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Everything posted by Krayzikk

  1. IC: "His innocence doesn't matter. I see guilty people, evil people, all the time. Everyone here does. This Matoran will get his investigation, but what worries me is what it means." The Ta-Matoran paused a moment and took a deep breath, visibly reining in his temper. "We haven't found the rest of him yet, no. The three of us only arrived a few minutes before you did." Jaller glanced at a timepiece on his wrist, ordered a while ago from Onu-Koro. "Tuara came by my office a little over half an hour ago, said she was looking for work. She was acting odd, and I had reservations anyway. But I said I'd find her something. She asked if I felt safe, and when I pressed her on it she covered by saying Ko had everyone uncomfortable." "When I gave my appraisal of Ta-Koro's chances, I told her pessimism didn't suit her. She said that I should have someone check on a Guard behind the old forge, and all but ran from the room."
  2. IC: "Um, yes." Ayane answered after a moment, brow furrowing slightly. The hesitation was the first real break in her professionalism, but engineering really wasn't her forte. She could understand the concepts, but their applications... Really weren't her strong suit. "I believe so, yes. Something mostly automated. But the Sergeant can direct it as needed." "Hey, BFG. You might not wanna touch that without something to ground you."
  3. There hasn't been any major timeskips to the game since the Legacy took over, so you should be fine picking up where you left off if you and Gear want. A year is hardly the longest span of time someone has waited for a post (if we count the last couple attempts at a quest, far from it). Glad to have you back. I told EW just yesterday that I'm always happy to see returning faces, and it's true for everyone. Welcome back.
  4. IC: "Better than I hoped." Tarnok took a few moments to give his armor a once-over, examining the spots he knew there used to be damage, and nodded in satisfaction. The Turaga wasn't wrong, it wasn't pretty; there were still traces of soot here and there, some of the patches didn't quite match the patina of the rest if you knew where to look. But it didn't need to be pretty, it just needed to work and it was in better shape than it had been for a while. "Not much, but it's what I have right now." He set his coin purse on the counter, the muffled clink of widgets audible within. "If that doesn't cover it, tell me when I get back. I'll owe you." The Ussalmatoran started attaching his gear to his body again without missing a beat, looking at Ferron while he did. "An unusual Matoran stopped by to talk to Leli and I. Knew some things he shouldn't have, and told us we were needed somewhere near Kini-Nui. Called it the Keeping Place. Might just be a crazy, but better to be prepared. That's the other reason I'm here. Want someone to know where we went if no one hears from us."
  5. IC: "Fighting doesn't accomplish anything, in the long run. And it tends to twist those involved."
  6. IC: "I'll travel somewhere warmer to visit." The former Guardsman gave a faint smile, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning against the wall behind him. He didn't like the cold much more than Skyra. The quiet was nice, Le-Koro used to give him headaches with its parties, but that was all that it really had going for it. Ko-Koro was really appealing because it gave him work to do, goals to strive for. Krayn needed something to keep him occupied for a while. "I think this place is what I need, once we free it. I need to find somewhere that feels like I can stay. Won't find it by going back to where I've been." IC: "I'll break that finger off, Alfon." The Toa of Plant-Life threatened, biting deeper into her apple and tightening her jacket around her. It was too cold; too cold for people to thrive, let alone plants to grow. Not having plants really bothered her. Even in Ta-Koro or the depths of Po-Wahi there were plants, if you knew where to look. Up here some lonely pines grew where they could find soil, but they were farther and farther in between the deeper you went into the Wahi. They just couldn't get roots down far enough to penetrate the ice. Better to get the job over with. "We don't have a choice of where we dock anyway. Unless we want to sail back and walk to Ko-Koro, we're gonna have to deal with the docks. If there's something there, we deal with it. Let's just get in there."
  7. IC: Halfway through pondering his response, the cavalry arrived. None of the three Toa were unwelcome faces for once. Normally Jaller disliked spending time around Dorian Shaddix, for a long list of reasons involving information most of the island didn't have, but in this case... He was needed, no matter how little the Ta-Matoran wanted to admit it. Merror and Agni, particularly the latter, on the other hand were always a welcome site at a crime scene. "What I know, Commander," He began with a nod of greeting at the trio of Toa. "Is that finding anything here is the last thing I wanted. Because Tuara Drigton tipped me off that we might want to look into one of our Guards behind the old smithy, and it was with a great deal of stress. Not in the reporting of a crime." "Which means that the only person that knew about this before us, as far as we know, was her."
  8. Well, the big thing you need to know is that Makuta's old followers took over Ko-Koro and the psychic foreigners are in Ga-Koro. On the note of finding a plot to get involved in, I'll see if I can remember anything in the area. Someone might know of one I don't.
  9. I assume you're aware of the change in Ko's ownership from Matoro to the Legacy? Apologies, I can't remember when people come and go relative to in-game events sometimes.
  10. IC: "No one asked, Alfon." The mercenary gave the other Toa a meaningful look, shined an apple against her jacket, and took a bite.
