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Everything posted by Shadonix

  1. Shadonix


    I personally am looking forward to the Ocarina remake. :s:
  2. I believe he means 7 story years. Also you might want to look into a new lackey; this one's deranged. :s:
  3. Shadonix


    I don't know either; DS Lite chargers are short and fat, whereas these are tall and less fat but still kind of fat. But the 3DS DOES come with its own charger; I just had to trade in my old Lite charger. Fine. I'm just really, REALLY tall. :s:
  4. Shadonix


    I DEMAND to have the other 25 letters of the alphabet in 3D! So today I got the Nintendo 3DS. Initial reaction: ...Wow. So I went to Gamestop at 7:30ish with DS lite in hand, only to fin out after arriving that I needed the charger as well. I went home, got it, came back, and spent pretty much all my money on it. So now, turning it on, the 3D is pretty cool, although the camera's quality isn't very good. I got Cosmo Black of course, which nicely complements Pokémon Black sitting in the cartridge. I took a picture of myself and plopped it into the automatic Mii maker, and let's just say... It didn't go over so well. It looked nothing like me; it made me look short, fat, and big-nosed, when I'm really more gargantuan-tall, somewhat slim, and average nosed. I just kind of redid the whole thing. All in all, I don't think it was worth $250 (yet), but it's certainly a unique piece of hardware. :s:
  5. Shadonix


    So apparently it's gonna be like 51 tomorrow. That's like 20° above the norm. And no, not Celsius. :s:
  6. Took me a while to get the joke. But when I did... And you shouldn't sit in the car with your four friends, because there's no room in the front OR the back; it's obviously a four person car. Plus, they're all on drugs. Just take the bus. And don't forget your cereal! :s:
  7. I find this funny because I really don't have any idea what these things are or how to get them, even though I probably should seeing as I'm a pretty big game junkie. :s:
  8. Nice name, Rai. You are so glad that this is a real word so that when something like this happens it can be described properly.

  9. Well, I'm also exactly 63 years younger than my own grandmother, so not that out of the ordinary, I suppose. :P

  10. Dude... You could buy a house with that. :s:
  11. I'm lucky enough to have an awesome PGS, Tomana, who writes some pretty great stories for H&T. I'll be posting links to them here from now on. Detective Case File #506: Love Day Strikes by Zo;TomanaDetective Case File #109: Blood Arson by Zo;TomanaFrom the Case Files of Scode, Private Eye: Thirteen to Dine by Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith (winner of the Heads and Tails Short Story Contest):s:
  12. Shadonix


    Just read the topic. You probably won't care at all if you're not an MSPA fan. :s:
  13. Wait whoa do we seriously have the exact same birthday? :P

  14. Bro, clean out your inbox.

  15. Fans and skeptics alike, rejoice, for today the series has truly begun... :s:
  16. I purrsonally feel that Ponyo wwas his wweakest wwork, myself. *gets over the initial shock toward Xaer RPing as Eridan and Nepeta at the same time* Y-yeah, I totally agree, Eridead. :blinka-rink-stinka-dinka-doo: :s: I wwill not stand fur your purrsectution of my OTP, Shad. =PP Suit yourself, E-dead. :s:
  17. My, it would appear that I'm LOrd English. B)

  18. I purrsonally feel that Ponyo wwas his wweakest wwork, myself. *gets over the initial shock toward Xaer RPing as Eridan and Nepeta at the same time* Y-yeah, I totally agree, Eridead. :blinka-rink-stinka-dinka-doo: :s:
  19. Shadonix


    After biking down to the library at 2:45, staying until 5:45, and returning home a few minutes ago, I came to a sad, bitter conclusion. Spring is a backstabber. O spring, why hast thou lied to me? Thy tender promises of warmth and fair weather and all for what? A fortnight of biting cold and wicked winds whipping away at the frigid water. I shall trust thee nevermore! :s:
  20. If Hayao Miyazaki ever decides to make a sequel to Kiki's Delivery Service (which would be so much better than a sequel to Ponyo), he NEEDS to put Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met) by Panic! At the Disco somewhere in the soundtrack. Because it's pretty much the only thing that could be done with a song like that. :s:
  21. o no u scared me

  22. *nods head slowly so as to appear to know what he's talking about, when in actuality, he has no idea* EDIT: I am an enormous tool. I thought you were posting in another one of my entries. But yes. And not just once! :s:
  23. I actually saw that on iTunes, and I was like "wait a minute..." But I had no idea they were released on the same day. Never heard of Art of Dying though. They sound mad emo. :s:
  24. This morning I decided to get Panic! At the Disco's new album, Vices and Virtues, which came out just this Tuesday. I really like it. My favorite songs so far are Always and Sarah Smiles. :s:
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