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Toa Kovolta

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Posts posted by Toa Kovolta

  1. Congrats to those who've made it through!And thanks to all those who voted for AoH. It was mainly just an experiment to see how a tournament rpg would be accepted, so I'm not upset it lost. Besides, there are so many good entry's going through! Can't wait to play Techna when if it makes it through.Expect to see the return of TiaM in three months!

  2. I know I said, I was going to do some reviews a few days ago, but I never got around to it, so here they are now (just gonna do some small ones):Review of "Island of Pain" by TPTII have to say I really like the names you've come up with, "Shepherds of Flesh", "Yawning Sunder", and all the other location names, are all great!The concept of the rpg is also very cool! A game of hunt or be hunted.You also do a very good job of describing the locations, and I especially love the character bios.All in all it's a great rpg, and I can't really find anything to disagree with.Review of "Knives in the Dark" by Lord DarkonAnother one where Makuta won, interesting. I have to say, I've never been a fan of rpg's that occur throughout the whole MU, It just seems like too vast an area. However your descriptions of the factions and locations are great and detailed, and I like that!Review of "Epoch of Despair" by EWI really like the first bit. Very well written. Actually, the whole thing is wonderfully written! Map looks good, though it reminds me a lot of Voya Nui. Locations are nicely described. And the story premise is very good!All in all It looks like a great rpg! However, you must tell me who this "Vacant" is, I've never heard of this member :P .

  3. Review of "Techna" by LegoloverFirst off, really love the theme! I'm a computer science guy, so a technological theme with coding and the like really hooks me in.Also, interesting choice of font, the monotype really emphasizes the theme.Intro:Hackers, viruses, sacrifices, a Toa of Plasma named Torch, brain implants... Sounds Great!History:A post storyline story, don't see many of those. I really like the rapid advancement in technology such as the S-toran. Ghost Program... intriguing.Techna:Looks good! though I would really love to see a map sometime soon.Just one thing here, When describing the Computer Knowlegde Centre (CKC) you use the term lower-left, not generally a term used when describing locations. Try southwest perhaps?Character creation:I really like how you integrate this into the story!One question though: if say I get bored of my body every two weeks or so, can I change it? Should work should it not. :PAbout the mask of time perception: I fail to see how this is any different than the mask of time itself... Time is only determined by our perception of it, thus time is perception. If I slow down my perception of time, am I not then slowing down time around me? Unless of course, all material objects such as our muscles still move at the same speed they normally would in which case, I fail to see the usefulness of such a mask.All in all looks like a great rpg, and I would definitely play it if it won!Review of "Bionicle: Mystery Voyage 2001" by ZorkelIntro:Nice way of incorporating it into the story.Districts:I like the use of greek letters(and how they somewhat correspond to their district, such as gamma - I assume because of gamma radiation?) and the various levels of clearance. The city seems well sectioned and I like how it's shaped in an octagon.Casinos:Do these play an important role in the game? If so, what?Citizens:Looks good.Factions:I find the name Big Brother very interesting.I like the mystery around this "Third Movement", although if players allowed to be part of this faction it would be kind of strange not knowing what their goal is...Forms and rules:Standard.Story Arcs:You don't often see this section in an rp. Gives us a little peek of what to expect in the game!Typos:In the very first paragraph, "by have no purpose", I'm assuming "by" should be "but".And there are several 21's in the mysteries section that should be 2001's.All in all, it looks good, though the setting has a high semblance to Techna imo. Big spaceship with a city in it, hacking, etc.

