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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    Day 73
    I don't know if I've ever said before how much I hate flying.
    It scares the bajeezus out of me.
    It doesn't help when we bank like crazy on take off.
    So anyways, against all odds, I made it to Florida.
    I'm bushed.
  2. Eeko
    Day 85
    So, after many hours of searching, I found some decent sheet music for U.N. Owen Was Her. (No I don't know why it's called that)
    I also finished up the second season of Adventure Time. The Lich is awesome.
    Oh, and everyone should go watch GameTrailers Zelda Timeline video. It's amazing.
  3. Eeko
    Such a good game!
    I tend to write off Gameboy type games as sub-par to console games, but I honestly like Fusion more than Super Metroid. And that's saying a lot.
  4. Eeko
    Day 35
    Today was... interesting.
    For starters, I only made it to half my classes today. I slept through Physics, and then completely forgot about Chemistry.
    I was just kinda out of it all day, not quite sure why.
    It was still a pretty good day though.
  5. Eeko
    Day 76
    Well, the conference finished off today. We had some pretty awesome speakers.
    The Minute Physics guy gave a talk on communicating physics. And the lady who discovered pulsars debunked the 2012 armeggadon theory.
    I didn't get a chance to watch ponies today.
    Hopefully tomorrow!
  6. Eeko
    So I finally decided to stop being lazy, and edit out the forum urls from the sheet music I've arranged.
    And now I'm gonna post 'em all here for you to see.
    Skyward Sword
    Tubert's Theme
    Three Dragons
    Farore's Courage
    Island in the Sky
    Pumpkin Pastime
    Gate of Time
    Bamboo Island
    Age of Oppression
    That's all I got now, enjoy!
  7. Eeko
    Day 7
    Well, it appears that I've officially survived my first week of college!
    As for today's activities, not a whole lot exciting happened. I went to Physics, Calc, and Chem lectures.
    I also had Physics lab for the first time today. Which really kinda sucked because all it was was a diagnostic exsm to see what we already new.
    Then all the Freshman got had to go to a manatory survey, done by the same people who do the ACTs. So that was also a terrible waste of time.
    Looking forward to tomorrow though. I only have one class Thursdays, and then I do some DA work. Other than that I'm totally free.
  8. Eeko
    So everybody, my choir is going on it's yearly tour very soon, and I figured I'd post the concert schedule here.
    July 14th:
    Piney Flats Baptist Church, Piney Flats TN
    July 15th - 16th:
    Somewhere in Huntsville AL.
    July 17th:
    Somewhere in Atlanta GA
    July 18th:
    St. Mary's First Baptist Church, St. Mary GA
    July 19th:
    Somewhere in Raleigh NC.
    July 20th - 21st:
    Ash Avenue Baptist Church, South Boston VA.
    If you live near any of these places, you should totally come here us sing!!
    Then I can check 'Meeting A BZP Member IRL' off my bucket list!
    Do it!
  9. Eeko
    So I beat Quantum Conundrum, I and I thought I might do a little review on it.
    First, the good:
    The puzzle 'gimmick' is fantastic, the IDS (Inter-Dimensional Shifting) device is a great idea. It's smooth, easy to use, and leads to some really cool puzzles.
    John De Lancie. I know him primarily from MLP: FiM, since I never watched much Star Trek. Regardless of whether you've seen him or not, he's still a fantastic voice actor, and he fits really well into games.
    Now for the (rather lengthy) bad:
    Some of you may have seen the review from a certain fedora-clad Australian. Normally I don't put much stock in his reviews, since they're made more for comedy than accuracy. However, this time I agreed with him on pretty much everything.
    First and foremost, the game is not funny. All the humor comes soley from De Lancie, and it's all very disjointed. There's no cohesion to the jokes, or really to the story.
    Also, the game is fairly easy. I was only stumped on one puzzle, and even then it was only about 10-15 minutes before I got it. Everything else was a breeze to figure out.
    It's also a very short game, with only a little bit more playtime than Portal. Portal got away with this by having an engaging story, and difficult puzzles.
    This sounds like a lot of negativity, but don't get me wrong. I did rather enjoy the game, it just had quite a few shortcomings.
    I'd recommend it soley for the puzzles, and probably not at full price.
    For those of you who've played the game, what did you think of it?
  10. Eeko
    Day 14
    So, I saw my new favorite math joke today:
    A like of infinite Mathmaticians walk into a bar.
