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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Posts posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. (BTW ak designed the continents in an attempt to have them all appear to be part of the central continent.)I'mma just throw this out there though that i don't think tectonics play as great a role in all of this as, say, naval warships would. But that's just me. I prefer not to think how how something got to be that way or what it could be like or do in the next year, and more on the now. Hence why the Ring of Fire, as far as I care, doesn't even cross my mind except to make fun on 2012 :PBut that's just me, so sue me.I'm one of those guys who will ignore it all either way :P

  2. Dibs on Eleven, Profile Sent.Also i assume that a system will be created on case to case basis as far as trade goes? Considering the removal of standardized trading, but the continued existance of trading as a whole. Considering it's like, the most vital part of my whole Nations existance, i'd hate to see it go.That, and if Rise of Legends/Rise of Nations has taught me anything, it's that he who trades and grows an economy ends up with one of the smallest, (though most elite) armies, and eventually wins the game :P

  3. Hm. Allow me to provide the most glaring plot hole in a certain trilogy, and you should all be able to guess which one, with a single word.Eagles.

    Not a plot hole. A plot hole is something that makes the ending or major revelation of a plot point impossible. Or at least, in my mind. Besides the eagles were friends of Gandalf. They were not stupid enough to fly into mordor, nor was gandalf stupid enough to have asked. While yes, How It Should Have Ended brings up a funny point, it is not a plot hole.

    When I watched Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and the Spanish emerged to

    destroy the Fountain of Youth, I kept wondering why they didn't just break the chalices when they first found them. If their goal was to make sure no one could live forever, they could have broken the chalices and rendered the Fountain useless immediately. They wouldn't have even needed to smash up the area.

    Of course, that plot hole was necessary for the magical ending stuff, but still come on. :(~B~

    It makes sense and is kind of a plot hole, but part of me would like to think (And i havn't watched POTC in a while so i could be totally wrong and not remember) that the original aim was not to render the fountain useless, but to use it for spain. When that became impossible, the only option left was to destroy the entire fountain.
  4. Replies in bold

    Here's my ingenious theory to the villains of Halo 4 that I've been dying to share: Forerunners.For one, look at the concept art. Doesn't that just scream forerunner stuff? And I think I heard something about seeing actual active forerunner technology in the fourth game. It's also stated that Master Chief will face an 'ancient force'. Forerunners, hmm? And at the beginning of this topic I saw something about Huragok getting recalled.While my own bet is placed firmly on the Precursors, it is possible it will be forerunners. After all they were in an ancient war with the humans. However the Forerunners essentially planned that the humans would be their successors, so it's still an unlikely theory. Both are, in fact. As for the Concept art, doesn't everything in the game scream forerunner? It's pretty much been confirmed that at least part of the game is on a forerunner installation, but so was the entire trilogy. And again with the active forerunner tech, have i been misled this whole time into believing that the halos, monitors, and various sentinels either aren't active or aren't forerunner?I dearly hope the 'ancient force' is not the flood. They may be one of the coolest villans of all time, but they've been overused.I sincerely doubt the ancient force will be the flood. While they are ancient, there are many things out there that are more ancient. Cryptum sheds rediculous amounts of light on this.Although it's a shame we won't learn more about the Lekgolo (Hunters). Apparently the Hunter form is only the 'tip of the iceberg'. They also seem to have a cool and undeveloped culture. Reciting poetry and war poems... Hmm.Um... Okay. Part of me feels you're not really into the story as much as the game. That's okay, but i'm confused as to what you mean. Of course the hunter form is only the tip of the iceberg. Yes, their culture hasn't been explained much, but their worms. There's not a whole ton to learn about them, asides how their culture and society work and how they form colonies with a single cohesive mind. I don't know if you noticed, but in halo three, and reach, the Lekgolo are the things running the scarabs. yanno, the orange "power core" that you shoot? That's a Worm Colony.Edit: also, I feel obligated to say the coolest part of Halo is that the sides can be so arbitrary. Master chief allies with both his mortal enemies at least once to stop his other more dangerous moral enemy.I don't see that as the coolest part of Halo. I see that as the mark of a great story. And it's not so much siding with his mortal enemies to fight a moral enemy. It's siding with one's enemies in an attempt to fight back against an enemy so much greater than both of you. Morality had nothing to do with siding with the Elites against the flood and prophets.Besides, every great story has something along those lines. Halo was never meant to be a black and white story. That stopped the moment the Arbiter was introduced.