  4. My stuff in red:

    dmirror.jpgPrelude: "Takanuva hovered in space for a long moment. He wondered what would happen in Tuyet's universe with her gone. Would the Toa become protectors again? Would the Matoran take control? Or would some group of the Dark Hunters and Makuta become new dictators?" -Takanuva's thoughts after his departure from the Dark Mirror Universe Current Situation: After Takanuva's departure, and the victory of Pohatu's resistance, things finally seemed to settle down for once.....until.The two remaining Makuta on Metru-Nui: Krika and Teridax, who has reclaimed his Kraakhan before the Toa could get it first. He and Krika, corrupted many supporters of the Toa and began a rebellion. The Makuta summoned their former minions. //could use rewording//->{Most beings who answered the call seeked power, only to worry of they would be taken over again.} Although on the brink of destruction, the Makuta were successful in conquering Metru-Nui. Karzhinni answered tha call by sending his Matoran slaves to Ta Metru for slave labor. Roodaka gave the Makuta highly trained technicians forom Xia. Mainly Skakdi and other various species came to help the Makuta as well. With all these newcomers, the Toa were caught off guard.[insert space]Many Toa were unprepared and killed, such as Pohatu. Many Toa vanished during the Makuta's rise to power.[insert space]This led to two other resistances called Pohatu's Legion and The Peacekeeper Sect. After the emergence of these factions, the Sea Gates mysteriously closed shut. Nothing has been able to open them, despite the actions of the Makutan Caliphate, Peacekeeper Sect, and Pohatu's Legion. Threse disricts were made despite the control of many faction, only being held together by strands of Matoran.//Very interesting. Great idea of continuing this story to see where it would go. Takanuva really did leave it in quite a mess didn't he.// Locations:districts.jpgMetru-Nui was converted into four whole districts. The Coliseum has its own district. E and each Metru has its private defence force.District 1: District 1 is made up of the Ta and Ga Metrus. They are the basis ofor manafacturing and learning. Most of the Ta-Matoran go to Ga-Metru, to learn how to craft, rather than their original home. Both Metrus live mostly in harmony, although they are plagued by gangs. Ga-Matorans instruct the Ta-Matoran on a daily basis. The Great Furnace was reconstructed into a massive manafacturing line,[insert space]dubbed the Construis//love the name//, creating thousands of Rakhshi shells(Artificial Rahkshi) and Exo-Vahki components. The Great Temple was reformed into a sprawling learning hub that monitored the Constuis' manafacture rate. Currently, the Construis is facing internal problems from an unknown saboteur//nice word choice!//.District 2: District 2 is the Onu and Po Metrus. The Po-Matoran work on making new inventions, like new weapons and technology rather. The Onu-Matoran work on recording the history and gaining new data to further expand their ever growing Archive. Numerous times were punished Matoran were put into slave labor, from this meant dealing with a loose rahi to disarming online exposives in the tunnels. Both Metrus are thriving, although a Onu-Matoran data archive party recently dissapeared int the Sculpture Fields.District 3: District 3 contains the Ko and Le Metrus. Ko-Metru is a hub for ideas and scientific discoveries. The Ko-Matoran work to make new ideologies and theories. They have begaun to research on prosthetics. Le-Metru is a testbed of sorts. From experimenting on biological weapons to new vehicles, Le-Metru is the place for it. The Le-Matoran work on the testing and transport control. Most items are contracted to here. Recently, a large swarm of Phase Dragons were having a skirmish with the LMDF (Le-Metru Defence Force).//What about the Coliseum what is its main purpose in this new Metru-Nui? Very interesting way of redesigning the interworkings of the metrus, I like it.// Factions:betterfactions.jpgMakutan Caliphate: The Makutan Caliphate is one of the various governments in Metru-Nui. Teridax and Krika founded it after their conquering of the most of the island. It is based in the Coliseum. Their goal is to 'free' the island from the 'flawed ones'. Most of their feared power comes from Ta-Metru, which constructs war machines, give the Makutan Caliphate complete power. Teridax and Krika rule with an iron fist and usually slaughter their citizens because they are arfraid of another faction. If their leaders were to die, the most powerful operative will take the Makuta's place. Due to the fact many labor forces are weakening, war machines have been in high demand and the Caliphate is slowly creating them. If there was a strong enough task force to destroy the Construis, the Makuta would be crippled.Pohatu's Legion: Pohatu's Legion is the second largest government in Metru-Nui. It is mostly based in Ga and Po-Metru. Pohatu's Legion is headed by Turaga Lesovikk. Lesovikk sacrificed his Toa power into sixthree Toa stones, each belonging to a Matoranthree of which have already created new toa: Jurgik Toa of Sonics; Lefric, Toa of Air; and Urhik, Toa of Psionics. His other three stones remaining stones's locations isare unknown. The faction was named after Pohatu's successful rebellion agaist Tuyet. Turaga Lesovikk strives to free the people of Metru-Nui. Pohatu's Legion specifies in infiltration and tactics. They have a master navy force that rivals to the Makutan Caliphate's land force.Peacekeeper Sect: The Peacekeeper Sect is a moderate government in Metru-Nui. It is lead by Darkness. Many former Dark Hunters were absorbed into this faction. //could use rewording//->{The name is just a ploy to convert more people to peacefulness, hence the name.} Most of Le-Metru follow the Peacekeeping Sect only because they're too naive to notice Darkness' real agenda. The main area of interest would be the Moto Hub, which now creates airships that rival Pohatu's Legion's Navy and the Makutan Caliphate's land force.Neutral: Neutral is the scene of fighting between all of the factions. Many people here are contested between their loyalty to the factions, and are otherwise known as Neutrals.//I like how you give each of the factions a different kind of main army. Land for the Makuta, Navy for Pohatu's Legion and Air for the Peacekeeper's Sect. I also like how the factions' areas of control don't have the same borders as the metrus.//---------------------------------------------------------Character Creation: Here is an example:

