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Toa Kovolta

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Posts posted by Toa Kovolta

  1. OOC: This post starts just after the internet went down.IC / Awk / CKC / Virtually inside his personal computer:Inside the virtual space that was Awk's home directory, little sparks of white and black light floated aimlessly among the dull grey "buildings" that were the home's sub-directories. Suddenly a electrical impulse was sent through the space as a command was entered into the system. The little sparks of light started amassing at the edge of the space. Thousands of them binding together in complex ways until finally a new program was formed where once there was nothing. This program was Awk himself.Awk walked between the various directories until he found the one he was looking for, the Network Directory. He opened the door and walked inside. The directory was empty aside from a console in the middle, and a huge hole in the side of one of the walls which appeared to be connected to a chute of some sort. Awk went over to the console and typed some commands into the keyboard.%awk_ic%//networks -> awkpassword: *******%awk_ic%//networks -> select connectionconnection: internetconnection selected%awk_ic%//networks -> bitChute openopening the bit chute...error: cannot connect to internetWhat? How could the internet be down? On Techna that was just something that never happened.Suddenly, a voice boomed throughout the directory as a signal came in from the hacker line: "Get to base Ermoi. Pronto."Awk was even more confused by this, the message was obviously from Enaltai, but what was so urgent it required all the hackers to gather in one spot. Something like that could be dangerous.Quickly he changed some of the settings on the console, then jumped into the hole in the wall. The bit chute was fast and in seconds he was where he needed to be, a secret offline database, that only Awk's computer was able to connect to. It was filled with stacks and stacks of files on info he had pulled off of Techna's systems with his double agent software. He walked over to the main console in the database and using his power over data manipulated the bits floating around him, the little sparks of white and black light. They immediately started swirling together, interconnecting, forming a small usb device.Awk pluged the newly formed usb into the console and typed in some commands.%%hawkerbase%% -> cd currentProject%%hawkerbase%%////currentProject -> download allpassword: ******************************************downloading...download complete.Awk unplugged the usb and jumped back into the bit chute.IC / Awk / Some time later / back in the literal world / Entering base Ermoi:Awk walked into the meeting room, as he passed Enaltai, he placed the usb on the table in front of him whispering: "The info you requested." Then went to go find a seat. As he walked through the crowd, he noticed the many of the people staring oddly at him, this was the first time many of the hackers were meeting each other. Another danger, he thought, revealing all our identities to each other like this increases the chances of someone giving us away to the authorities.He took a seat and looked around. He didn't see Amnchey anywhere, either his guess earlier was wrong, or she too realized the danger of congregating like this and decided not to... Or even worse, his efforts earlier hadn't been enough to keep her out of trouble and she had been caught.He then logged into the base recording system and skimmed over what had already been talked about at the meeting.

  2. Oh wow! This is simply a marvellous idea and a great project! To have the works of so many great artists, all gathered into one place is awesome.They all look great, and I mean all of them (though, how come February's not up yet?), though I have to say, "Schemes within Schemes" is particularly interesting. @Legolover: Yours does not look out of place, it looks great, perfect for its month too.But I guess I better only comment on the January one right now since that's the only one I'm supposed to be seeing right now( :P ).The Background is simply stunning, and the Dragon, or Ice Creeper, or Whatever you want to call it, also looks great, blending in perfectly with the icy environment. I really love the colouring on his scales. However, there's something about Tahu that looks a little off, almost like he doesn't quite belong. I think it might be that it doesn't look like he should be standing in such a way, almost like he's actually floating. I dunno, just something about the pose that seems awkward.My favourite part about it though is the subtly placed Miru on the Dragons head!

  3. OOC:

    A window opened:Fulok (115%Fulok h8_h@kr5) is contacting you.> Answer call.Acknowledged. Answering...

    I see what you did there. :PIC / Awk / Heading towards the CKC:With Torch gone, Awk began typing away at his computer as he walked down the street. Logging into the GPS system, he located the nearest Chute at ground level. He quickly walked over to it and jumped in.When he reached the CKC, he went to his office and sat down. He then called upon his elemental power, there was a faint glow around his body for a few seconds, then it slumped forward. Meanwhile a new program had appeared on his computer. Awk had entered the virtual world.OOC: Oh this is going to be fun! :)
  4. Gravs: Another Holmes? Ah, you'll have competition, my friend. Approved.

    Really? *Pumps Shotgun* Then we might have to remove competition. :P
    Said competition is co-host of the game, Shyrnn. :P
  5. > Reroute download to excess computer 1-545-7865-783.Rerouting...Reroute blo-> Reroute to 1-545-7865-784.Rerouting...Successful. Tracking program download moved to 1-545-7865-784.