    And yes, i do mean to be slightly sarcastic. That's mostly just me though. I'm also a massive story nut as far as halo goes, so yeah.
  5. One thing... after episode 5, Tohkann was talking about shortening episodes so he could make them faster. Obviously this one hasn't come out any faster than previous ones (actually slower, I think), so will this episode be short, or regular (if you can really put out a "regular" episode length) duration?

    When on an Internet site and working on Free time, you rarely hit a deadline.Just be Freaking PATIENT.Now, on to the subject at hand, i'm going to assume this is a full length episode, just cause Tohkan's awesome.
    Just stating the facts, man. Sheesh.Good to know this'll probably be full-length.
    Stating facts once or twice yes, but you've been saying the same thing over and over again until it's gotten to the point of whining.and It will probably be full length. Can't garuantee episodes afterwards though.
  6. Why would I want turmoil? There's no good reason for wanting turmoil at all. I'm saying that we should have (probably one) topic devoted to serious issues, and turmoil wouldn't happen with the word filter in place. The only way political discussion could really get intense is without the filter, so I'm saying as long as the filter's in place, political discussion should be allowed.And, Lord Kini Hawkeye, I'm not against optimism so much as forced optimism.

    The way your posts were worded that's what it seemed.As for this so called "forced" optimism, who said it was forced? Just because someone would rather see the good side, and hope for something to get better, doesn't mean they're being forcibly optimistic. I could call youforcibly pessimistic, but what do I know?Don't assume that just because someone refuses to look at something and see everything wrong going on, and not have a bright side or be willing to wait, is forcing themself to. Just like i'm not going to assume you're forcing yourself to be pessimistic. if you even are.As the old saying goes, don't assume because it makes an *** out of u and me.
  7. One thing... after episode 5, Tohkann was talking about shortening episodes so he could make them faster. Obviously this one hasn't come out any faster than previous ones (actually slower, I think), so will this episode be short, or regular (if you can really put out a "regular" episode length) duration?

    When on an Internet site and working on Free time, you rarely hit a deadline.Just be Freaking PATIENT.Now, on to the subject at hand, i'm going to assume this is a full length episode, just cause Tohkan's awesome.
  8. Goals?People have goals for the internet?Lol, just foolin'.personally my goal is to just finish one Epic, RP a bit, maybe host a COT Rpg to stand the test of time or something...other than that... Idunno...I'm losing interest in the site as time goes on. I left it once cause it wasn't the same place i had joined...I might do it again D:

  9. ...Sounds like Zaz WANTS some BZDrama. =/

    Indeed.I'd like to say something on this subject as I was reading through the topic.Mr. Zaz here thinks we're being too optimistic. is there a problem with that? Optimism is far better than the Cynicism which you seem to want present here. I for one, would prefer to think positively while I'm on the internet, and on a site where i can think positively. This site's my getaway, and i'd prefer to not have to ruin it for myself and others in my textbook way with sarcasm, hate, trolling, and various other angry things that i use for my amusement.Does that help the issue any? Cause i really think that after three and a half pages or so, we should be moving on from the issue. This isn't a topic about "Discuss how much you hate the Word Filter" it's "What are you BZP Pet Peeves."Not saying you can't discuss, but do we need to argue about rules which have multiple times been slated to be reviewed in the future? Don't think so.As for my Own Pet Peeve, it's people who can't take a joke when the situation's funny, and people who can't be serious when the situation calls for it. My peeves are mostly people related, considering so many people can't accept everyone else.In the words of a DEmotivational poster I once saw...Love and Tolerate the **** Out of eachother.
  10. Chapter 3