    Name:Gender:Alignment:Powers/Abilities:Species:Weapons: (No over powered weapons)Appearance: (Be descricptive)Personality:Bio:Weakness: (Absolutely necessary.)

    No Masks of Time, Creation, Life, Dimensional Gates, Shadow, Light, or Emulation. Custom masks need to be approved.Peacekeeper Sect: Any kind of speciesMakutaria: All BoM associated beings (Unless I do not approve)Pohatu's Legion: Any kind of speciesCustom species need to be approved. Rules:1. Follow all BZRPG and BZP rules2. No goddmoding. No exception!3. Warnings will be sent if you disobey the rules. You only get three strikes. On the second strike, your character will lose many items. On the last strike, you will be banned from this RPG4. Have Fun!//Very interesting rp with many possiblities. I really like how it explores a known story that was never really concluded. All the story elements are good, though you might want to work on your spell check and sentence strucure in a few places.//
    Review of "Enemies of Justice" by Toatapio NuvaNice quote at the beginning.Intro:Love the setting! A nice little twist in there, in that Makuta is now sort of the good guy.End of fourth paragraph: "within thr universe" should be "the".Metru Nui:Everything seems to be guarded by Rahkshi, this phrase is a little too repetitive for my liking.Gameplay:Looks good.All in all, this rpg has a very interesting theme. However, it's missing a few things like rules and a character sheet.
  5. Sorry if the format of this seems weird, I'm starting to get a little tired.Review of "Dreamland" by KalThe banner looks very nice!Intro:Very Intriguing! Overview:I really love how this is written. Sets up the rp perfectly!That last line is great!Summary:Seems very redundant. Says everything the Overview did, but in a less cool format.Gameplay:Have to lol at that "Or you can die"!Dreamland:Map looks alright. Might be nice to see some indication of elevation though maybe, just to show how the whole island slopes up towards the volcano.Really love this location! It's not the typical one you would normally see in an rp, and it's so full of mystery!Factions:Goals are clearly laid out. Lots of good choices here.Rules, Game Master:... yeah, what is there to say.Profiles:"it, non" .................................I notice, that the olmak is not on the banned list. Is that because, the teleportation scrambler would make it useless anyways?That's the first time I've seen a Weaknesses section in while, interesting.NPC's:"Swervarian" - ?Do Gerett's teleportation powers work inside the teleportation scrambler?Some very nice characters.Typo's:Beginning of the second paragraph, "laid" should be "lay".There was another one, but I forget what it was.All in all sound like a very good rpg! Very mysterious, you almost make me want to play just so I can find out what secrets it holds!

  6. Posted my entry.I've been waiting for this day to finally roll around! ^_^I decided to take a break from entering TiaM(even though it did have some awesome support), and change it up a bit - I've had this idea in my head for a few years now, but I'm not sure how it will be accepted.Can't wait to see all the awesome entries there will be.

