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Everything posted by Krayzikk

  1. God no. I run through enough red ink and red tape keeping him under control now, I would bankrupt every office supply store on the planet trying to keep him tame if he was staff.
  2. Maya and the Dirty Harry are approved.
  3. Looking over Maya and the Dirty Harry tonight. Will double check everything with my co-GMs and render a verdict by tomorrow evening at the latest.
  4. IC: In spite of Costa's best efforts, Liare Sarir just continued to grin. In fact, after her comments, he took the time to blow her an exaggerated, flamboyant kiss coupled with a wink. The con-man-turned-Inquisitor downed the last of his coffee and tossed the cup into a receptacle, casually throwing an arm around his boss' shoulders and squeezing gently. "Sure thing, Costa, but you've gotta blend. You remember how to blend, right?" IC: "Respectfully, I asked what your plan of action would be Ms. Dana. I understand your intentions."
  5. IC: The game had b e g u n. Lance Corporal Ayane did not stay behind cover long; such was not her way. She had a rough idea of what hole her prey had scampered into, and she was not about to give him a chance to strike again. The Ronin's thrusters eased the aging Warrior out from cover, sweeping Ayane's field of vision with its rifle, in time to catch the gaudy yellow and red machine bolting behind another building. She doubted the other pilot had caught a similar glimpse of the Ronin, his field of vision wasn't conducive to it, which afforded her an excellent opportunity. The Boom had moved into cover from the east, so for the second time this week Ayane moved west. Her Warrior's thrusters carried her forward rapidly, circling around the same building from the west to flank the support-oriented Warrior. The sharp, scathing reply of her Naginata shoulder unit announced her arrival; the weapon sent a high-caliber round rocketing towards The Boom's torso at a much, much closer range than Khiêm would enjoy. The Ronin's shield was held close, guarding the body and displaying the oni painted upon it, while its right hand sprayed the other Warrior with rounds from its assault rifle. Not that his bad luck was ending; if he had the time to look closely, he would the heat katana in the left hand of the rapidly closing Warrior. Within her cockpit, Ayane's grin bordered on feral.
  6. IC: "Eventually you're going to loop back around to threatening to space me." Liare added helpfully, sipping his coffee and watching the street in front of him. "That's when I know you're out of material." IC: "I see." The words were non-indicative, a placeholder while she mulled the answer over in her head. Her mission operator had clearly been intending that outcome from the beginning, at least as her primary plan, and she was forced to admit that there was merit in it. She would not be able to flee forever, nor would Dana be able to maintain her cover forever. A ship, however, could effectively sustain itself with minimal supply stops indefinitely. A staging ground, perhaps, to advance their ideals. ... Did she trust Dana's intentions, however? Luring her to the ship under such pretenses would make her capture much, much easier. Even sacrificing the group of Stormtroopers at her apartment would be a bargain in the long run. It would have been an efficient method to earn her trust. Nothing she said would give away her intentions, she was too professional for that, so it came down to whether or not she believed the risk was worth it. Did she trust Dana? "What would your plan of action be, if that were the chosen course?"
  7. IC: "Siri is just trying to do her job."
  8. It was never specified in the opening post, and I don't remember the exact year off the top of my head, but it's the 2080s. Will address matters related to Walker and character when I wake up, it's ridiculously late.
  9. This would be the best solution. Otherwise there's nothing wrong with her. Once she's tweaked and she has a Walker sheet, I'll look her over for approval purposes.
  10. IC: "Lekua," The Le-Matoran heard his name inside the Gukko Force headquarters, uttered by a cloaked Matoran in the hall. The Matoran raised a hand in greeting with a faint smile. "May I have a word?"
  11. IC: "Ms. Drigton," Tuara was greeted by the secretary outside Jaller's office rather warmly, unsurprisingly given Tuara's former membership in the Guard. The Ta-Matoran nodded at the door, indicating past the guards stationed outside it. "Jaller is in, if you wished to speak with him. Nothing is on his schedule for a few hours."
  12. IC: "You're a consummate capitalist, Dai, it's not hard to see."
  13. IC: "I was performing my duties very admirably," Liare protested, trying to keep the grin off his face while his boss expressed her irritation. Casually, with a widening of the barely stifled grin, he leaned and bumped her back. "It's not my fault my recon got up. And Raine spooked everyone in the bar, not me." "This is cruel and unusual punishment." IC: The rogue Novatrooper blinked, the only outward expression of her surprise. Not that her compatriot would be able to see it. "You planned in the hopes I would take over the Regency. Am I incorrect?"
  14. IC: Smoke for a preemptive strike was a double edged sword. Ayane couldn't see The Boom, but its pilot couldn't see her either. Once the first grenade went off, she knew she had to move. The Ronin's thrusters fired, carrying her left and away from her previous spot. None too soon, either; the flashbang, deadened somewhat by the smoke, was still much too bright on the edge of her vision. She wasn't blinded, but she certainly had to blink a few times. The final grenade, which would have done damage, impacted far enough away to do no real damage to the Ronin. Thermobaric weapons did damage primarily from pressure and from heat, both of which she was far enough from. Some of the armor on her legs might have scorched and she certainly felt the pressure while she was maneuvering, but she was largely unharmed. While her opponent was behind the building, she proceeded forward and ducked behind one herself. She had an idea of his location, she just needed to move in cautiously. She could handle him if she could close to at least mid-range, although close would be best.