    As LL said, the download was already blocked by my character Awk, but whatever...
  6. All the coding junk instead of simply trying to guess passwords.-Dovydas

    OOC: Niiiice, Kovolta. You're making me wish I had a Hacker character so I could do fancy stuff like that. :P I probably should make a Hacker character, come to think of it... right now Dovy is the only co-host with a Hacker-aligned character.OOC: Darn it, Kovolta, now you have me using that format. XD

    I seem to be inspiring a lot of people with that! XDI'm glad that I've been able to put my coding skills to good use! This rpg is truly the best one for someone in computer science, I'm so glad it won. :)And you should make a Hacker character Legolover, they're so fun!
  7. IC / Awk / Leaving S&D / With Torch:Awk followed behind Torch. Silent not because of what Torch had said, but because he was concentrating on his current connection with the SCPU. He needed to finish before his he left the building and his access to the public terminal's identity was lost. He was going to have to do without the help of whatever program Torch was working on, and he would have to make some executive assumptions.downloadStatus : 57% - beamPow : 70%file : tral.exe - fileLoc : c:/main/sresponses/trackProgtargetLocAdv : Pro Coding Corporation - typeID: BusageCPU : 0.1%no more information availableA B-Type ID at Pro Coding Corp., an attempted assassination of Amnchey. Awk had to assume one thing. It was Amnchey trying to attack the SCPU, meaning she was one of the Hackers. If the tracing program finished downloading, she would be discovered. Someone in that high a position was a valuable asset to the hackers. If this assumption was true, he had to try and stop the download, or maybe divert it...Using his second partition he opened up fifty new terminal windows and used them to hack into the fifty personal computers throughout Techna with the lowest security. And transferred a program he'd created which was designed to try and prod a systems most sensitive areas. He then connected to scpu.techna and ran the program on all fifty computers. Erasing all traces of his connection to the computers, he terminated his connection.The SCPU would not take kindly to being prodded by so many computers.Awk switced back to his first partition.> viewCurrentLog...unauthorized access from sst%1599unauthorized access from srt%1897unauthorized access from set%2846unauthorized access from aet%3491unauthorized access from adt%1001unauthorized access from aft%1357unauthorized access from sgt%2833unauthorized access from akt%4792unauthorized access from slt%1131unauthorized access from slt%2293unauthorized access from akt%2460unauthorized access from syt%1877preparing to launch trace program to 50 targetslog end> routeDecisionsThrough hereauthorization neededAwk paused. How would he get past this? Some sort of a pass was needed for this even though he was using an s&d identity... Maybe the s and d terminal had a file of passwords. He did a quick search... nothing. Maybe it had been used for such a transaction before...> abort> viewHistory thisabortrouteDecisionsThrough hereviewCurrentLogysignalOf o-threat%trackcontinue? %> ypublic_terminal@sandd.technaviewCurrentConnectionsexitnncontinue? %> yny115%Fulok h8_h@kr5routeDecisionsThrough hereviewCurrentProcessesBingo!continue %> n> routeDecisionsThrough hereauthorization needed> 115%Fulok h8_h@kr5decision routing commenced>*tral.exe currently being downloaded to 51 different targets*beam-Pow now at 40% and usageCPU now at 10%*estimated download time: 47 min.*would you like to cancel any of the downloads to speed things up?> y*which targets?> e-101-5-5&-!%^%$@&!# avr%1342 ... akt%2460*downloads canceled*targets still connected, would you like to dissengage targets?> y*connections terminated> clear history thishistory cleared> exitconnection terminatedOOC: Hopefully that was creative enough (and acceptable) Legolover, if not please tell me what you would like me to change.

  8. ^ Great Idea!

    OOC: thanks to Kovolta for some inspiration

    Your welcome! :DIn what did I inspire you?

    OOC: For the record, Kovolta, thus far you've only been accessing information. Trying to edit that information is going to be much more difficult, as Awk's security clearance isn't high enough nor his ID correct for him to open files, stop downloads, or even upload new information.

    I wouldn't expect any less.

    OOC: Why wouldn't S-Toran have destinies? They're just as alive as real Matoran.

    OOC: Is Data alive?
    What do you mean? :SS-Toran were created pretty much in the same way as Matoran. What's this about data?@TX: I found this in the main rpg post as I was rereading it.

    thus allowing hover-taxis to be driven automatically without crashing

  9. @ ^ : Alright.Meant to say this a while ago.

    "A computer specialist, hired as a historian, who doubles as his own data-gatherer and projectionist. Fascinating."