    Sort of darn. I was looking forward to Trapped in a Map. Oh well, maybe next contest.
    Nice to hear! :) But yeah, I will definitely be reentering TiaM next season!Also, my review of Elementum Nui II is finished.
  7. Review of "Elementum-Nui II - The Shadow Wars" by LevaciousFirst off, having not read or played the first one, this is all new to me. The following are my first impressions.History:That's a lot of history for an RPG. It's also a little confusing for someone who is reading it for the first time.I know you like your details, but is it really all necessary for what is actually covered in the game? Do we really need to know that there was some hero that died long ago? Will it really impact how we play the RPG I'm all for detailed descriptions and histories of made up worlds to accompany novels and such. However it just seems a bit much for an RPG description. In my mind all we really need to know is maybe the last era and important parts of parts of the other ones, like the power sources and other things that are important in current day.I appreciate how much effort you must have put into laying it all out, but I think it would work better maybe as a "for your general interest" sort of thing.Also, at the very end, "anybodies" should be "anybody's".Rules:All pretty regulatory. However, I think a lot of the stuff after the numbered rules need not be included, as most of it can be grouped under what is called using common sense. I know a lot of people don't know how to use common sense properly in an rp, but lets face it, any rp is going to have those problems anyway.Also the rules on characters would probably fare better to be put with the character sheet and stuff.Plague:The second quote is missing a quotation mark.Looks good! I really like the various classes of plagued beings you made. I also got a chuckle out of the oxymoron in the Babbler's description: "they retain intelligence, but are completely insane".World:That's a lot of locations, but I guess it is a large island. Descriptions look good. Definitely provides a lot of interesting places to rp.Map looks alright, easy enough to read. Though it would be nice to have some references for the tunnel map, and what do all the numbers mean?Allegiences:Second paragraph of Lunctus Castrum: "within his palace in the cities center" should be "city's". And on the second last line "Skakdi" appears twice.Who are these wanderers you are referring to in the Templum Tutera section?They all look good. Lots of variety, I like that.Character Sheet:Character sheet is pretty regulatory, though i think that's the first time I've seen a word minimum on the bio (not saying it's bad, just interesting).Equipment looks great. There's some very interesting stuff in there.All in all, looks like a very good story that would be fun to play as an rpg. It's just a lot to read for an rpg description.Good luck in the contest! :)

  8. Its not like I've never been beaten before. Early Days got knocked out in the semi-finals despite already having a player-base. It got just got edged out by Trapped in a Map I think

    Would just like to point out that in the above case, Early Days beat out TiaM, and tied for third with the Fall of Four and One, which is probably what you meant.

    Also, am I the person with the least amount of posts to every enter a RPG contest? I ave 470, including this post.

    Definitely not. Take a look at my post count, I'm not that much farther ahead of you, and i've been entering for a few years yet.
  9. Arena of Honor- Toa Kovolta:Banner: Hmmm.. better than mine... :P . I like the sport Akolihni, very challenging(Well, atleast to my low standards.) The map describing the locations is what attracts my attention the most. The slums remind me of the Lower Levels of Taris, so that I can relate too. Overall, I think it is a very good contender(Better than mine :P).

    Thanks. I'll try to get a review of Dark mirror in soon.

    My rating for Arena of Honor - (8 Stars)8 Points for Originality (While the idea of a tournament was not new, you created your own sport based off of the preexisting ones and made your own set up for it and guidelines, which I appreciate. As such, you did extremely well here.)5 Points for Bionicle Feeling (It has all of the traits of Bionicle, and allows you to be Bionicle races and no non-Bionicleness)8 Points for Attention to Detail (Your locations aren't detailed completely, but they are presented and I have a good idea about how they look. You don't contradict yourself.)Final Note: My only complaint is that it seems to have no plot other than that tournaments.