    Skierós awoke to the sound of screams. It was something that barely poked through to his mind, and yet it woke him all the same. His eyes flew open, and he immediately shut them against the burning sensations he felt as he did. It took him a few moments before he opened his eyes once more, slowly this time, making sure that his eyes didn’t burn. Smoke greeted his gaze – smoke and flame. He stumbled out of his bed, hastily grabbing and fastening his belongings to him, he opened a window, not at all afraid of the possible consequences. He was, after all, a Toa of fire. As the window opened, the flames roared and shot out, a massive inferno that set fire to much of the previously untouched exterior of the Inn. Skierósdragged himself out of the window, dropping the ten or so feet to the ground. The impact jarred his legs, and it took him a moment to continue onward. Drawing his sword, he advanced through the now burning city of Ceneta, helping those he could escape from the flames, while putting the fires out from some of the more important buildings with small bursts of his powers. The effort was draining, but worth it. At last he came to the gates, where swarms of now refugee Cenetans were running; carrying what few belongings they were able. Standing at the gate were the guards, a measly four of them, and two of the patrons from the bar last night – Akaku and Aqua – standing defiantly against four black riders. Without a second thought, Skierós joined them, his sword glowed a deep orange in the light of the fires. “Who are you? What business do you have putting our city to the torch?” yelled Akaku, wind swirling around him, and a pistol in his hand. The rest rallied around him, weapons drawn as they faced the bleak, unmoving faces of the riders. “We are here... for him.” The one in the lead said, slowly raising a gauntleted hand towards Skierós. The others looked at him in shock, confusion registering on their faces for a split second, before Akaku stepped forward, cocking his pistol. “If you want him, come and claim him.” He spat, flames burning behind his eyes. The Riders took that advice to heart, drawing wickedly sharp swords from their sheaths and urging their mounts on slowly. The lead one neared, andin one deft movement, slashed at Akaku’s head, so fast the movement didn’t even register for all there. Aqua cried out in horror, her eyes glazing over in shock as Akaku simply disappeared. Dead. Aqua and the rest drew their own blades and weapons, an odd assortment of swords, spears, and elemental powers that together should’ve easilylevelled the four riders. Skierós and Aqua each took one rider for themselves, trusting the other four to fight the last two riders in pairs. However, each rider cleanly and easily matched their opponents, so easily in fact that Skierós had to wonder if they could see what their adversaries were going to do before it happened. Skierós dropped to one knee as he blocked a particularly heavy blow from his enemy. His sword wavered, almost bending under the strength of the rider. Sweat beaded across Skierós’ brow, and he could feel his muscles begin to falter. Good-bye, cruel world, he thought to himself, a grim humour setting over him. But even though he fully expected death, a shrieking cry rang out across the battlefield, stunning both the Cenetan defenders, and the black riders. Aqua lay on the ground, a huge gash along her side that gushed blood. Her face contorted in agony, she was all but defenceless as she began to bleed out, completely helpless, and at the mercy of her enemy. The lead rider laughed, eyes glowing red as he readied his sword for another strike. He raised the blade over his head, preparing to slash downward, when a single massive crack rang out around them. The blade flew out of the rider’s hand, followed by a sharp, pained laugh. There Akaku stood his face a mask of pure rage, the very air around the combatants began to thicken as he blew the smoke away from his pistol. He spoke then, voice dark and menacing, “Run along now, before I break something other than a sword.”The riders shrieked once more, turning their mounts around and charging away. Skierós picked up the fallen blade, recoiling in shock as it turned to dust before his eyes. He studied the hilt, it’s curved and spiked design puzzling him – tugging at the back of his mind like he’d seen it before.The others had already begun tending to Aqua, who’d lost enough blood to send her into unconsciousness. She wouldn’t die, she was far too tough for that, but she would be very weak for a time.Skierós turned his thoughts back to the strange blade, puzzling over it for a time, nearly forgetting the blazing town before him, before he was jerked back to reality by a rough shake from one of the guards.He nodded quickly, annoyed that his musing had been interrupted. The last of the refugees away from the city, Skierós let his thoughts turn to what the rider had said.They’d come for him, they’d burnt down an entire city for him. How Skierós could live with himself after not only causing the destruction of the city, but also nearly killing Aqua just because of his presence... it was all too much.The cold startled him out of yet another one of his musings, reminding him of just where he was. Snow had begun to fall, and already it was growing into yet another blizzard.Skierós stood, taking one last look at the flaming husk of Ceneta, burning the image into his memory, before turning and following the rapidly disappearing footsteps of Ceneta’s refugees.A/N: It occurs to me that I really don't have the drive to make massive chapters so.... yeah.Future chapters (ones that aren't even on my comp yet, but have been written) are longer... i hope D:

