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Status Updates posted by bioboy12

  1. NGC 1999 is some sort of celestial body.

  2. Nice new name though might I ask why?

  3. nothing much you?

  4. O o

    /¯¯/_o___o___o___o____o __

    \__\¯¯o¯¯¯o¯¯¯¯¯¯o ¯¯¯¯¯¯o

    I can fire my lazer

  5. Oh ,okay. Any new comics planned?

  6. Oh I think I misread.n =P

    On an unrelated note what's your banner about?

  7. Oh well.

    Not to be a nag but could you possibly review my comics?

  8. Oh yeah how come you quit making those?

  9. on vacation I get about 15 minutes of computer sorry.

  10. pickle HI!!!

    (pass this on to all of your friends)

  11. please check em out

  12. Saw you checking out my comics, what did ya think?

  13. Should I restart my comics?

  14. Since I already knew my stasis entry wouldn't win I'm not surprised with my results but could I please have some critiscm and it can be as brutal as need be?

  15. So it's a tie in with Civil War?

  16. so what did you think of my new comics?

  17. So you merged accounts with your old profile to become your current username?

  18. So you might make comics?

  19. So you visited my page...

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