    Thanks. About the plot, I was going for more of a sandboxy feel. True the tournament is the reason for the characters being in the city, and a lot of the story will centre around, but there could be so much more going on in the rest of the city, so many stories to explore. For example, the rigging of races and other sports mentioned in Sven's bio.Okay, made some changes to my entry. Added some more description to the locations, changed up the Tournament committee section to make it less confusing, and added some fields to the team form at the suggestion of Kal. I also realized that one team might have an advantage over another depending on the species of their goal-keeper, so I made a little change to the area of play section. Don't want a team to just put a Krekka as their goal-keeper and simply have them hover in front of the goal and cover it up completely.Now then, onto trying to read Elementum Nui 2...
  10. Legend:Black: LevaciusPurple: KalGreen: MeFirst off, love the banner. If it's computer made, don't tell me - it's better off with me thinking it's some form of cool looking water color effect.Ok, first off, I am impressed by the banner. Very nice. Did you do that yourself?Thanks, it's just a little something I quickly whipped up in -close your ears Levacius- photoshop. Yeah I made it myself.The Comic Sans? Not so much. Arial, Times New Roman, Georgia, Tahoma, that two word one - Palintio Lynotype or something like that, too lazy to spell it right - those are the only ones I can take seriously. But I can get through this.Comic Sans, would not have been my first choice either, but I wanted to go with something that looked a little more handwritten for the letter, and Comic Sans is the closest we have on here.Secondly, everything is in quote boxes. I find this original and fresh, mostly due to the fact that everything is "quoted" and it actually makes sense for your story.Thanks. That's what I was going for.Now, the story. So you're basically being asked to some sort of tournament of this Akolhinii. You also aren't forced to participate, I like this, it gives characters more freedom, which is always a good thing. This letter didn't really grab me, but maybe that's because I had no idea what Akolhinii was my first time reading through.Yeah, I want the Tournament to be the focus of the RPG, but it can't be the only thing going on. There needs to be time for people to join and teams to form, and there needs to be stuff for people (who don't join until after the tournament starts) to do. So yeah, can't force people into the tournament, and freedom is always good in an RPG.The map is lovely. Though now that we're allowed to talk about gambling on BZP, the Stelt section of the epic I'm writing just about tripled in the number of ways I can write it. The areas aren't detailed as much as I like (I take every little detail and emphasize on it, which is often criticized in my writing of these things, so I guess that's probably a good thing) but they give me the general idea, and my minds eye sees the locations.The map is nicely done while still being basic enough and simple to read. The locations are described by their functions, not how they actually look. What does Certamine Urbem look like? Is it high tech? Does it look like Metru Nui but compacted and built more vertically? The descriptions satisfied me the first time through, but for this review I would like at least a little more detail in the locations.I knew I was missing something here! How could I have forgotten to describe the locations!? I guess maybe it's because I built this one up differently than my other ones. Whereas my others were built up around the locations themselves, I built this one up around the idea of the tournament. Thanks so much for pointing this out, I'll get some more detailed descriptions in there pronto. Akolhinii? So, took two sports and fused the names. Lets see how close it is to the other two.A lot of detail for a game. Of course, the game does appear to be the focus of the RPG.Akolhinii; you do very nicely in describing exactly what it is and how it is played. I enjoyed there being several types of staffs for use. The rules fit perfectly in with the flow.Thanks.Now, what is this committee thing? I don't quite understand that. Are you saying players will be able to fill the open slots?Ah, yes, I didn't spend that much time on this section. I understand how it's a bit confusing. I guess that's what happens when you try to layout an RPG as a part of the story itself, rather than in the regular layout.I was sort of trying to merge this with the RPG staff, but I can see it didn't work that well, i'll try to fix it up.Teams are tiny but functional.The profiles are simplified and feel like they fit in with the RPG. Same thing going for the Team Profiles. Although for those, do the teams get to choose a color (or colors) and a symbol for their team? You know, adding some customization.That's a good Idea!Have rules and a character sheet, everything required. All in all, it's pretty good. Would I vote for it? Probably not, just because I wouldn't personally much want to play a game within a game or a game about a game (Still will never understand Madden.) Would I play if it won? I guess it depends on time. How would I rate it? It's pretty good.Overall, this RPG flows well and appears well thought out. It's a tournament, and what can I say, I love tournaments! Although this one does not have you fighting more so as it has you competing. I'm not sure how I feel about how people might try to play the sport. But what do I know? Just because it's something I have not experienced before does not mean I should disapprove. And what I'm saying there is that to me personally, I don't find the main pull of this RPG (Akolhinii) to be appealing enough for me to vote for it.Yeah, I wasn't sure how the idea of a tournament, especially a tournament for a made up game, would be accepted.That basically concludes my review. I won't be giving star ratings until more RPGs are up (1 Star - 9 Stars, because nothing is 10 Star).Otherwise, this is a great RPG, good luck in the contest!Thanks for the reviews! I'll try to get some of my own up soon.

  11. Posted my entry.I've been waiting for this day to finally roll around! ^_^I decided to take a break from entering TiaM(even though it did have some awesome support), and change it up a bit - I've had this idea in my head for a few years now, but I'm not sure how it will be accepted.Can't wait to see all the awesome entries there will be.

