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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. You have no idea how much good that will do you in the end.

  2. You know, I mean from your own epic car crash?

  3. You know, since you have no age, (ageless your are) I guess I can't wish you a happy birthday huh.

  4. You still there? I just got home.

  5. You think you got it bad? Brutaka stole my ship!

  6. You were right! My mom was rather 0kay about it, but my father blew a fuse! It was amusing watching him .... Anger amuses me.... My hair will grow back so no one has to have any aneurysms about a haircut! XD

  7. You will now be haunted by the keyboard cat.........


  8. You... *insert shoop da whoop joke here*

  9. You're an 18 year old cross between the cookie monster & a lolcat... WHUT?!

  10. You're sure right about not being right.... Wait, I lost myself.

  11. You've got a new Etna every time I see you!

  12. Your personal statement is fail in my warped mind of extreme adrenaline of disturbed images & Lone Wolf mentality. :?

  13. Your right here. And I'm right here..... Ima... AH! I SWALLOWED MA LAZORZ

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