  11. ....KAAAAAHHHHGGGAAAAAAA.MAAAAAH COOOUUUSSSSIIIINNNN :DYur Back!*parties*I for one, am happier than evur :DAlso that was epic. Considering It reminded me of Akaku's Return Picture :P

  12. Personally I think this is a great and cool Idea.I think the main thing though, Is that i've never considered lego as something to play with. Look at the large sets, Sandcrawler, Police Station, Star Destroyer, Pirate Ships... They're not toys, they're models.And with lego minecraft sets as proposed, it's more of a Lego Diorama than anything. And that I find really cool

  13. Chapter 2

    Skierós opened the old wooden door to the pub slowly, wrinkling his nose in disgust at the smells that assailed him as he did so - beer and beer breath... but mostly beer. He choked back a gasp as he realized just how jammed full the inn really was. Literally every table was full, and the bar itself was too. Skierós walked in slowly, feeling oddly exposed despite the fact that any eyes that wandered by him simply left after a moment. He walked slowly to the bar, putting on his best confidence face as he did so – public... well, anything, wasn’t his specialty. He walked up to the bartender, an older, gruff Toa of Fire, who looked up with a mildly interested glance, before speaking plainly. “Wha’ll you ‘ave to drink?” Skierós blinked, trying to catch up with the rapid fire question. “Uh... actually, I wanted to see about getting a room?” The Toa looked at him with an amused glance, “Two Rooms upstairs – on the house. I’ve made more than enough money tonight.” Skierós was about to protest, but nearly jumped as a loud shout erupted from a group in the back, roaring over the crowd – specifically a green armoured Toa with a Stylized Miru. “And I said ‘Cabbage?’ Why have cabbage when you can have Potatoes!” The group erupted in laughter, obviously heavily drunk. The green armoured one stood up and walked towards the bar, a small bag of coins held in one hand. “I’ll have another round for me and the gents, if you will!” He stated, dropping the coins on the counter, a mad grin plastered on his face. “You know,” The bartender replied, “You may want to think about toning it down. After all, the last thing you want is for her to find you here.” The other Toa sobered up slightly – even the other bar patrons stiffened at those words. “Heh... I suppose you’re right – last thing we want is a repeat of last time.” The door opened with a loud crack, splitting the thick wood around it. “AKAKU!” The angry call echoed throughout the now entirely silent room. The only one who didn’t look at all afraid was the bartender himself. “Oh... h-hi Aqua... I uh... didn’t know you’d be back so soon....” The green armoured Toa – Akaku – replied. “Didn’t know I’d be back so soon, that’s Kane-Ra and you know it Akaku. I left for one hour to check on things, and in that time you manage to get yourself dead drunk!?” The newcomer, a blue armoured female Toa of water, charged forward and forcefully grabbed onto Akaku’s wrist, dragging him along behind her as she made for the door. Akaku struggled, throwing up a last ditch effort to stay by latching both hands to the doorframe. “Don’t forget me laddies!” were the last words out of his mouth before he disappeared. The bartender chuckled, before returning to the counter disinterestedly. Skierós was simply left wondering why a man who named himself Akaku wore a Miru. Skierós sat down and ordered a few drinks – after all, he was there. No point in being in a bar if you aren’t going to drink. It took him some time, but slowly he unwound, becoming more and more relaxed as he did so. It wasn’t long before he noticed more strange events – such as a group of four Matoran, one with a Kanohi Huna which he actually managed to activate and use – much to the astonishment of all those involved. That same group left soon after with a Toa – one who’d been sitting in the corner smoking a pipe since before Skierós even arrived. Skierós downed a few more drinks, still shrouded in his travellers’ cloak, before retiring for the night. He walked up the stairs to the upper level of the inn, entering his room and finding it quite to his liking. It was small, just enough for the bed, table, and chest that inhabited it. He set the small pouch around his waist down, doing the same with his travellers’ cloak, before working at undoing the clasps that held his dagger and blade to his belt. He set all of his belongings down, except the black armour he wore. It was one of the few things he refused to remove at night – so much so that the armour was more of a second skin than anything. Born of necessity, his habit had saved his life many a time. Skierós lay back in his bed, eyes drooping as he stared at the ceiling. His eyes drooped, and ever so slowly, he drifted off to sleep. The dreams came, as they always do – but these dreams were not like others – not childhood memories, or dreams of the future. Just flame and shadow – and the all consuming need to destroy.