  12. aoh.pngArena of Honour

    Dear Honourable Athlete:It is my privilege to announce that the 1st annual universe wide Akolhinii Tournament will be commencing in less than a month. You, being a very prestigious and well known Akolhinii player, have been invited by myself and the rest of the Tournament Committee to attend and participate in the wonderful event.A copy of the text, “Akolhinii: Rules and Regulations”, has been included with this letter. You are encouraged to read this despite the fact that you are most likely very learned in the sport. Please be aware that these rules are the standard tournament rules and violating them will not be tolerable.The Tournament is being held at the magnificent new arena in the great city of Certamine Urbem (cher-ta-meen-ay ur-bem). A map of the city has also been provided with this letter. Please note the section, “Certamine Urbem: Rules of Conduct”, that has been appended to the Akolhinii rulebook.If you wish to participate in the tournament, please fill out the team registration form attached and return it to the Tournament Committee by Jan 28. If you decide not to take part, please still come and observe the great event. The city of Certamine Urbem is grand and there is much to see and do, it is after all the City of Contests.A Certamine Urbem Personal Passport has also been sent along. Be sure to fill it out and bring it if you plan on attending. All Passports will be verified upon entrance to the city – if there are any problems, you may not be admitted.We hope to see you at the Tournament.Honourably,sven.pngCaptain Sven and the rest of the Tournament Committee

    Map of Certamine Urbemcertamine_urbem.png

    Certamine Urbem is an Island city with technology about that of Metru Nui. It is bustling with people of all species, who get around either on foot, or using small standardized hovercrafts. Being the City of Contests, there is a high competitivenes amongst the inhabitants, always trying to better themselves in whatever it is they do, be it games, sports or business.Central Business District – Where all the politics and such goes down. The Central Nexus is the main office for those in charge of the main affairs of the city. More of an industrial sector than a residential one. It is dotted with sky scrapers containing offices, banks, and other businesses. The Central Business District is made up of mostly sky scrapers filled with offices, the height of these buildings forming a sort of cone centred around the central nexus. It is bustling with people rushing about their business. Despite its crowdedness, it is very clean with shining metal streets and very little pollution.Sporting District – The central hub of sports, races, and other contests. Gambling is illegal in this district. The Arena of Honour is where the Akolhinii Tournament will be held, though it also houses many other sporting facilities. The outskirts of the sector are home to some of the wealthier, higher status residents of the city.There are lots of fields, and community buildings scattered throughout the district that are used for playing anything from stadium sports to sit down games. It is much more peaceful here than in the other districts, aside from shouting and cheering that can be heard at almost every corner. It is also a more open, and you will find yourself a lot less claustrophobic wandering these streets.Slums – Main residential area of the city. Has a very dense population, living conditions are lower class.There are very few actual streets in this district. Only ones that span across it connecting the other districts, every other open space is just simply "somewhere where there isn't a house or shack or pile of junk". "Living quarters" are packed together so tightly and are so small that it's amazing that anyone has room breathe here. You can barley move around in this area without bumping into someone.Casino District – Home to a rougher crowd of people. A lot of gambling, and less legal activity goes on here. The Gambling Pit houses a variety of events for people to bet on.The streets of this district are lined with booths and bootiques with games for people to play, and trinkets for people to buy. Here it is all about the glamour and the widgets in your pocket. Althought it would be a good idea to keep an extra eye on those widgets at all times. There are many streets and alleys that are eternally dark from the shadows of the buildings above, and it is not the best of crowds that like to occupy them.

