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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Huge failure.
    In the socializing hour before Sunday School today, I tried to start a verbal meme by telling people: "I am a heron. I have a long neck and scoop fish out of the water with my beak. If you don't repeat this to at least five other people, I will fly over to your house tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans."
    Well, only one person repeated it (I think, not sure what else he could have been whispering to everyone) and it didn't continue from there.
    So, meme-spreading isn't really that easy.
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I had my first real lucid dream last night. It was WEIRD. I don't remember all of it, unfortunately, (even lucid dreams have that problem), but there are some rather interesting highlights. I think it started with me standing on a balcony in a school, looking down on a basketball game (or some similar sport, I don't think what I saw exists as any sort of real sport), and then I think, "Wait, what? Why am I in a school? I've been homeschooled my whole life... oh gosh, I'm dreaming. This is a lucid dream!"
    And then I jump off the balcony, miss the ground, and start flying. Then I remember that suddenly trying to do something really exciting in a lucid dream will usually wake you up, and then I wake up. Then I think, "Darn, I woke up, I wish I could fall back asleep and resume the dream." So I do exactly that and continue flying. (In retrospect, I suspect that may have been a false awakening. I did not feel the the usual fatigue that one feels when awakening directly from REM sleep.) After that, random stuff happens (I can't remember exactly what) and then I find a supply closet, imagine that it leads outside, walk through it and escape from the school. Faced with two guards, I look for a weapon, find none, so I reach into my pocket and imagine a laser gun, which materialized in my hand. I fire at the guards and kill them. Then I felt sorry for killing the guards, so I rewind the dream to back when they they were alive (this was by far one of the weirdest parts), but they shoot at me so I kill them again. Afterwards, a friend of mine follows me outside and tries to convince me to return. I try explaining to him that he's in a dream and that he's only an imaginary copy of someone I know IRL. He only believes after I show him my watch, which keeps showing random letters and numbers each time I look at it. (This is a good way of achieving lucidity in a dream, FYI.) More random stuff happens and then I jump out of a skyscraper, float in mid-air for a while, get bored for a while and decide to wake up and resume the dream some other night.
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Allow us to preform a thought experiment.
    Imagine you have a box. Inside the box is the CEO of The LEGO Group, who happens to be a kitten for some odd reason. Next to the CEO is a sample of radioactive metal, which, over the course of one year, has a 50/50 chance of triggering a sensor. The sensor, when triggered, would send a mind-controlling signal to the CEO telling him to end BIONICLE.
    Now, since the metal has a 50/50 chance of ending BIONICLE, the atom would then go both ways. Thanks to quantum superposition, the two possibilties are combined. An observer looking into the box would only see one possibilty, since BIONICLE both ending and continuing is illogical. Once you realize that both are correct, however, you can decide which reality is "real", by rejecting my reality and substituting your own.
    Thus, BIONICLE will both end and continue in 2010, so if you don't like whichever outcome you see, remember, quantum superpostion means YOU get to choose.
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    My comments come in waves of three.
    also two blog entries 30 minutes apart waaht
    And in accordance with the title, lemme tell you a story.
    There was a couple you had a baby.
    Good timing. Anyway, they named the baby Odd. When the nurse heard this, she laughed right in the mother's face, and so began Odd's... odd... life.
    When he grew older, he hated his name. No girl would date him, no boy would hang out with him, and the only jobs he could get were... well, you can guess. Odd jobs.
    Well, he finally found a woman who would marry him (named Norma, oddly enough) and finally found a good job, so one day he said:
    ODD: I hate my name! My life is ruined because of it! On my tombstone, I want just a birth date and a death date and that's it! No name on it!
    NORMA: kk
    So he died and was buried, and Norma gave him his wish.
    But he overlooked one detail: Whenever someone passed his tomb, they saw no name and would say...
    PASSERBY: No name? That's odd. [walks away]
    MORAL: Don't get buried.
    (it may be a true story, but I named his wife Norma for extra irony)
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Indiscreetly counterfeited in the exact likeness of such yarn added to the reviews concerning the most recent set of musings in the collection of Sumiki's thoughts:
    Sumiki, alas, at the tenebrous hour, did find it unwise to permit himself to absolve memory of his most secure verbal key. For it was the key that granted that great gift of trust, of solicitude, of frankness and honesty, of earnesty. That verbal key, so sophiscated, so beautifully crafted, so as to permit access into that matrix of creativity, that wondrous machine, electrically connected to many other such devices, in a technological display of utmost intellgence, the magnum opus of the homosapien creaturekind.
    In his cerebral lapse, the aforementioned knowledge of the unlocking element did vanish, yet foreseeing this event he had the prudence, or perhaps foolishness, though nary shall it be discerned by mortal reason as to which of those two, that he allowed such vital information to pass into the claws of one Lhikevikk. Lhikevikk, that eccentric acquaintance, whose nome de plume doth haunt the minds of those who search out the magnum opus of the homosapien creaturekind. For it was that bizarre entity who seized upon such knowledge, and took it upon himself to exert that power for his own demented purposes.
