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Everything posted by Krayzikk

  1. IC: Ferron (Ferron's Forge) "Here's to a long and healthy career instead, then" Ferron said. He finished Tarnok's last strap for him, and then stepped back. "Should you return alive, and I hope you will, give me back that armor again, and I'll finish it properly for you." IC: "I appreciate it, Ferron. Remind me when I get back, and I'll bring something new by to show you." The Onu-Matoran went through a few habitual motions, verifying that his gear was where he expected it to be, before casting his glance toward the Turaga. "I was issued an Exo-Matoran, I haven't gotten around to testing it. Something to look forward to."
  2. IC: "Sometimes I wonder if we have." The Akiri of Fire poured a glass of water from a pitcher nearby, sipping it in silence while he set the container back down. Regarding the glass more than anyone in the room, he continued after a moment. "This was supposed to be the peace. We won, but somehow it feels like we're further from a peace than before." "We'll endure, we always do. We always will, as long as I have breath left. But the cost just keeps getting higher."
  3. IC: .:I believe it is supposed to be some sort of slang or irreverent term for someone of high standing or influence.:. Sinshi explained as best she could, otherwise remaining quiet so the Commodore's question could be answered. She didn't understand much of the intricacies regarding the situation in this 'Ko-Koro', but the Commodore seemed more informed. Perhaps she would learn by listening, so she seconded Ayiwah's question with an unspoken query in her eyes. She sipped her coffee as she did, but she expected the expression was still understandable. .:What is the situation with this 'Ko-Wahi'?:.
  4. IC: "Engineers that aren't familiar with me shouldn't be over here in the first place." Ben grumbled, nevertheless rummaging around and producing a 'Caution: Live Current' sign and setting it down on his workbench. "It's not like anyone else has ever gotten hurt."
  5. IC: So he had learned nothing. Falling into the trough was unexpected, splashing into knee-deep water and stumbling slightly. The javelins missed, too, to Eisen’s mild but growing irritation; they flew over his opponent’s head harmlessly. Though he was burning through elemental energy at an exorbitant rate his opponent remained unscathed. This was not acceptable. The gathered Legacy were here for Eisen to make a point, a statement about the fallibility of the Maru. He was well aware that the other members of the Legacy were ready to step in, and some already doubted Nightfall’s superiority. That could not be permitted to continue. As soon as he regained his footing he could recognize what his surroundings for what they were; a makeshift oven. Oreius intended for him to be trapped, easy to roast alive. But he had addressed this problem once before, and he could do it again. He triggered his Crast a moment before the flames enveloped the trough, pushing off to carry him up and forward. It was much the same as he had done before, with a similar aim… But one notable difference. While the flames flooded into the trough’s confines he slipped his shield off of his arm and slipped it underneath his feet once his legs were tucked towards his chest. The firestorm obscured both Oreius’ vision and his primitive infrared, giving the Fe-Toa the few seconds he needed to finish his preparations. Javelins, intended to skewer his opponent, drew close and melded themselves to the downward-pointing face of his shield. A shield pointed at the Ta-Toa with a small elemental nudge and repelled. The shield rocketed down into the trough, and most importantly, down towards Oreius. The spiked slab of metal shot down from above before his foe could determine if he had evaded the flames with Eisen atop it. More than likely the Maru would be skewered beneath it, wedged between its spikes and the ice below. Even if he evaded Eisen had brought himself into melee range. The swordsman was done playing. It was time to wrap up this bout.
  6. IC: "I didn't say it wasn't, XO. Not everything is an argument." IC: "Aye, I rather guessed that." The comment carried the first real traces, however small, of levity in the Novatrooper's tone. Rebekah fiddled with her earpiece a little, making sure it would stay attached, and reclined further; she half closed her eyes, mostly paying attention to her ears. The sounds of the match, its chaos and applause, mixed with the faint sounds on the other end of the commline. She had no intention of sleeping, but the... Almost relaxing moments were nice. "You can admit to enjoying the spectacle. Such things weren't uncommon in Army training, or in the Corps later. Fighting, and watching a fight, is a basic part of nature. In many species. Sports, holivids, games. There's an element in all of it." A pause. "Moreover, you can just plain admit to having interests." "Who am I going to tell?"
