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Status Updates posted by dotcom

  1. Ahh what do you know now I'm in love with Soul Eater :I

  2. all my blog posts from now on will be sarcastic complaints about bionicle

  3. Also, making diff com ments, since I don't wanna pass the 400 char. limit.

    I saw the alien Swarm Novelization in Borders yesterday, I didn't buy it (Heck, I ended up owing my sister to but that Pearls Before Swine book) And from what I can tell, Elena and Gwen don't get along, Ele. calls Gwen "Red" and either it's Validus's or Nanomech's power, but when N

  4. And pennyless. Lucky, but without a dang cent

  5. And since you recognize it, I come to the conclusion that you're cool :)

  6. Anyways, changing to another subject, do you get the Bandai B10 figures?

  7. As will his obsession with monster movieas and his uncleanness

  8. Augghh stupid bucket emote

  9. Being 18 feels a lot like being 17, plus or minus some existential dread

  10. best name change? best name change.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Now that you are finally here angel I believe we have some matters to settle. You can not stop me from enforcing the ruuuurrrs! Hope that sounds like Scanty.

    2. dotcom


      I think at this point I should say Screw the RUURRUS

      but that'd be mean

  11. best name change

  12. blumenkranz

    1. Thracia 776

      Thracia 776

      steve blumenkranz LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL GET IT

  13. Both from DA and another forum I obviously can't mention here. :I

  14. Ca you post in your pic topic??????????????????????????????????????????????????????PLEEEEEASE, PRETTY PLEEEEEEEEASE

  15. CA. I guess I was just lucky though, last time I went to my local Wal-Mart, they only had Chromastone & the DNAlien.

  16. Can I just say that name/avatar is beautiful? It is beautiful.

  17. Can't do, don't think Mexican theaters would adverstise TLR, and I only go there

  18. Congrats on the cell.

    Whoa though. I have a total of 20 cents right now..so I like have to get my parents to give me my birthday money..I'm totally broke...

  19. Cool sig label

  20. Curses. No matter. At least Echo2 arrived early. It's pretty cool to finally have the 10 AF starters.

    Also, the AlterAliens look really dumb.

  21. D--> Is this where we embrace jocularly, as if we are "bros"

    (No but seriously that is awesome. You are awesome

    But why does everyone forget the white stripes on her hair ._.)

  22. Did you take the Nepeta I posted or was tat coincidence? :P

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