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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Blog Comments posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. Look, the main fault with the Vahki was that half of the members acted like they had some sort of Power of the site JUST BECAUSE THEY HAD VAHKI IN THEIR NAME!


    My point is, ideas like this are good, but for them to be affective they must be strong. However, not so strong that they think themselves above the gods.

  2. I think he's afraid we'll turn out like the Vahki. truthfully though, my hand in this whole thing is that i only hope to be able to have an *coughhalfofficialcough* position. Seriously though, when i get premier, i'll help out in my own unique way.



    Please listen BlackSix! if anyone trys' to say they have "Power" over the site becuase of a name, i'll virtually slap them... and kick their buts, and i'm pretty sure MT would too, we both survived that little conflict.

  3. Sorry, but i can't help it when this happens all the time, hence the quote:



    "Does this always happen to you?"


    "Everywhere i go!."


    And if we have a treaty, why are we STILL spying on eachother? eh? my point is, someone is gonna get angry when someone reports sommeone before they do or something stupid like that, so i quit...




    These clubs, i'm pained to say, have some of the same problems real life clubs have, they can't. get. along.





  4. No, you see, everytime i join a club this happens... GOD IT MAKES ME SO F*** MAD!!!



    still, my station still stands, uno mas angry comentitos about us and i am OUT!



    god, can't wait till i get premier, then i can start my own...


    Oh well, until TRRK gets back we have no choice but to abide, for now, i shall terminate patroling and NOT engage in Vahki activities.




    An extremly angry Unit #KTOM out

  5. Ok, this is stupid, if i see one more comment de-moting the Vahki or otherwise insulting us, i'm leaving... course, if they are so fed up with us Vahki, the Order of the Pure is basicly the same...


    I am seriously considering bringing the mods in to break this up...





    Why can't we just try to make this a better place like so many others..?

  6. This unit is not a commander, but Keerahk Unit #KTOM promises to leave you and your friends topic alone. I cannot say the same for other units.


    Long live BZPower, (For this vahki is NOT a firm believer in Hapori Dume, cause Hapori Tohu posted in a friend of mines topic... lol)


    Oh well, kill me, deactivate me, do whatever, just knoow that i don't. Kill me= rouge... same as other choice.

  7. This unit does not fully trust Hapori Dume until substantial proof is found that this is not yet another imposter.


    The Comedies of MarylandTerps shall be left alone by myself, the Epic/SS forums shall be cracked down upon by myself and others, as Spam is important to be Reported there.


    Do not attemp to define me as Rouge, this unit simply does not trust one who simply reapears after four years to command us.

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