  7. Much better. I wish you the best of luck running this one!
  8. While I would normally have some reservations about your experience, seeing Lorax backing you largely alleviates them. Even if he weren't present the quality of this writeup would be a good indicator. I would warn against referencing the BZPRPG rules. Not because of their quality but because they can be a pain to find. Especially when referenced by another game. I highly advise transcribing the relevant ones to your writeup, as not all may apply anyway. Correct that minor issue, and approved x1.
  9. OOC: Mobile post, no text color. IC: "I think, Lauren, the point of them is that your stomach and the rest of you remains intact while you train."
  10. IC: The Umbraline Menti coughed slightly, a sudden intake of air leading to coffee going down the wrong pipe. This didn't exactly help with her attempt at composure, especially when it was followed with a second cough, a deep breath, and a quiet clearing of her throat. "No, no, that was quite literal. I think there was some miscommunication in terms of what Daijuno and I meant."
  11. IC: "I am doing well, ma'am." The Umbraline Menti gave a slight bow, mostly at the neck due to the booth, once she had successfully extricated her arm from around Whitehot. Sinshi had set her own mug down once it was full and held the pot up questioningly. "Coffee, ma'am?"
  12. IC: "They're Inquisitors, they should have their man quick. Doubt they'll stick around long." The Zeltron captain commented lazily, only keeping her eyes half-open. "Shouldn't be much to worry about. They'd have picked up on us already if they were going to pay much attention." IC: "You are very... Enthusiastic." The Novatrooper had her earpiece in, given that her armor was stowed and carefully hidden under the room's bed. She might have been more concerned about her signal being intercepted if she hadn't invested in a model with decent encryption. Even if someone happened to pick up on the right frequency, it'd just be noise. Tech wasn't her specialty but she knew enough to operate halfway decent communications tech. Besides, a helmet wasn't comfortable enough for lounging on a bed to watch shockboxing. "I believe I was correct. You are something of a shockboxing fan."
  13. IC: There was a 'no' halfway to Jaller's mouth before he paused. Letting Dorian take first crack at someone under criminal suspicion was breaking more than a few protocols, and against his better judgement. Tuara was a Guard, at least she used to be, and that made her one of his own. He wanted to help her, not shove her in a cell. Even if she wasn't giving him much choice anymore. Shaddix was good at what he did, but he and Tuara had been an explosive mix before. But after the gate, he couldn't help but consider that maybe she was already beyond his help. "Ten minutes, Shaddix." Jaller said finally, trying to keep the reservations out of his tone. "Ten minutes, and there will be two Guards right outside the door. If they hear anything they don't like, they're coming in and I don't give a what protests you've got about it." "Find something of her left in there, would you? Tossing Drigton in a cell wouldn't be fun."
