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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Blog Comments posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. *smacks* TRY HARDER DARNIT!! :P

    But really its not always easy being a good friend, don't get down on yourself because of it.


    Art is great as usual, glad to see you posting drawings a bit more often


    Just because she says she wasn't a good friend doesn't mean that it's true. It's quite the opposite, really :)


    That. To be perfectly Honest LK, you're one of the best friends i've had in... well, years. And i barely talk to you! Says a lot, no?


    Like me an Rapi said, Friendship ain't based on communication, it's based on Patience, and your willingness to wait for friends. That's why the good friends will always be there, no matter what you, or they, do... it's cause they're friends.


    Cause, to quote Whenua, that's what friends do!



    Oh, and erm... "I CAN'T STOP BREATHING!"

  2. Well, i guess i'll be seeing you Lazzy. I regret that i never really ended up talking to you much, but if it means anything you're one of the sad few RPGers i truly respect for their skills.


    I guess i can't say much else other than Have a good time in College, and you'll always have a place here with us.


    I spose the last thing to say is that you've had a good run... hopefully this won't be the last we hear of you.

  3. You know, i don't think there's much i can add to this, but what i can say is that You're going to be the one to have published books, not him, and that's the complete and utter truth. Stories revolve around plot, not neccesarily a meaning or thought you wish to convey. I'm not going to write a hige story, so that i can teach the people who read it that lying is bad, i'm going to write it for the plot. If i throw in something about lying and the effects it can have, then so be it, but that won't be the reason i wrote the story.


    I suppose it really comes down to preference. For example, half of the books based on the Warcraft Saga have no morals, come to think of it none of them do. The Dragonrealm books i'm reading have no moral, so i suppose it's really what you want to throw in there. To be perfectly honest, there's a reason that there are so many books that don't get into school lessons because they don't teach a moral lesson.


    Also, fencing... havn't done that in a while, might be interesting to one day pit my meager skills against yours, Miss Firesword. Just don't use a literal Firesword, Mkay?

  4. Raptor, that is exactly what so many people have tried to say.


    It's had a good run, and while i'll miss it, Hero Factory has a lot of Set Aspects that are better. There's always a chance too for fanfiction, seeing as Hero Factory Heroes can "Travel through space and time..." Also the black hole staff.


    While HF leaves us with nicer looking sets (Like Corroder IMO), Bionicle still leaves openings for Fan Fiction... as long as we keep MoCing and Writing and making Art, the sets may die but Bionicle Never really will.

  5. Spacy except for, yanno, the dude who. depending on the side, invented the thing. Though Ausar did help with the terms Ar and Moonglow.






    I have no idea. I usually just leave it for a bit, then come back on the spur of the moment kinda thing. Or you can force yourself to write.


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