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Posts posted by Archon~

  1. I'm glad people are starting to see my point. Also, while I am proposing that they should be categorized as being parts of the same species, I'm also questioning why are there these several stubborn little similarities in name, face/mask, and anatomy (please just aknowledge that not every speciment of every bionicle species looks the same). So basically, I'm asking for opinions, like do you think Axonn was supposed to travel with the Mahri into Mahri Nui in the Terrain Crawler in the original storyline, was he maybe supposed tp be a related species, if not same, and did that get lost in translation somewhere?


    Symbolic reasons bro.


    I always found that power kind of weird though... you can turn into anything you want but you decide to turn into a rusty Matoran or a giant shadow dude? Subtle, Makuta. And what's to stop you from becoming larger even?



    I think Makuta can only shapeshift into something bigger if they're absorbing something else.
    That is correct, however they can store their extra "mass" in a pocket dimension if they chose to adopt a smaller form.

    Here's the quote from BS01 on that:

    These are dimensions to which Makuta shift unused mass when they shapeshift. Each Makuta has their own personal dimension and cannot access the mass of others.

  3. If Hydraxon was named something else would you've ever had this thought? Probably not, because aside from them both being humanoid and partially silver, they don't really look anything alike. At all. Axonn's short and bulky, Hydraxon's taller, thinner and covered in spikes. Hydraxon's face also looks more like a Kiril than anything else, least of all the Rode.


    Honestly, Hydraxon resembles Brutaka more than Axonn.

    I honestly don't realize how you don't see the resemblence. The "nose" part looks similar, so does the mouth, as well as the smooth "bald" top of the mask/helmet. And just how TSO and Ancient are of the same species but one is lean and other bulky, doesn't disprove that they couldn't be the same species.
    • Upvote 1
  4. Okay, so I want to bring up something I know other people have been thinking for years too: why aren't Hydraxon and Axonn in the same species? I mean, their faces look fairly similar, even to the point where I think Hydraxon was meant to be a Mahri version of Axonn, their hands are also relatively big and bulky, and both are distinguished warriors... So my question is, do you think they should have been the same species and if not, why do you think the sets are so similar?


    Note: I'm not sure in this should go into S&T since it discusses both the sets and storyline, so I just decided to put it in the general Forum. :)


    If we do get Vultraz with a crown, there needs to be an epic commercial for it with "Hail to the King" playing in it...and he needs to have become a Toa of Shadow.

    I hate Vultraz. I don't think he deserves a crown. 

    (Which looks like a viking helmet, for the tenth time). 


    Wrong, it's a crown.






    Plus, the good side is more dominant in this case as well.

    Why is that? Wouldn't the fight over control be pretty balanced in this case?

    Makuta are generally viewed to have stronger minds than Toa.
    While this is true, Takutanuva was said to be perfectly balanced between Light and Shadow, and did not show any tendencies which would mark the fusion as being dominated by Teridax. While you could argue he was rather stunned at what had just happened, Teridax is a quick thinker and good at recovering from set backs. There was certainly time aplenty while all the Matoran gathered to go through the door for Teridax to begin dominating the fusion if we view it from this standpoint. Besides, Fusions don't act with two minds: a single, cohesive mind is created within the Fusion. Take Wairuha or Akamai as an example. Or, better, shall we head to BS01?


    In the Matoran Universe, beings of the Matoran or Makuta species can willingly forgo their individuality and combine their bodies and minds. The amount of beings that enter this fusion can be any more than two, but is usually three or six. The Makuta species could have formed fusions, but were not willing to surrender their identities, and never did so.

    The new entity the fusion creates also possesses a new mind, and believes itself to be an individual being.

    While a two-being fusion of Toa and Makuta is unique, these same principles likely apply. "Makanuta" would mostly bebe similar to Takutanuva, a being of perfectly balanced Light and Shadow, the sources of each simply being the difference.
    What you're talking about, with a singular mind and what not usually applies only to naturally created fusions like Matoran Nui, Turaga Nui, Toa Kaita, Makuta nui, etc, and even then there is a dominant figure who's mask is presented on the fusion.

    While the rule seems to apply to fusions created by EPE, it seems that when combining via EPE, or by any force for that matter and not willingly, the components are able to struggle for dominance more than they would regularly. It was seen when Teridax absorbed, Nidhiki, Krekka and Niwahk, in the merging of Takutanuva, and I'm sure Reidak and Vezok struggled over who would have more influence over the Piraka fusion.


    Teridax rose, and attempted to convince Takanuva that his cause was noble. Takanuva was undeceived, and launched himself at Teridax, removing his Kanohi Kraahkan. During the struggle, the pair fell into a pit of Energized Protodermis, fusing them together and creating the powerful entity known as Takutanuva. Removing the Kanohi Kraahkan weakened Teridax, preventing his consciousness from dominating the fusion.

    In this quote from BS01 we clearly see that Teridax was weakened thus unable to take over Takutanuva.

    In the case of Av-Teridax and Kra-Takanuva, I think the being created (or Makanuva or whatever) would have a similar mind and goals as did Takutanuva, except the magnitude of his light based powers and shadow would be reversed.



    Guys I'm pretty sure it's a reboot since Lewa's element is Jungle now. :P

    You have absolutely no way of knowing that other than leaked and possibly fraudulent materials, so I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that and proceed on the assumption that we really can't know anything for sure until we get an official statement from Lego.


    Except that the Mask of Hype is pointy, shiny, and almost certainly Important. That's pretty definite.

    I made an educated guess, I have NO idea what you're talking about.
  8. Guys I'm pretty sure it's a reboot since Lewa's element is Jungle now. :P


    Sooo I wouldn't get my hopes up. 2001-10 is pretty dead, and it's like a fraued knot, no katter how hard you try it wouldn't be the same, or make any sense unless you had a few years to work on the story alone disregarding sets at all.

  9. Probably getting Pohatu way back when and the other Toa Mata.

    I was 7, and I remember it clear as day. I had to get some shots for school (5, yikes), and my dad said he'd get me a Bionicle for each shot I got.

    And that's how I got the Toa Mata and my dad and I started our connection. Honestly thinking about the experience brings tears of joy to my eyes. :')

    • Upvote 3


    We're gonna be like Turaga to the new younger fans.

    can't wait to deceive and mislead the new fans about who we are and where we're from for three years
    "In the time, before time, Hapori Tohu descended from the heavens, carrying us, the fans, onto this beautiful Internet Paradise named BZPower. We discussed and lived in peace, honoring the many rules of Hapori Tohu. However our happiness was not to last, for LEGO canceled Bionicle, unleashing a wave of mediocre toylines.

    Until one day, a prophecy written in the code foretold of our heroes' return, and the ending of the "meh" lines."


    *cue in Vultraz with crown and Gata Nui rolling in through Kini Nui conducting the hype train*


    EDIT: Considering how old the new fans may be 2001 could actually BE a time before time for them. :P

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