    A single scream resounded throughout the mountain range – so similar in pitch to the very wind itself that it had to have been natural. But what seemed to be just the simple howling of the wind carried with it a feeling of pure fear, and unmistakable malice that chilled to the bone.And on the peak of the mountain – on the same road that Skierós himself had traversed just hours before, stood four black riders. Each rode a black Muaka, weapons drawn. Their eyes lay solely upon the city below them, and as one, they urged their mounts forward, unleashing an unholy scream.A/N: A bit more of a Filler chapter, sorry people, the next chapter is better :PI planned on posting a chapter once a week, every sunday. but maybe because it's Xmas next week i'll post up Chapter Three early.

  14. A very nice epic you have here, Kini! Reading the first chapter was a joy, and I immediately noticed the references to RvB and Canada :P Loved the characterization of Skieros. I'm eager to get into his head a little more and find out more about his past. Love the pacing so far, and I eagerly await the next chapter :)sig.png

    Danke, Eljay. Next chappy should be up... in minutes :D. Thanks for enjoying it though, as i said it's a really old chapter, xD.

    I have to admit: when I first saw "Ceneta", the first thing I thought of was "Canada". =PI haven't really read an epic in this forum recently, but that chapter made me see what I was missing out on. I loved the way you described the elemental powers as well as how Skieros used them (too lazy to put the accent on the o, dangit). And of course, the "of all time" line was a good herald back to Agent Wash.I like the medieval theme you've given it as well. Its a nice mix, balancing the science-fiction of biomechanical beings with the snow and inns and drunken villagers of fantasy lore. Honestly, it reminded me a bit of Skyrim the way you described it. That balance was something BIONICLE used to have that it has pretty much forgotten nowadays.Anyhow, the setup seems quite good, and I'm looking forward to see where you take it. I'll be checking back momentarily.

    Thanks, means a lot to hear that I've showed you a bit of what you're missing out on, lol. And don't worry, i'm too lazy to put the Accent out on anything but Chapters =PPart of the theme is due to my undying love for the MNOG, and the way that everything worked. For example, i like to return to the usual Fantasy when i write Bionicle stories, and so the Elemental Powers are described as being similar to "Magic" abilities. The only thing I won't do is make the characters say something for their powers to work :PAnd looking back, it is similar to Skyrim in a lot of ways. However I will say that I don't even remember Skyrim being announced at the time I wrote this originally, so and similarities are purely coincidental. =P

    I thought it was pretty good.The dialogue was kinda odd, but I'm not sure why.Skerry seems like a j word though. :PGood epic.