  11. IC: Son of a . The profanity never got a chance to leave his mouth owing to the attention he had to put into blocking blaster-fire coming his way. His saber moved like an extension of her body, flicking from point to point to deflect the incoming bolts, but the sheer volume made it difficult to concentrate. It didn’t matter that he was quick enough to do it, eventually he’d make a mistake and then he’d be in trouble. Fortunately, the universe decided to cut him some slack. Blaster-fire from the direction of the door, courtesy of one Varis (Liare made a mental note to thank her later), took up some of the armored being’s attention. It was only a split second reprieve, but it was all he really needed. He deflected the last shot, stepped to the side before his window could close, and flicked upwards with the barrel of his pistol. The being’s rifle followed suit, the barrel yanked upwards to direct its shots into the ceiling and it stayed there. Liare doubted they were strong enough to completely counteract the telekinesis, but it didn’t really matter. He wasn’t giving him the chance. The Inquisitor bolted forward, weaving in an unpredictable manner. It might have made it hard to hit him, but it was simple to keep track of him… Until there wasn’t one Liare to keep track of, but three. The Liares’ trajectories interconnected with one another like a shell game on their way across the few meters their foe had retreated, until it was impossible to tell which one was real. Not even a machine could have thanks to the way his little trick worked. The Inquisitors had crossed the gap in a matter of seconds and each took a swing at their foe from a different direction, one vaulting up and over the table to stab at him on his way down, another flanking left with a controlled diagonal strike while the last flanked right with a slash at waist-level to try and exploit the way the carbine had dragged their hands up. “You’re really gonna make me work for this, aren’t you?” The one that flanked right growled, midswing. “Typical. I tried to keep this clean.”
  12. IC: Upon hearing Loren call for Arnai, Jaller began walking into the alley behind the old forge himself. If it was safe enough for the investigator, it was safe enough for him. That wasn't to say that he was careless; the Ta-Matoran's hand rested a blade at his belt, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. "What do we have, Commander?" He asked, glancing about the alley warily. "Tell me that, and I'll start giving you some answers. Cloak and dagger isn't my speed."
  13. IC: "I'm sorry to disturb you. I would have waited until morning under other circumstances." Tarnok gave a slight, apologetic smile and gestured to his companions in turn. "Ferron, this is Major Leli and Uyism. Leli, Uyism, this is Ferron. I know I haven't given you much time, but I need to collect my equipment. Whatever condition it's in will have to do." "I would wait to be more prepared, but something tells me time is of the essence." The Onu-Matoran paused, glancing briefly about the street. He didn't quite feel comfortable explaining more, not outside. "May we come in? I'll elaborate, but I would rather do it inside."
  14. IC: "Ga-Koro isn't for me, I don't think." Krayn mused aloud, cleaning one of his revolvers now that he was relieved from guard duty. "Nice place, but there's a little too much baggage there. Same for Po-Koro. The only places really left are Ko-Koro, Onu-Koro, or Ta-Koro." Left unspoken was why he didn't include Le-Koro. The former Lieutenant didn't have any more intention of returning there than he did to Po-Koro. Less, in fact. He could find many of his friends if he went to Ga, but... He would also find memories of Mark Bearers, and weddings, and people now gone. Not the right place when looking for some piece of mind. "Maybe I'll stay here. The locals will need help rebuilding, and they don't have much of a Guard left. A little volunteer work wouldn't go unappreciated. I hear Ihu-Koro is nice and quiet, too. Not many people pass through. The peace might be nice."
  15. IC: "I didn't say you, Reo. Chill. Do you see anything at the port?"
  16. IC: "Clever pun, White." The Menti's eyes narrowed a little at Daijuno while she sipped her coffee. "But I assure you, it's all true."
  17. IC: "Funny enough, I do trust that you want." The De-Toa remarked, a moment before he heard approaching footsteps. He could recognize the sound, there wasn't any need to look. It sounded different when Kale walked or when Arankhe did. "Everything's been quiet, yes." IC: "I tagged along with the ILF to Ko once." The former Mark Bearer of Joy mused aloud. "Just before everything went to Karzahni, I was dragged off, and you all made a mess of things while I was gone."
  18. IC: "Regardless," Tarnok added a moment later, slowing down in front of a building nearby. He walked over to the door and rapped his knuckles against it, hoping to get the attention of the owner. "We're here later than I thought, Ferron might not be in."
  19. IC: "I'm not going to talk you out of it, am I?" Krayn didn't wait for a response and rose from the chair, gesturing for Four to take it while he downed the last of his old coffee. "You can take over. Not headed upstairs, though, I'll sit here with you. You could use the extra hearing." "If I doze off, I doze off."
  20. IC: "Not really." The strange Matoran gave a faint shrug of his shoulders, turning and starting down a much quieter hallway. "It depends on who I'm speaking with, often. I speak with people in bars strangely often, I find." His little joke done, accompanied by a faint smile, he looked over his shoulder to make sure Lekua was following. "Speaking of, your friend Stannis turned out to be quite important didn't he? Do you mind if I ask how you felt about that?"
  21. IC: "There was not much in the way of filleting. A Kanohi Dragon is many, many times the size of you or I. We might be as long as its snout, if we were to lay down."
  22. IC: "Oh." Sinshi was quiet for a moment, sipping her coffee while she reevaluated. "I saw one once. It flew overhead while I was exploring the Archipelago a little. I could feel the air even a ways below it, and the noises it made shook the ground. Every now and again you would hear of one attacking, and generally there wasn't anything you could do but try and drive it off." "Very, very foolish people would try and get trophies from their nests. They did not return."
  23. IC: "But surely you had them at one time, didn't you?"
  24. IC: "Don't you?" The question was without a trace of levity, and Sinshi looked towards Whitehot with both curiosity and great concern. She patted the Onu-Toa on the back a few times, as though trying to make sure all obstructions had been dislodged, before she gestured to Arisaka with her other hand. "As Daijuno and Arisaka both know, the Kanohi Dragons are why we cannot really venture up Mt. Koshiki." "Sometimes people get brave enough to venture up, but rarely. The dragons usually leave us alone if we leave them alone, but they are truly massive. I do not know of a recorded instance wherein a group of Dasaka fought one and emerged victorious, only instances where they drove one off." "The creatures here must be immense. Perhaps that is why your villages are so fortified?"
  25. IC: "It was a jailbreak. How was that sweet?"
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