    At the centre of the nocturnal timeframe, half past into an an even more tenebrous hour, the being awaited the cerebral lapse of self-awareness prophesied by the unfortunate comrade of his. His organs of vision shifted asynchronously, searching out the vicinity for potential risk of testimony, of evidence circumstancial, anecdotal and empirical. Silently, he stalked forward, his visual organs bejeweled with contemplation of the sensational act of limited sanity he was preparing himself to execute. Locking his sight onto the luminous surface, radiating the knowledge of that matrix of creativity, he set his digits to execise the power bestowed on him by his oblivious accomplice. Appliying pressure to the lettered quadraliterals on the device below te luminous surface, he typographically inputted the knowledge so bestowed on him, of that complex verbal key designed as a countersign of trust, so that the wondrous machine would be deceived, believing erroneously that its faithful comrade Sumiki was requesting its services.
    His act of trickery complete, he began to seek out the information locked inside the wondrous machine. Most fortuitously, he happened upon a certain arrangment of the miniscule points of colour on the luminous surface, the arrangement being that which detailed the musings of its proper owner. Reaching out for the control device, zoologically named, he shifted its location, so that a small irregular figure, displayed on the luminous surface, might alter its own position to that of rectangular shape marked in modern script with words detailing a command to create a new collection of thoughts to be displayed on that list of collections which rightfully displayed those of Sumiki. Applying pressure to the upper left corner of the zoologically named control device, the luminous surface transformed in response to a different display, this one requesting the typographical input of a new collection of thoughts. Returning to the lettered quadraliterals below, he concocted a vichyssoise of verbiage that could only come from such a perturbed mind as his, bearing little rational congruance and being most incoherent.
    His act of madness complete, Lhikevikk, returned to the unconscious Sumiki. Being wary so as not to disturb his slumber, he discreetly related a ficticious account of how it was Sumiki who had written such a raving. Escaping surreptitously, Lhikevikk left Sumiki in the utterly incorrect notion that it was himself who hath typographically inputted such nonsense.
    what the heck did i just write
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    so i'm walking by the book section of my supermarket
    and then the words "DON'T BLINK" catch my eye
    so i notice it's the title of a new book by James Patterson
    and it says on the cover "You blink, you die"
    and i'm like
    "i'll bet 10 dollars he got this idea from Doctor Who :teehee:"
  7. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    We have exactly 5 days to fill the quota of 20 participants.
    We currently have 17 participants.
    For it to work smoothly, we actually need more (30 would be ideal), 20 is just the minimum for it to work at all. There is no maximum, the more the merrier.
    B6 has approved of my plan, so do not worry about getting in trouble.
    We need at least seven more people (seventeen is actually the ideal, but don't panic if we can't get that many) so spread the word!
    Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!
    (but don't bother with non-Premiers, they can't participate)
  8. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    woot premier week is over and i still have my blog for the rest of the year 8D (I've been using that emote a lot lately, haven't I?)
    10: Gelu has an Inika torso, Strakk has an ugly custom. (No customs in my blog. > INIKA TORSOS FTW!)
    9: Gelu's job makes him travel the planet. All Strakk does is fight a little and go home.
    8. Gelu stopped being a Glatorian so he could be a caravan guard and that's cool. Strakk stopped being a Glatorian because he tried to kill Ackar and that's not cool.
    7. Gelu will only rob you if it was the right thing to do. Strakk will rob you and couldn't care less.
    6. Gelu battled Fero and defeated him. (Not to mention looked awesome doing it.) Strakk battled Fero and got owned. (Not to mention looked like a total noob.)
    5. Gelu has a cool-looking helmet. Strakk has an ugly helmet.
    4. Gelu fights pirates. Strakk fights retired soldiers.
    3. Gelu is slim, tall, and handsome, Strakk is a disturbingly skinny hunchback.
    2. Gelu did all sorts of cool things in Raid on Vulcanus, Strakk just did a few boooooring things.
    1. Gelu has an awesome sword. Strakk has a boring axe.
    Gelu rocks, Strakk sucks.
    (Gelu also wants you to join the V Team. The universe is at stake, people!)
  9. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Since other members have exercised their abilities within the blog rules and posted entries about who they would support for U.S. President, I thought I would do the same.
    And then decided against it.
    I kinda like being mysterious and keeping my political views secret, eh?
    But really, it's also because I haven't finished putting together a hypothetical Cabinet for my favoured President/Vice President team. When I do, I'll post the whole group I support (maybe). I can tell you one name, though -- Vermin Supreme is on this list, and not as a joke. I really do support him for a particular position.
    But what could it be?
  10. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Is now left-foot henchman. Fear him as well.
    No clue what a fifth henchman would be called, though. So no, you can't be middle-nostril henchman or anything like that.
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