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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    What way do you want the B:NG kanohi to be modeled?
    1. Totally static masks, no mouths, no eyebrows, just masks.
    2. TLR style, where the masks are static, but flip back when talking to reveal talking heads, still no eyebrows.
    3. Miramax style, eyebrows, lit mouths, and flexible masks.
    4. Static masks, with eyebrows, and animated mouths.
    5. Static masks, no eyebrows, Miramax mouths.
    If I missed any, or you want a different one tell me in the comments.

  2. Eeko
    Day 80
    So, who's ready for a paper writing all-nighter?!
    Yeah, me neither.
    freakin' plato...
    In other news, we did a fun little trick in Physics lab today.
    Basically, you hold a bicycle wheel, and get it spinning pretty fast. Then you step on to a turntable of somesort, and turn the bicycle wheel.
    Due to the conservation of angular momentum, you can get spinning really fast, just by turning the wheel completely over.
    It's tons of fun.
  3. Eeko
    So I guess I should update this thing a bit. Seeing as I've been away for a while.
    Let's see. First of all, for all you who started college this semester, especially those who chose the illustrious Physics major. Don't worry. Sophomore year is much harder.
    I'm in an electronics course that started with only seven people, two of which dropped it due to grades.
    Aside from that though, I'm still loving Physics, and tutoring might be one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. The class I tutor is basically Phys 101 for Chem and Bio majors. So slightly easier, but not by much. It's a lot of fun to tutor though, it's one of the high points of my week. Plus I get paid. Which is nice.
    As far as games I've beaten this semester
    Dark Souls (Easily in top 5 games ever)
    Bioshock 2
    The Walking Dead
    Bioshock Infinite
    Spec Ops: The Line
    Also I've prordered the Zelda 3DS XL because OMIGOSH ITS SO PRETTY HAVE YOU SEEN IT?!?!
    I'm super pumped for that. Especially since I haven't had a handheld since the GBA came out. Maybe I'll finally be able to play the DS Zeldas. Also Pokemon X. Because Mega Charizard X.
    Also, I guess I hit my 5th BZP-verssiary a while back. Huh. Oh well, Olmak is still my least favorite spinny.
    Anyways, I should get back to writing that ten page paper that's due Wednesday. Along with the Physics also due Wednesday. And the Calc test Tuesday.
    I'm a little swamped over here.
  4. Eeko
    So, my computer has spent the last 50 or so hours churning out this 12,350 frame bad boy.
    The song is a remix of Midna's Lament from the "Triforce of Bass" album. Which is totally awesome and you should buy it.
    But yeah, it's officially the longest render I've ever done. Mainly cause it's in 48 fps.
  5. Eeko
    So I played Dark Souls a lot today.
    I started yesterday, and I finally managed to beat a Black Knight. I'm a Pyromancer, because fire.
    Also, I beat Battletoads last night.
    I felt so accomplished.
    It was exhilarating.
    I don't even.
    I celebrated my watching My Neighbor Totoro for the first time.
    Good movie.
    As a side effect of all this, I didn't check Staff Survivor all day, and managed to lose The Clikit Supertramps' immunity.
    *insert pleading to not vote me off"
  6. Eeko
    Note, don't read this unless you've read part 1!
    So, first I'll explain the reasoning behind the answer to the first question.
    That's the reasoning. Sorry if I explained it poorly.
    Now, this doesn't answer the second question, it still seems like the Guru gives no information. So what's to stop the above cycle from just occuring spontaneously. What does the Guru say to start it off?
    So there you have it.
    It's a little tough to get your head around, plus I'm pretty bad at explaining through text.
    So if you've got any doubts or questions, please ask!
  7. Eeko
    Metroid Prime Trilogy. B)
    Also got some shirts, first four books of The Ice and Fire series, and a Jules Verne Compilation book.
    Pretty nice.
  8. Eeko
    Calculus is literally killing me. Here's what I'm doing.

    Seriously? Why do they do this to me?
    Btb, the answer is:
    4/(51/3) x 4/(51/3) x 251/3

  9. Eeko
    So I've been having fun with modular origami, and thought I'd share with y'all what I've been doing.
    First up is this guy.
    In the family of Icosidodecahedra, this is the Compound of Five Tetrahemihexahedra (yes, that's its actual name).
    30 sheets used in this one.
    Next, is the Enigma Cube!
    I'm particularly fond of this thing. Mine is kinda sloppy though.
    The neat thing about this one is it has an illusory cube inside.
    It's kinda hard to tell with that picture, so here's an awful gif.
    Aren't I amazing at photography.
    Anyways, 6 sheets for this guy.
    Lastly, we have this monster.
    Say hello to the Truncated Icosahedron, also known as a buckyball.
    This one needed a full 90 sheets, and several, several hours to make.
    Here's one last group shot for some size comparison.
  10. Eeko
    Birthday loot brag time!!
    I had a pretty sweet load this time 'round, maybe one of the best ever for me.
    First up iTunes money, so I had just enough to buy both Clockwork Angels by Rush, as well as Alive 2007 by Daft Punk. So good.
    Second up was a Zombie survival poster, which didn't really make sense since my whole family knows I'm not a poster person.
    Thirdly, was a $50 () Steam gift card.
    Snagged about 75 bucks overall.
    Greatest of all however, was the T-shirts.
    Feast your eyes upon these beauties:




    The Zelda shirt is by far the coolest, complete with the coolest tag in the world:

    Apparently my dad had to order that shirt from Japan, since it's not made in the U.S.
    Finally, to wrap it all up, yours truly!


    I'm haunting your dreams...
    Anyways, thanks for all the birthday wishes an' stuff.
    It feels weird to have a birthday topic in GD.
  11. Eeko
    Equestria Girls has the exact same plot as the first half of the second Panty and Stocking episode.
    Complete with high-school 'queen' turning into a winged demon outside the school.
  12. Eeko
    So I've been on a NES kick recently I played through Castlevanias 1 and 3. (I refuse to touch Simon's Quest)
    However, I just beat the Turbo Tunnel stage on Battletoads.
    I've never done that before.
    I feel so freakin' accomplished, that I'm gonna go eat a pizza.
    Wait, wrong anthropomorphic fighting green team.
  13. Eeko
    Well that was... mediocre at best.
    Beautiful to look at, but the pacing and story were simply not up to Pixar's standards.
    I'd save your money on this one guys.
  14. Eeko
    Well, I quite liked this episode. I wish Luna had spoken, but we did have all mane six sing, which hasn't happened in a while.
    Plus, at least three definite instances of Derpy!!
    ONE! (on the bridge)
    TWO! (by the crystal ponies legs)
    THREE! (far right)
    Not to mention the more obvious Vinyl Scratch.
  15. Eeko
    So, I'm back from tour!
    Couple o' quick updates.
    Steam loot:
    Walking Dead
    Dark Souls
    AC: III
    Bioshock Infinite
    I don't know what I'm doing.
  16. Eeko
    So I feel like being more active here again. Maybe. We'll see how it goes.
    Either way, I finally changed my christmas theme.
    I've told by multiple people that I am, in fact, Dipper Pines. So I figured this would be appropriate.


    Also, I've been listening to so much Punch Brothers. And nothing could be better.
    Also also, I got to see Caravan Palace live a week or so ago. It was pretty sick. Their violinist is insane.
  17. Eeko
    Just finished Avatar for the second time. Such a good show!
    Also, Azula's demise if possibly the most depressing thing ever in a children's cartoon.
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