  14. IC: Liare growled, moments from hampering the Armored Being's pursuit when he heard Costa's order. The Terror Trooper intended to keep him from following had failed miserably, given that it was batted aside with a contemptuous Force push. He watched the enemy combatant disappear with simmering resentment, and an anger at his escape that broke his focus. A feeling like that wasn't like him, and it bothered him that he had slipped into it so easily. So he obeyed the order without complaint, though despite himself it was clear it was the exact opposite of what his instincts told him. He permitted is saber to extinguish, clipping the handle back to his belt and pacing back towards his booth. The Inquisitor grabbed his coat and slipped it back on, using the mundane retrieval as an excuse to center himself. A sip from the flask in his coat helped, though his mood remained... Sour. Accomplishing their objective was a matter to be celebrated, but they wouldn't get the chance. His little vacation from prison was over now that they didn't need to stay on Taris. It was going to be back to the Insight. The thought made him want to growl again. He spotted two very, very conspicuously fleeing people. Given that they were neither involved nor a threat, he didn't care enough to follow them. That was the Troopers' job, if they were going to carry it out that was their problem. The frown on his face only deepened when he heard Raltz, and his tone of voice. Coming down from the adrenaline rush, from the anger that had coursed into his veins too easily, he only had to cast a glance around him for resentment to turn to shame. Most everyone inside would survive, that was true. The Troopers had been using stun rounds. Liare had been very specific about it. But the carnage wreaked, the fear instilled, the time it would take for such a place to feel comfortable again... It wasn't what he wanted. It wasn't what a Force user was supposed to leave in his wake. It made him sick. But surrounded by the people who reveled in it, he couldn't let that show on his face. Instead he turned to Costa stone-faced and quiet, slipping his hands into his pockets. "His accomplice escaped. Sorry, boss."
  15. IC: "No, no, I'm f-" Sinshi began, only to stop abruptly at the sound of the Commodore's voice. She turned her head as far as she could to both see the other Menti and give something approaching a respectful nod, before gesturing to the booth opposite her with the pot-holding-hand. "Not at all, Commodore. Please."
  16. IC: "I believe you are correct, Whitehot." Sinshi commented, sipping her coffee and reaching around her shoulder in a gesture reminiscent of a hug in order to grab the coffee pot to refill her mug. "I seem to recall that as well."
  17. IC: "That's the plan, then." The Toa of Plant Life commented, voice barely carrying on the bitterly cold wind. She slipped a hand into her jacket pocket and pulled out a slim flask, slowly unscrewing the top and taking a long swallow. The liquid inside, which she no doubt would decline to name, burned going down but it helped fight the chill lingering in her spine. "Let's get it done." "If there's nothing else, I have prep to do."
  18. IC: "Thanks." The reply lacked most of Jaller's usual energy. Even his irritation with Dorian for the suddenness of his bluff was lost in what had come over him since. He had been willing to go along with it because it seemed to be the best way to make her stand down. Her refusal to... Spoke volumes, and not volumes he particularly liked. Jaller hadn't been wrong; Tuara had changed. It just went deeper than he thought. "Bring them both to headquarters." He began again after a deep breath, steel backing his voice now. He didn't have time to be Jaller, it was time for him to be an Akiri. "Lock them in separate interrogation rooms. Two Guards stationed at each door. Send a medic to tend to his shoulder, after his Kanohi and any weapons have been confiscated." "If he's innocent, he'll be free to go when we're done. I'm not taking any chances."
  19. IC: Contrary to what some old sports rivals would've liked to say, Jaller was bright and he was quick. The reality was that as soon as Dorian had a grip on him, he wasn't going to break it. The Ta-Matoran had a lot going for him, but the strength to overpower a Toa wasn't one of them. So when he felt the grip on the back of his neck and knew with certainty that he wasn't going to slip away, his hand went to one of the knives tucked somewhere inconspicuous at his waist. His chance wasn't now, not yet, but he'd get one. And he'd be ready for it. A snarl tugged faintly at the corners of his mouth, only a mouthed word keeping his guards from enacting a plan of their own immediately. This would need to be done at his pace, not sooner. Inwardly he cursed himself for- "Just like I did to Vakama." The snarl died on his lips, though he kept the look of anger. It was a cue, a subtle cue. One very few people would know, and all of those people were already present. The irritation present on his face, though he kept a largely composed demeanor, really was genuine. We're going to have words about timing, Shaddix.
