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Toa Spirit

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Everything posted by Toa Spirit

  1. Toa Spirit

    Fifa 10

    Yeah. I allways play as Nottingham Forest, my local team. They're in the Coca-cola Championship, play a match with them. Go on. You know you want to.
  2. Have you played the 1st game - The Curious Village?
  3. Toa Spirit


    FBI Internet Watch Log, 2/10/10: -Agents have hacked into various BZP accounts to spy on Sumiki. "Kylus" and "Toa Spirit" are leading the investigation. Sumiki's location has been narrowed down to "ur computr, hackin ur softwarez." according to his profile. Calling for reinforcements.
  4. How's my request coming. How long is it away? 2 weeks or so? I understand it is not your major priority and it is hard, but I love your your art and want to see more of it.

  5. There is only one store in England. And it's about 4 hours away.
  6. If they're to wide, just raise them up a little. And the Torso is amazing, and the shoulders are nowhere near on the same level as Nobro, however to me it looks cool.
  7. Toa Spirit

    Ros 10

    I can't wait for this!
  8. Toa Spirit

    Self M O C Plans

    Light Blue. It looks epic in your drawing.
  9. NOT Final. You have an epic epilogue coming soon from me. Trust me from what I've got so far it'll be one of the best.
  10. After seeing the absolutely Awesomesauce drawing you did of me - I was wondering about giving you an art request. How do I?

  11. Oh, yeah I've made a new epic. In my opinion WAY better than Drifting. Check it out.

  12. Oh, yeah I've made a new epic. In my opinion WAY better than Drifting. Check it out.

  13. Number 4. Big time. It's a close tie with 1 but it gets it.
  14. Has nobody noticed the awesomesauce of number 3? Whoever made it did a really good job. So yeah - 3.
  15. Toa Spirit

    New Approval

    Cool. Update mine to this:
  16. Using. Epic drawings - epic Banners.
  17. Toa Spirit


    I didn't like Kiina's emptiness at first, but now I've found a pose which hides this and is pretty epic at the same. The proportions on her aren't the best but she's overall a likable set.
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