    Akolhinii: Rules and Regulations

    PrefaceEvolved from the Matoran sports of Akilini and Kolhii, originating from Metru Nui and the Island of Mata Nui respectively, Akolhinii has become ever more prevalent over the last few centuries. And although the two aforementioned sports were principally played by Matoran, the game has spread in popularity throughout many of the known races in the Matoran Universe. I’m sure that the Makuta, were they still around, would be the only ones to express a dislike for the activity.Over the last decade however, there has been an increased surge in participation in the pastime. It is being played more and more in the streets in most cities, regional competitions have become commonplace and are being held across the Universe, and the industry for creating Akolhinii Power Staffs and Lev Boards has multiplied insanely.It is because of this sudden rise in the sport’s recognition that I have decided to compile this text. It is a detailed explanation of how the game is played and the rules to which most current competitions apply.I hope it will be most enlightening, and give you an interest in the sport, if you do not already have one.-Turaga Asimir of Kulen Koro, NCSection I - Area of PlayThe game of Akolhinii is most often played in a cylindrical area of 65 bio in diameter and 65 bio high. There are two goals located at opposite ends of the cylinder about halfway off the ground. These goals are also cylinders, though their size depends on the species of the goal-keeper that is gaurding it. For a matoran, it is 2 bio in diameter, and 2 bio deep.Players, and any extensions of the players, such as their Power Staffs and Lev Boards, are allowed to move anywhere within this area, but may not go above or outside the bounds. The Power Ball also must stay within these bounds.Occasionally, obstacles may also be placed within this area in order to provide more of a challenge. These obstacles can vary in any number of ways. Any floors, walls and obstacles are considered completely part of the game, and using them to manoeuvre around the field is common.Section II - EquipmentThere are three main pieces of equipment used in this sport. The Power Ball, the Power Staff, and the Lev Board.Power Ball:There is only one Power Ball in play at any one time. It is a small rubber ball about 1/3 bio in diameter. (for more info on its purpose in the game, see IV - Playing the Game)Power Staff:Each player has a Power Staff that they use throughout the game. It is very similar to a Kolhii staff in appearance, with a scoop on one end, a handle in the middle and a mallet at the other. The length of the staff is height of its user. There are eight different types of staffs, each with different abilities.Speedy Staff – Gives the ball a burst of speed when released.Bouncy Staff – Makes the ball have a bigger bounce off of surfaces.Sticky Staff – Makes the ball stick to whatever surface it hits next.Anti-Gravity Staff – Switches the personal gravity of the ball from down to up.Heavy Staff – Makes the ball heavier.Intangible Staff – Allows the ball to pass through field obstacles.Magnetic Staff – Makes the ball attracted to the scoop of a teammate’s staff.Shielding Staff – Temporarily creates a small elliptical force field along the length of the staff, popular among Goal-Keepers.All of the aforementioned powers (aside from the Shielding Staff) affect the ball until it has caught in another player’s scoop. As well, the players have the ability to turn the power of their staff on and off whenever they wish.Lev Board:Powered by parts of levitation disks, Lev Boards are circular devices, about 1/3 bio in diameter. The players strap them to the bottoms of their feet, one on each foot. Based on how they orient their feet, they will rise into the air, lower down, turn around, speed up, slow down, etc., allowing the player to manoeuvre  pretty much anywhere in the area of play.Other pieces of equipment which are occasionally used are obstacles. These can be anything from, large cubes floating randomly in the field, to pillars of protodermis protruding from the ground, to small objects zigzagging around.Section III - Players and TeamsAn Akolhinii team is made up of three players, one Goal-Keeper, who is mainly in charge of guarding the team’s goal from being scored on, and two forwards, who are mainly in charge of trying to score on the opposing team’s goal. The Goal-Keeper usually does not stray far from the goal, though this is not a rule, and there have been times when they can be seen out in the main area of play with the rest of their team.Each player is equipped with one Power Staff and two Lev Boards. What kind of Power Staff is completely up to the player. As well each player is assigned a “Jersey” number, a number between one and ten which is used to easily identify them during play. No two players on the same team can have the same number.Section IV - Playing the GameThe object of the game is to be the first of two teams to score five points. A point is scored when the Power Ball goes into the opposing team’s goal.It is the main job of the two forwards on a team to manoeuvre the Power Ball around the field, using their Power Staffs and any parts of their bodies, though not allowed to physically hold the ball in their hands, keeping it out of the clutches of the opposing team’s forwards, and shooting it past the opposing Goal-Keeper into the goal.At the start of the game, and after any points are scored, the four forwards face off at the center of the field, where a new Power Ball will then appear, and battle for possession of the Power Ball.Section V - Tournament PlayTournaments have become very common as of late, and they take place in many ways, shapes and forms. There are three popular setups for these tournaments, depending mostly on how many teams are participating: Round Robin, Double Knockout, and Single Knockout.Round Robin is usually only used when there are very few teams participating. In this setup, each team plays one game with every other team, and the team with the highest number of wins is the winner of the tournament.Double Knockout is used when there is an average number of teams competing. Teams are matched against each other in stages. Winners play against winners, and losers play against losers. If a team loses two games however, they are eliminated from the tournament.Single Knockout is for when there are lots of participants. Once again teams are matched up against each other in stages. However, if a team loses any one game, they are eliminated from the tournament.The winner of each game in the tournament is decided by a secret formula involving the “Jersey” Numbers of all the players on both teams, as well as other factors.Section VI - Do’s and Don’t’s During PlayAllowed:- Using any part of your body or Power Staff to physically move the ball.Not Allowed:- Holding the Power Ball in your hands.- Using any elemental powers or mask powers or any other special powers to assist you.- Purposefully damaging another player.- Tampering with the Equipment.- Any other form of cheating, that would give you an advantage over the opponent.Section VII - Etiquette On and Off the FieldRespect all other players. Do not taunt them or try to harm them, physically or mentally.Do not throw a fit if you lose, do not brag about winning. It is customary to shake hands with the opponents at the end of the game and congratulate the winner, or tell the loser they played a good game.Appendix A - Certamine Urbem: Rules of ConductThe following rules and laws are to be obeyed at all times whilst in the city:- BZP standard rules and guidelines.- Respect the Tournament Committee and the other players.- Use IC (In character) and OOC (Out of character) when posting in the game topic.---> A good habit for when using IC, would be to also state the character’s name, where they are, what they are doing, and other character that may be nearby.---> ie. IC / Sven / Tournament Committee Chambers / Meeting with the rest of the Committee:- When fighting other players be reasonable and take a hit once in a while.- Do not GodMod- Do not kill other players.- Be reasonable when creating characters and in your IC posts.---> ie. No giving yourself super powerful Kanohi.---> ie. Don’t say your in one place and then a second later your at the other end of the city.---> ie. Don’t all of a sudden kill twenty NPC’s.---> ie. etc.- Have fun! (Failure to comply with this rule is punishable by immediate deportation! :P )Failure to comply with any of the above may result in the following actions:1. A warning.2. An injury or loss of a equipment or something. For example, expulsion from tournament.3. One character dies.4. All characters die, and player is deported(banned) for a week.5. Permanent deportation.Appendix B - About the Tournament CommitteeCaptain Sven is head of Tournament committee.