  20. IC: "Especially if you get injured. That is more time spent recovering, on top of time spent actually fighting."
  21. IC: "It sounds like Ta it is, then." The De-Toa fell silent for a few moments, simply taking in the sounds of the region. Even Ko-Koro, despite its reputation, wasn't silent. Even in the dead of night the wind whistled softly past the buildings, buildings creaked as they settled, and the fire upstairs crackled. Under its new rule things had changed, just a little; there was the distant, faint even to his ears, sound of chaos. Rowdy drunks, bickering in the streets, here and there the sound of metal on metal. They were all carried with the wind, a cacophony woven within the soothing symphony of nature. Tainting it, like a bad taste left behind in your mouth. But it was always there. In a way it felt like it always was. No matter how many times that discordance was defeated, that peace was restored, it cropped back up in some other form. Krayn had stared down the face of Death behind so many visages before, but it was the same glint in every eye. The same feel of darkness, that cacophony on the wind. He felt tired. Four had seen it before they ever left for Ko-Koro, but he hadn't seen it for himself. The urgency of the situation, the need to act, masked the weariness that settled deep in his chest. It was... Difficult. He knew he wouldn't ever stop trying to do what he could, but it was already so exhausting. So costly. Leaving the Gukko Force hadn't brought him the same peace he hoped it would. He had the same problems, the same struggles, and the same goals. He had removed himself from the people that hated him, surrounded himself with the people that he enjoyed, but he was still in the middle of conflict. Still trying to do the right thing. He was stuck in a cycle, destined to fight, and fight, and fight forever. Rynekk had been right. It was going to be a long time before he had any chance to rest. "I shouldn't be this tired." Krayn commented to no one in particular, looking at the framed badge he pulled out of his pocket. Leaving it in Onu-Koro would have been wiser, but if anyone was checking his pockets... His cover was blown already. Something told him to keep it with him. "Not even out of my two hundreds and I've gotten jaded. Found reasons to avoid more than half villages on the island. Rationalized the weight of my own life twice." "I shouldn't feel so old."
  22. IC: "I don't. If she were anyone else I'd have detained her until I had someone look, but..." Jaller had wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but that clearly had been a mistake. If Tuara wanted to go to ground, an hour was long enough to disappear. "Hurry to the gate, Commander. Tell them not to let her leave, if she hasn't already." "Chances are she has."
  23. IC: "That'd be a nice change of pace." Tarnok commented, a shade more bitterly than normal. "I don't think they ever stopped working against us, Ferron. I don't think they ever do. If they did, I'd be out of a job." "Odds are there's nothing to it, but it could be a trap. Thought it best someone knew where we went."
  24. IC: "Maybe it is." "It isn't live. Anymore. It's a piece from the old power conduit, I haven't grounded it yet. Probably not fatal, just probably really, really unpleasant." The German engineer paused, thinking a moment. "I touched one, once. Took me a few minutes to realize what the tingling feeling in my hand was. It was a perfectly good part, though, so I didn't want to waste it. Went through the process of grounding it." "Touched it a few times to see if it still had ungrounded current in it. Had a few other people touch it, too. Lauren thought I was crazy."
  25. IC: While Reordin's eyes lingered on Skrihen, something hardened behind hers. In a fraction of a second her expression turned studiously blank while he spoke, the mercenary listening while the Maru outlined his objections. She finished her apple in a few more bites and hurled the core over the railing, the throw controlled but with a little more energy behind it than was strictly necessary. The Toa of Plant Life drew her coat tighter still and rubbed her hands together and stretching her fingers to punctuate the frigid air with each violent crack. The mercenary turned away from the conversation to walk towards the prow of the ship, keeping the rest just barely in earshot. A tiny little glowvine, a plant she had not created in quite some time, wrapped itself loosely around her fingers. Cold had sunken deep into her bones, now, after a few hours in the Wahi. Not even her coat could keep her warm, and while the drink in her pocket would help in the short term she'd just feel colder. Such chill in her bones wasn't unfamiliar, but it had been quite some time. Misery used to do it, the aura of unhappiness that had been poison to her Mark. Frigidity like this was from a much warmer day, when shadows brought it into the heart of Le-Wahi. She had felt it when the darkness tried to take her, too. The vine seemed to glow a little brighter before she absorbed it again. It was better to get this job over with.
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