    The first one orders a drink.
    The second one orders half a drink.
    The third one orders a quarter of a drink.
    After the fourth one orders, the bartender puts two drinks on the counter and says:
    "You boys really need to learn your limits!"
    I lol'd.
    Anyways, we had Physics lab today. Which turned into "what's wrong with the software".
    Anyways, classes were pretty nondescript today.
  11. Eeko
    Day 9
    Yay for weekends!
    I started the day off by putting the wrong notebook in my bag, so I had to come all the way back after Calc to turn in my homework.
    I got a (very) short tour of the laser system that I'll be helping to fix. We believe it's a problem with the heat exchanger, but we haven't been able to reproduce the failure.
    The school had their organizational fair today, so I signed up for Glee Club, Ski Club, and the gaming/Anime/D&D coverall group.
    And now I got all of tomorrow off. B)
    Except for, you know, homework.
  12. Eeko
    Hello everyone!
    I figured college would be a great excuse for me to join the 'Closing Thoughts' bandwagon.
    Since I didn't do one yesterday, you get a brief rundown of day 1 as well.
    Day 1
    Moved in, got settled, and met some people.
    Got a school issued laptop, which isn't bad. It's a touch screen, and folds into a tablet.
    There was a party in one of the main halls for the freshmen, didn't meet too many people though, since it was really crowded.
    Day 2
    Spent half an hour trying to find the cafeteria with my roomie. It was nice out though, so I didn't mind the walk.
    Attended 'Student Life' lectures until lunch.
    The Physics Department had a meeting, and man am I excited. The professors are really great, and really love the work they're doing. Since there's only 12 freshmen declaring Physics as their major, we get a lot of one-on-one with the professors. On Tuesday, I might get to start fixing up a laser that one of the faculty is working on. Plus, I already have a job as Department Assistant, which'll make some nice side cash.
    Lastly, they showed "The Incredibles" on a giant screen outside. So we had a nice little social out there.
    That's all for tonight! See you all tomorrow!
  13. Eeko
    Day 29
    I got my first allergy shot since being on campus.
    Needless to say, my body's not taking it so well.
    My arm's really swollen, and it's super messing with my brain.
    I can't think straight, and standing's a little difficult.
  14. Eeko
    Finally beat it.
    I think I preferred Ages, the story seemed more developed, and the characters were just better in general.
    Plus Veran was way, way harder then Onox, or even Ganon.
    Still good though.
  15. Eeko
    Day 75
    Oh man you guys, (and gals), I just got back from downtown Disney.
    Mainly the hanging out with semi-new friends. That was the mainly cool part.
    The Physics talks today were pretty cool, we had a guy who was on the team that "discovered" the Higgs Boson come and speak, as well as an interesting speaker on Tomology, which is the study of recreating images from several projections.
    It'll probably be late night before I can watch it though.
  16. Eeko
    Day 17
    Well, I missed breakfast, due to the little sleep I got.
    I played more Minecraft for most of the afternoon.
    We got a totally awesome mountain base, which we cover the outside in water, so it can't easily be blown up. It looks awesome.
    However, the admins for this server were really abusing their powers. Flying around and killing people on a strict survival server is all kinds of messed up.
    It was great though, cause the two other guys I was playing with all had pon skins on. I was Vinyl, and they were Dash and Octavia.
    Best team ever.
  17. Eeko
    So yeah, I've been playing Skyrim all day.
    Best game ever.
    Played for almost six hours before even getting to Whiterun.
    Though I think I found most of the dungeons in the south-west.
    Anyways, if I disappear for a few days. You know what happened.
  18. Eeko
    Finally got around to beating it.
    Probably my least favorite 3D Zelda, still good, but I spent the whole time thinking about how much better Skyward Sword was, so I didn't overly enjoy it.
    In other news, I just started Oracle of Seasons. Because apparently I have to be in the middle of a Zelda game all the time.
  19. Eeko
    Day 33
    So, we got the entire cooling system put back together for the laser!
    Which apparently took someone a whole semester to do before, so we're making great time.
    We believe it to be out of actual coolant, but so far there's no leakage, which is really good.
    We might actually have a working laser by the end of the semester!
  20. Eeko

    An animated version of the ocean from before.
    Link to a poorer quality full screen. The original size is about 860x490. Took a few hours to render.
    I might try one later where it get's progressively stormier and the water speeds up and gets choppy.
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