    Oh lol.And in regards to Amnchey's Fiance: An-fell ... sorry X|
  10. OOC: Why wouldn't S-Toran have destinies? They're just as alive as real Matoran.IC / Awk / S&D / With the Toa Techna:"If I may add something there," Awk intejected, "though it is true that the Hackers appear to be completely disorganized, it is my thinking that they are divided into three categories or groups: the Chaotic, the Random, and the Silent. It's called CRS Syndrome, a commonly used phrase when referring to faulty programs in MCL Plus. There are those that end up corrupting certain pieces of data, those that produce seemingly random output, and those that seem to do nothing at all."Linking this to the hackers, the Chaotic are those run through the city brandishing weapons and can barely be separated from common criminals, the Random are those who go about uploading viruses to random computers such as 'You Are Here' signs, and the Silent are those who sit behind desks perfecting more advanced viruses or hacking into larger more important systems."I believe that Torch may be partially right in his assumption. The silent ones are probably somewhat coordinated, maybe not completely, but there may be some small pattern there somewhere, if we use the right set of data."Meanwhile, Awk's inner processes picked up on something else Forcyte had said. There was an assassination attempt on Amnchey. Isn't she the CEO of Pro Coding Corp? He opened up a third partition on his computer and did a scan of his hacker info to see if there was anything related... Nothing. Hmm... Why would someone have tried to assassinate her?OOC: Off to bed now.

  11. IC (Security and Defense Library):As Awk recalled his holograms, Torch stood up and opened a window on his HUD. "Prepare to receive files," he said, and sent a temporary file to all the other Toa Techna. "...Files sent. Everyone, what you see before you is a mock-up of a program to break Hacker encryptions."Now, this program won't break the encryptions immediately. My reasoning behind making this program, then? If the Hackers had made a billion encryptions, splintered as they are, they would have almost no chance of communicating to each other effectively. Thus far, their coordination disproves that theory. My program will take each encryption, examine it carefully for patterns that will hint to the proper decryption program, and thus translate it into meaningful messages. Once we've cracked an encryption, we have the upper hand."He glanced around, his gaze lingering a moment longer on Forcyte than on any of the other Toa Techna. "Any advice?"

    IC / Awk / S&D / With the Toa Techna:"Could I get a copy of that file?" Awk spoke up. "Perhaps I can help with coding it? And my mask could probably be useful there too." (OOC: It's just plans right, not an actual program yet?) He tapped his mask as he opened a new partition on his computer in order to receive the file without the possibility, of what he was currently working on to be noticed by the sender.In the other partition he was getting his results back from the scpu:analyzing signalsigType : beam - downloadRate : 2,498,127 b/stargetID : e-101-5-5&-!%^%$@&!# - targetLocation : Pro Coding Corporationmore information?> yIf he could look at this proposed program Torch was talking about, he might be able to use the info with his powers and skills to create a rough draft program to use to find out the identity of the attacker, and see if any action was necessary.He waited for his replies. From Torch and the SCPU.
  12. OOC: So you want some creativity...IC / Awk / S&D / With the Toa Techna / Secretly working on his internal computer, trying to find info on the recent attack on the SCPU:%awk_ic%>>public_terminal@sandd.techna -> srd scpu.technasecure remote distant connection to scpu establishedcurrently running on vistor.scpu - please enter a command> viewCurrentConnectionsidentification required for this action> public_terminal@sandd.technaidentification accepteddisplaying current connections to scpu111%Torch112%Forcyte114%Matrapolix115%Fuloke-289n&6e-890ms$5#o-threat%trackv-public_terminal@sandd.technae-101-5-5&-!%^%$@&!#> signalOf o-threat%trackOOC: LL, I'll let you continue as the scpu. My plan is to find out the broadcast signal of the tracking program being sent to Amnchey's computer, and then use that info to try and find out who sent the virus before the program. If that is successful, Awk, will find out that Amnchey's on the side of the hackers, and realize that this need to be kept secret, he will then try to redirect the track program to some other random computer.... or whatever. XPEdit: Would also like to note that I'm not currently inside the scpu so no passwords were required at the moment. And, the identity of the s and d public terminal worked cause normally only Toa Techna and other high clearence people would be using it.

  13. OOC: @LL: Nice job! A lot better than anything I would have come up with.IC / Awk / S&D / With Torch, Forcyte, Matra, and Foluk:As Awk watched the video of Takadox's interrogation with the others, he received the incoming message from Enaltai, and he promptly deleted it and all associated info. So Æon's gone and got herself captured eh. Good riddance if you ask me, hackers are supposed to be stealthy, not blatantly attacking everything in sight.He then proceeded to do some searches to see if he could find anything on this, attempted attack on the SCPU that Torch had mentioned. This time using his power over data to manipulate his internal computer rather than his fingers, so as not to give away anything that might be crucial to the Toa Techna.

