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Makuta of Comedy

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Status Updates posted by Makuta of Comedy

  1. all i need to know is if you want your sprite charecter to be a matoran, toa nuva, makuta, vahki or toa metru

  2. all i need to know is what sprite type you want your sprite to be, toa, matoran, etc

  3. all u need two do is fill out this new form:





    an obsession:

  4. also i would like to know if you would like to be a GS in my comic

  5. also would u liek to GS in my new comic series

  6. and can i put myself in the comedy for this chapter and before i post it i will pm it to you to see how you like it.

  7. and dont listen two dar, im not mad at you

  8. and i had to use one of bzp's personal photos because it wont let me upoad my spinning one

  9. And that is the cause of the end of the world

  10. and what the heck is ur avatar!?!?!?!!


  11. another new chapter is done

  12. apparently not, ive been using it and i havent had to pay a cent

  13. asdfghjkl;qwertyuiopzxcvbnm,./

  14. asdfghjkl;qwertyuiopzxcvbnm

  15. awesome av/personal photo

  16. Awesome break was awesome.

  17. Awesome comic series

  18. awesome i'll check it out

  19. awesome new personal photo

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