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Toa Spirit

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Everything posted by Toa Spirit

  1. Toa Spirit

    Hero Factory.

    The names are the worst things I heard since .... ever. The limbs are un-articulate. Not a big fan. But the white ones helmet is cool.
  2. I personally dislike the the non-articulated limbs, but hey the rest is cool. especially the white ones helmet. But the names are FAIL.
  3. Hmm, thinking about making an old Matoran into a Voytoran or Mahritoran. Might not though.
  4. I'm using the Arc Kit Ex. Your kit is awesome by the way - the Akaku especially.

  5. Wow I've got zero votes. Make it one. (So many of us are voting for ourselves. ;P )
  6. Toa Spirit

    Artwork Poll

    1 Woo, I've got 2 votes now. Lewathetoa's got like 20
  7. Boxing day .. is a bit meh. You're right.
  8. LAST MINUTE ENTRY! I'm not the greatest MoCer, but here goes ... User Name: Toa Spirit User Pic: Here Now you've got 17 entries. Work voting out now.
  9. Toa Spirit

    I'm In Charge

    How come? And - who's deputy?
  10. I only got two BIONICLES. But they own! Nocturn and Kopaka Mata And then loads of other non-BIONICLE presents, especially games. I got these MarioKart DS, Scribblenauts, Fifa 10 and Brawl.
  11. The 21st was the shortest here . (England)
  12. Toa Spirit


    Last day of school is Christmas Eve? We ended on the 18th.
  13. Plus, an online prize would be better, because if I won, shipping would certainly be a hassle. There's a problem there.
  14. Toa Spirit


    I've got the first five. They own.
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