    Name: SvenGender: MaleSpecies: Toa of AirHome Village/City/Island: Certamine UrbemReason for Being in the City: Home/Member of the Certamine Gaurd/On the Tournament CommitteePersonal Belongings: Great Mask of Translation, Aero SlicersPowers: Elemental Power of AirAppearance: Green and grey armour, with a light brown Kanohi. He is much shorter than the average Toa.Bio: Sven has lived in Certamine Urbem his whole life, first as a Matoran, then as a Toa. As a Matoran, he enjoyed participating in the various contests held across the city, especially the races. During one of the races, there had been an attempt to try and fix it. As a result, the racing crafts had been tampered with and there was a huge collision. A Toa he was racing against who was his friend, was badly hurt. This Toa, knowing he wasn’t going to last long, transferred his Toa energy into Sven.Afterwards, Sven joined the Certamine Guard, the keepers of the Certamine Law, In order to do his part to stop such things from happening again.

    Also part of the committee are:Orino - head of communicationAdere - head of equipment and facilitiesCralan - head of regulationsAppendix C - OtherEach player is only allowed four characters in the city.Teams can be made up entirely of one player’s characters, or up to three players can each join together one or two of their characters to make a team.

    Certamine Urbem Personal PassportName: [bionicle sounding]Gender: [male / female]Species: [(mostly) any species is acceptable (including your own) within reason. if you are a toa or matoran or etc. please indicate your element]Home Village/City/Island: [somewhere in the Matoran Universe]Reason for Being in the City: [the Tournament / live here / other]Personal Belongings: [masks of power, tools, other]Powers: [any other powers, again be reasonable]Appearance: [brief description or picture]Bio: [anything of importance of your character’s personality, goals, life, etc.]

    1st Annual Akolhinii Tournament Team Registration FormTeam Name: [be creative, nothing obscene or really stupid]Team Symbol: [a canon rahi, preferably relating in some way to the team name]Team Colours: [one to two, preferably related to to the above]Forward 1

    Name:“Jersey” Number:Staff Type:

    Forward 2

    Name:“Jersey” Number:Staff Type:

    Goal- Keeper

    Name:“Jersey” Number:Staff Type:

    If this RPG wins, I will be looking for one to two people to help manage it as staff.
  13. Wow, this is great!The cape is ingenious, and the head is very intriguing. My only gripe is the proportions. The torso seems a little squat, and the legs seem a little long for the rest of the moc.I'm really quite surprised you were able to build something this intricate using technic parts with LLD.

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