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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. I, just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.

    Gotta make you understand!

  2. Hey there! Artemis keepin' you busy? X )

  3. I'm, confused about this one....

  4. I'm, confused about this one.......

  5. Neuro huh. A rather out-of-the-way choice.

  6. Hello there strange one...

  7. Doing good! I'm selling stuff, burning my brain with overdue homework, & bashing my head open trying to teach my band 10 songs in 2 weeks. :D

  8. With like a drill or something?

  9. latr has arrived, & I shall now tank yu!

  10. Thanks dude! Hey do know which Exo-force set they came from? I ask cause I was thinking of using the pieces for a Toa Dume moc.

  11. I also have a Geonosian starfighter & a Clone scout walker. & have the 90's Snowspeeder & the 2000 snowspeeder. I've got Boba Fett's slave I, Droid escape pod, V-wing, Ewok Attack, 90's Naboo fighter, & 90's AT-ST.

  12. Math is pitiful, but we got to do it regardless. DX

  13. I get to be in a temporary rock band at my music store that I take lessons at, & get lessons from the band teacher Brian for free! They want me for a band who just had their leader walk out on them so I'm their emergency leader now. I have a skill there that only a few of the others have which is why they want me.

  14. Oh by the way, I'm going to band practice today & I'll be learning Down with the sickness & Home by 3DG. My carrier is going very well so far considering I got a rock band scholarship at Music Depot. That's were I play on Saturdays.

  15. Wait a minute! That comment wasn't supposed to come out like that.

  16. Hello! I uh, um, hi there! Uh... So, you like Star Wars? Heh... Argh. Sorry about the awkwardness, I'm kinda new here & not exactly... ######, I sound like an cool dude don't I?

  17. Its a really messed up horror-sheep-movie!

  18. I made a quick discount on my items. Just let my know if you have any questions!

  19. Very good! I just finished watching BLACK SHEEP on DVD. It is a total buy! especially because of the blood & mutating in the movie. Hey, I'm about to lower my Bionicle prices so, if you want to, stop by my shop. I'll be putting up Star Wars LEGO Bricks soon too.

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