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Milkshakes Toa of Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Milkshakes Toa of Awesome

  1. I am truly sorry i missed your birthday. Happy birthday! (better late than never right?) I no this might sound dumb but that week my laptops hard drive failed on me... And needed to be replaced, and i completely forgot to wish you happy birthday. sry no hard feelings?

  2. Alright ary and thx thats a great plan.. kinda lost my cool... alright thx again i'll talk to you l8tr

  3. Thank you sir, will maybe become my advisor of sorts? thx for the pointer though i owe you one, or two,... or more do i?

  4. Thx for that pm you sir made my day and deserve an apple pie + a cookie. bravo

  5. Nevermind it had " completely no topic i'm angry no i have bad grammar argh.....

  6. Dude com on over to my page and check my new awesome series of posts called random stuff!

  7. I'm just chillin not killin enjoying my three weekend though ahahahha nice rappin bohrok, i never thought of bohrok that way awesome imagination with that pic! =D HAPPY FACE =D

  8. Your personal pic rocks! you sir deserve a cookie!

  9. Ah i see nice talkin to you and your welcome once again awesome bionicle moc good luck with that contest! =D HAPPY FACE =D

  10. Hey whats up mr. tyler how goes life?

  11. Soon i will be killin.... ahahaha

  12. Soon... Soon i will haz xb360 ahahahaha and call of duty modern warfare 2 yay then i will aquire xbl live membership and halo 3 for online awesomeness now how's ur day goin, oh yea nov. 10 i will has my xbox 360 elite ahahahahahahahh peace

  13. u sir r awesome and deserve a cookie, but since i cannot hand you one over the interwebs go get one where ever you may live. do i know from somehwere? *lost in thought* be back l8tr iz be thinkin


  15. Nothin' much I'm just chillin not killin. nice personal pic!

  16. Yeah, I know... ugh... argh bbalrg blarg honk honk lolz... rvb rulez

  17. I know... I know.... But! Good things come to those who wait!

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