  15. Shout-out to Wade for doing my job for me. He's right about the game's speed, too, which in this instance is entirely my fault. Some personal matters have kept me away from the game (and honestly the site as a whole) for a little bit which has really gummed up the works. I'm starting to feel a little better, though, so I'm going to be working hard to get back up to speed. Sorry for my absence folks.
  16. IC: "I would not be overly concerned with it." After a few moments of quiet, permitting the thought to process in her mind, the rogue Novatrooper flopped backwards onto the bed. The day had been... Unexpectedly trying. Unexpectedly complex. The addition of her remote ally, her flight from her previous search pattern, the confrontation at her apartment, the encounter with the bounty hunter... Her strategy for the day had merely been to continue attempting to locate travel off of the planet. These complications required much more processing. "I highly doubt that she will locate anything of use. If you locate anything useful for her quest, forward it to her. Otherwise..." A pause, and Rebekah closed her eyes to think. "We should consider our next move."
  17. GM IC: "Permission granted, Oberstabsgefreiter Brightbridge. Proceed at your discretion." IC: Federation Walkers were only a little over a decade old, but in that time there had been more than twenty variations produced on the original frames. The Federation had even created new frames, skeletal structures with the capacity to rearrange themselves into new configurations. New technology was produced every year, alongside new Walkers to field it. But the FAW-007[G] was the workhorse. In service since the Walker Corps had created ground-based units, the very first humanoid war machine to walk on Earth's service. These titles belonged to the Warrior. Even today they served, testing new technologies and stepping onto the battlefield against machines far newer. The earliest aces had sworn by them, even to this day, and the brass agreed. Even so the first production run, the first generation, of Warriors had largely been phased out. They had served their time, but they weren't the perfected machines pilots knew of today. They had been designed before the Federation knew how to build them to last, and required changes to their production. A tolerance issue here, a running tweak to material there, a different manufacturer tapped in for that one part... More simply, they were getting old. They required a little more work to keep running at their best. But their controls fit just right in her hands. Ayane knew how they moved, how the old girl responded, how far she could push her luck before she couldn't take it. The sounds her Walker made. Anyone who was around a machine for so long earned that sort of empathy, that sort of understanding. She'd tell Ayane when something was wrong, when the Japanese pilot was pushing too hard, and when she was hurting. That awareness came from practice, endless practice, with the same machine. For all her faults, the Warrior could still serve. Would still serve as long as Ayane needed. She had served a different pilot before, gone by a different name, but Ayane had known her name the instant she took this same seat seven years ago. Saa, ikuzo... The controls warmed in her hands as the countdown ticked, the quiet hum of computers awakening. It was a soothing sound, one that served to hone the energy pulsing through her frame into a razor-sharp focus. The game was about to begin. She could feel it without looking past the eyelids that covered her gaze, knew the timer had reached zero because she counted along. Her brown eyes opened in time with the sensors coming online, sweeping across her environment to determine her whereabouts. Not far from the coast, by her estimate, on a ruined downtown street. No enemies were in sight, to her eyes or her Warrior's sensors, so she permitted herself one more moment. One more deep breath. Ronin. She eased on the controls, servos growling to life before thrusters roared to carry her down the street. All sensors were at their maximum, Ayane's own eyes included, while she listened to the comm traffic. After a moment, she flicked her own comm to an open channel. "So, who wants to play?"
  18. IC: "I don't think so. I test it all thoroughly. When has anything I made ever backfired?"
  19. I personally like the idea of them going past. Destiny Fulfilled is a good thematic way to end, yeah, but it also would mean that there's nothing past that. The point is moot, because Destiny Fulfilled isn't the last title as far as anyone knows, but it's more fun to still have member titles being discovered as anyone who gets that high keeps climbing. I enjoy the mystery. Plus, being a Turaga doesn't mean you stop; Vakama and company still had a role to play once they became Turaga. Fulfilling your Destiny was just the end of you as a Toa, and not even that since the Nuva stayed Toa even after Mata Nui was awakened. Similarly, it feels like member titles should (and they do) keep going.
  20. Not if you want to have a character involved in a Guard force. If you want one in a position of authority, or if you have specific plans, it's not a bad idea to speak with the Akiri of that particular Koro.
  21. On a very literal level, there's almost twice as many words devoted to the tech than there is to the story blurbs, backstory, and factions combined.
  22. IC: The Menti stared at the Saihoko from across the table, just outside Whitehot's line of sight, subtly radiating the most fearsome aura she could manage without stopping her smile. "I think Dai might have more fun in the Koro's markets."
  23. IC: "I stopped listening halfway through. As the person on guard duty, my sanity needs to be intact."
  24. Nope, we were just waiting on me to actually finish it. I intended to write a more comprehensive description of the setting but I figured that it was better to actually kick it off than delay to finish the description. As such, I will be happy to take any clarifying questions. Out-of-character, rules are pretty simple. Participate with as many (or as few) characters as you want, fight people, see if you can win. The two PCs standing (that are from different players) will win the chance to request a Walker upgrade from the staff. Nothing on the tier that you would get at midseason, but the staff will work with you to come up with something that feels worth the effort. Staff are permitted to participate, and will be, but aren't in the running to steal your upgrades. The tournament will run either until we have two clear victors, or the staff decide it has run long enough. If the former, we will assess who to deem the victors based upon the status of the PCs still in the running.
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