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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Kylus

  1. Kylus

    Remember Me?

    No? You don't remember Kylus?
  2. There's like a boatload of gangs at school. One kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with the bow staff.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      say bo staff right and I'll understand.


  4. Kylus

    Tron: Legacy

    I saw it yesterday, and I think I know the exact point where you flinched. I did too. But yeah. Daft did a great job and the visuals were awesome as expected. I was not disappointed and actually want to see it again.
  5. Wow. My PM inbox was 167% full. O_O

  6. Napoleon Dynamite, dude. And I've pretty much left BZP, save for looking at some blogs.

  7. Kylus


    Nah. It's kind of sitting there collecting dust. I've been mildly motivated to see what I can do with it, but I've been lacking in the time department lately.
  8. do you dream about farm animals

  9. none of joor beeswax

  10. Kylus

    Calendar Fun!

    Rhyme or reason to this = none
  11. Kylus


    I made a WIP with that Malum claw prototype. Still working on it, and I'm far too lazy at that moment to take pictures. It's basically a white and light blue droid thing. Let's see if I can finish it.
  12. Kylus

    Prototype Piece

    Yaa May I suggest torso armor? Done that before and it looks kinda cool. -Mesonak That was actually what I was planning. It would be too normal to use it as a weapon.
  13. Kylus

    Prototype Piece

    *ahem* I got the light blue Malum claw.
  14. Kylus

    Prototype Piece

    I just got mine in the mail from Black Six (thanks). It's a white-and-light blue blended Malum claw! I sort of want to try to MOC with it and see what I can come up with.
  15. Kylus

    Don't Ask Kylus

    Go ahead, don't ask questions and I won't may answer.
  16. Kylus

    Don't Ask Kylus

    no comment no comment if llamas count, then yeah.
  17. Kylus

    Don't Ask Kylus

    no comment time    [tahym] noun, adjective, verb, timed, tim·ing. –noun 1. the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another. that was a question. no comment
  18. So I'm sitting at my computer finger drumming to Infinity Guitars by Sleigh Bells and my tv is on in the background and then a loud commercial comes on with a completely different tune with a completely different sound and my then i stop drumming after realizing how the loud music coming out of my tv is nothing like the Sleigh Bells (who btw are awesome) me:
  19. Kylus

    Don't Ask Kylus

    whyy sumiki whyyy but anyways Will you return as a MOCist ;_; Slim chance of that occurring, unfortunately.
  20. Kylus

    My Premiership

    Actually, it goes out towards the end of the month. Lucky me. I mixed it up with my join date.
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