  14. OOC: Would just like to point out that Torch could not have "looked hard at Shyyrn". :PIC / Awk / S&D / With Torch, Forcyte, Matra, and Fullock / Discussing Takadox:Awk listened intently as the Toa Techna informed each other of the Barraki situation. After Forcyte spit out the file on Takadox, he decided to do a little research of his own. His fingers spun in the air in front of him as he entered commands into his computer.%awk_ic% -> ssh public_terminal@sandd.technapassword:connecting...now logged in as public_terminallast login at 42:05:67 from 1.000.1007.3218%awk_ic%>>public_terminal@sandd.techna -> egrep "takadox|bomb"+audioRelevance < `ls -recur | egrep "takadox|bomb"+audioRelevance`Current_CKC_Projects.infoBarraki.infoDataBomb.infoTakadox.infoWhen his search was finished, Awk secretly made copies of the returned files and using his power over data stored them in his secret secure data bank.The Toa Techna having paused in there conversation when Awk's fingers seemed to disappear because of how fast he was typing, looked at him intently."I have found some files pertaining to the situation here in S&D's main system." He said the the expectant Toa. He then projected the contents of the files in a hologram from his eyes for them to see.OOC: Idk what's inside them, just felt like using Awks computer skills.

  15. OOC: Man this rp moves fast, every time I read a post, there are three new ones.IC / Awk / S&D / With Forcyte and Matra:Awk had obediently followed behind Forcyte, looking over the results of his scans as he went. He was now waiting paitiently with him and another Toa Techna, Matrapolix he thought his name was.

  16. IC / Awk / CKC / Wandering the halls air-typing into his computer:%awk_ic% -> ssh awk@ckc.technapassword: ************connecting...now logged in as awklast login at 00:67:53 from 1.000.1007.3218%awk_ic%>>awk@ckc.techna -> lsREADME.txtawk.mclfind.mclawkMod.mclprunScan.mclpsave.mclplibrary/programs/settings/sFolders/virusLogs/%awk_ic%>>awk@ckc.techna -> ./runScan.mclp -vsainitializing scan...setting search criteria...scanning...^D>>./virusLogs/runScanResults.txttask backgrounded, results will be appended to ./virusLogs/runScanResults.txtAwk typed away at the air in front of him as he walked down a long corridor of the CKC, his internal computer responding to his every fingerstroke. His simple daily routines of scanning local files and folders wouldn't take long, and then he could get on to the interesting stuff. His current project was a firewall program to be placed around high security files. The program would protect them from all but the most stealthiest attacks, it would also however, make a copy of all interactions with the protected files and silently send them directly to a secure databank belonging to Awk.Awk continued down the corridor waiting for his scans to finish.OOC: No one's near the CKC are they?

  17. Name: AwkGender: MaleSpecies: Toa of DataAppearance: Black under armour, Grey over armour. His mask is all translucent white, and looks sort of like a Kakama, but with a visor instead of two eyeholes.Kanohi: Kanohi Methodus, the Mask of AlgorithmsPowers: Elemental power of data, Power of the Mask of Algorithms( increases the ease in which he can find the solutions to problems, can analyze a set of algorithms for the same solution and determine which ones are most efficient).Weapons: His fingers.Implants: A brain implant which allows him to constantly see an internal computer "screen" as well as what his eyes can see, allowing him to multitask while still being fully aware of whats going on on his internal computer, this internal computer can also pick up on his finger movements allowing him to control it by typing in the air, swiping in certain motions, etc. An implant which allows his fingers to move at extremely high speeds, and increases their dexterity. His computer also has a built in wireless device that can connect to any nearby system uplink.Personality: Quiet, he keeps to himself and his computer most of the time.Alignment: Hackers - Though this is an extremely hidden secret as most of his actions seem to be pro Techna, Helping to stop certain viruses to keep up appearances.Bio:Transferred onto the ship from Spherus Magna about halfway through its Journey. He boarded the ship with the belief that the Technan's were wrong to take Mata Nui away from Spherus Magna, and that he had to turn the ship around to return the Mask of Life to where it belonged. He is a Master Programmer can find his way through a computer with ease. These skills helped him gain ranks within Techna, and got him a high profile job in the CKC. His main jobs are creating firewall programs and tracking down viruses in the system. Although at the same time, he is also using his skill to get important info from the system.
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