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Everything posted by -Absorba-

  1. Hey, where's the next Greyscale comic?

  2. Ugh...Great. Another guy imitating Dark709's name. I can name 10.

  3. Man, you change your name a lot.

  4. Wow. You're lucky to get that username.

  5. Only two extras today: 6. Toa Vaxx for being a PGS in Absorbed Comics. 7. Archon for being a PGS in Absorbed Comics. If anyone wants to be a PGS in greyscale, feel free, because 3 spots are open.
  6. Your PS is correct.

  7. ...Well, not where I was going for. I didn't get #1, but at least I got #3. That's good right? Oh well. Might as well try again tonight.
  8. -Absorba-


    I have a feeling that my latest topic will become one of the 10 hot topics. That's kinda because the topic recieved about 25 posts in one day, and it's increasing. Plus, number one in the 10 hot topics only had 28 new posts in one day. Whopee. I could have my first topic in the list, and it could be #1.
  9. Listen, I need opinions on comics. Do you think that sub-series in a comic that explains a past of a character is noobish or smart? Can you decide?
  10. Comics coming back again?

  11. Oh, so the comics are returning?

  12. Thank you life. And other people contributing to it. Here's a list of all the contribution: 1. The Koth being a PGS in -greyscale- 2. Vamprah being a PGS in -greyscale- 3. Archon co-authoring in -greyscale- 4. Leskows for being a PGS in Absorbed Comics. 5. Freezo for applying to be a PGS in Absorbed Comics. Thank you everyone.
  13. Welcome to BZpower. Have any questions, then send a personal message (PM) to me.

  14. Hello Kahi.

  15. -Absorba-

    911 Calls

    Last night, two policemen came to our neighborhood, and they asked me and my grandma if we had any video cameras for security outside our house. They were looking for a recording of a white van around. It used to be there during the afternoon, then it left with a kidnapped kid in it. That was awkward at the time, but today, there are tons of firefighters outside our door because there was a bee infestation on our street. These days are becoming horrid for me.
  16. Greyscale is coming out.

  17. Yep. San Marino is right below L.A. It's awesome down here.

  18. I tried to post pictures of my cat and dog (they aren't enemies, they've known each other since they were 6 months old) for a while. Unfortunetely, they wouldn't stay still for a minute. Even when they were sleeping, they woke up and ran away before I could take the picture. However, I finally got pics of them, which are viewable from the bottom-right. Score. I couldn't shrink them, so you're going to have to click the black bar on the top of the pic to see the whole thing.
  19. -Absorba-

    Facts Are Facts

    Based on #94: Thank you.
  20. Well, today was the annual Luau Day, so we basically had a Hawaiian-style day. There was a preformance, a pineapple thing for lunch in the cafeteria, and many other stuff. At around the end of the day, there was a party that occured. However, most of the kids in the school forgot to bring the extra $2 for the admission, and since my grandma wanted me to go there, I was then alone with only about 12 or 13 people. Plus, it was pretty cramped in the lunch room too, because all the round tables for there that was for lunch were never even moved, including the extra tables placed there for the snacks and drinks. I really hope my principal doesn't read this, but that was dumb because of the extra tables. The games were pretty lame too: Camera shots, a raffle, and other kind of stuff like that. HISSSSSSSSS. Why must my life outside of Bzpower be suckish?
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