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Miriku Nuva

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Blog Comments posted by Miriku Nuva

  1. My first RPG character, Kalihra. ^_^


    Fight Evil (1 point)

    Figure that's the point of the whole RP. >>;


    A Toa (1 point)

    Toa of Water. ^^;


    Was an ordinary Matoran/Toa until Something Happened (2 points, and see below)

    Yikes. Here we go...


    Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or backstory? (i.e., was he something else before?) (4 points) Note: MAJOR upgrades count, but most "normal" upgrades don't.

    Sort of. If Matoran to Toa counts as major.



    A knife, stick, or a Wolverine-esque claw (1 point)

    A sword (3 points)

    Goku-esque staff with a naginata blade...guess you could call it both a stick and a sword.


    Does your Toa have a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 points)

    As mentioned before: Water. ^_^


    Choosing a mask:

    ...Kiril isn't on the list. o.o;;; What do I do?


    Walks (0 Points)

    Or swims. But nothing like hoofin' it, right? xD


    Does the character feel guilty about something from the past? (Not just forgetting to send a family member a Christmas card, but guilt over major events) (1 point)

    Despite the fact that it wasn't really the character's fault? (2 points)

    Does the character have amnesia at any point in the story? (1 point)

    Is the amnesia because of something in the character's past? (1 point)

    Is the character cured of amnesia sometime during the storyline? (1 point)

    Does the character wish that she hadn't been cured? (-1 point)

    Have people close to the character died? (1 point per death. By close I mean something like a good friend, not an aquantence)

    Is the character primarily motivated by revenge for one or more of these deaths? (2 points)

    Wow. Methinks this category hath screwed me over. >>;;;


    Does the character fight/oppose an army of bad guys?

    ...how many points do I lose for this one?


    That's twenty-ish points, so I'm still good. I think. Maybe I'll come back later and do Kirai...or even one of my story characters I'm imagining...hmm...

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