a class there. (Even though it was online.) And in the meantime, I'll try to figure out Photoshop, with some help from M.I. and Philbert.

  18. Also, isn't sixteen a bit young for college? :P



  20. If you become ANYTHING besides a lawyer when you're older I swear I'll shoot myself in the head.

  21. I see you're a Green Day fan.

    *nods head approvingly*

  22. Just an odd little question, but is it "bonesiii" or "Bones the third?"

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