    Dialogue would've ben kidna odd because, as stated, it's an older chapter (like, a good 6-8 months old) so yeah.Skieros is a word in another language, but i'm not going to say. Also No you.Danke

    Great start to a Epic if I've ever seen one.As the others said, I do see the reference of Ceneta with Canada.The Dialog reminds me of Oblivion, or even Skyrim conversations, that could be just me.Nice sneak in with the ‘eh’ to I might add xp--All in all, Great first Chapter. I can’t wait to read more!z_signoff.png

    I suppose the Dialogue, especially with the guard, was supposed to simulate that (I really don't want to be here but it's a good job so why am I talking to you) feel that the Oblivion and even Skyrim Guards/People had :POh yeah Eh? 'Course i'll throw in Eh, Eh?Lol, thanks ZahakiNew Chapter should be up in a few minutes.
  15. Of course. I don't expect to have an eighteen year old field marshal, or it's equivalent. But within reason of course, i'd say maybe... Staff Sergeant max? There has to be a line drawn somewhere yes, but for the sake of RPing the line shouldn't be too short.I digress, i misunderstood as well, so i think we're cleared up a bit i guess :P (I failed when i originally posted. That'll teach me not to look at the RPG again ><)

  16. Mkay.Still though i find it hard to believe that the king personally approves every promotion. There'd be way to many people for that to be even remotely efficient or usable.Just saying - thanks for clearin that up though.There are so many factors in that though - what branch of the militiary they enlisted in, what they did, if they deserve promotion, etc etc.For cryin' out loud, you have the Army, and then you have the Officer's schools. People who come out of the latter are usually officers.Regardless, it's still my firm opinion that if someone is able to write up a good enough, quality backstory to explain how they got what's a higher than average rank, that it should be, in some cases, allowed. The one thing that i don't agree with would be if everyone and their dog was an officer, but still.I dunno, just my views.I guess my main point is that most officers don't listen to their subordinates. It'd suck if your character was completely unable to affect anything just because they're in the military as a private and no one will listen to them. In that case your char would have to go against orders to do something that remotely affects the battle, after which they'd probably be court-martialed and kicked out.I guess the main argument here isn't so much about rank, it's about age. but personally as long as your char is, say, eighteen, i think they should be allowed to have one rank above the base, at least. Otherwise it's just a little bit unfair for the people who want to RP the young character who's thrown into a command role and has no idea what to do.

  17. Is the king in direct control of every aspect of the MIlitary though? From what I recall the RPG said that, at least in the vampires side, He'd become a bit of a shut in.Also in reply to your "If they're not of drinking age."I'm canadian. Drinking Age is Eighteen.But anyways, while I can see where you're coming from, there are quite a few cases throughout history where people have been ordered by higher ranked people who happen to be years younger.Just because you're a veteran doesn't mean you have a high rank. Just because you're not veteran doesn't mean you automatically have a low rank.Veteran literally just means you've survived a war, it says nothing of your experience. There are, or as of these days, were veterans who'd never seen actual fighting.

  18. More likely doesn't mean it's impossible, especially in an RPG setting.I'm not going to debate the rank issue cause it's not worth it. It's been done before, it works.Sides' it's an RPG. Anyone who manages to get a young character to have a high rank should be able to both RP it properly, and write a good enough of a backstory as to why. in the end what everything comes down to is the ability of the player, so... yeah.Sides, if you can, with good enough reason, have a fifty year old veteran with low rank, why not an 18 year old with high-ish rank?Most recruits who get promoted to, say, sergeant, are promoted right out of Bootcamp.

  19. If you need any further proof of a workable system as such, Halo Retribution is similar.Besides, just throwing this out there but age has nothing to do with rank. My Great Grandfather's eighty-five and he never advanced beyond private during WWII. To simplify what spink said, it's a reward just like any other (be it increased abilities, weapons, or just a new character slot in the RPG). but instead of just being granted as an extension to things outside of the RPG, it's an in-game reward.Just wanted to say that.

  20. You and Spink made that together?I didn't notice that when i skimmed at first :PI love it, that's all I can really say. Luvitluvitluvit.Whatever setting it was (again, as I skimmed, i didn't get too much of a steampunk vibe but maybe that's just cause i'm not well aquainted with the Genre) I love it. The pure idea of being able to have whatever you want as your character, while tried and done before, always appeals to me. Especially if it's "mythical"Only question though... are there limits to our species/character creation? I know and understand that you say there aren't but would there be less chance of ours being approved if it's a little "out there" with the context of the RPG.No, i'm not thinking Aliens, more along the lines of Dragonlance's infamous Draconians :P

  21. i love when linkin park fans think i've only listened to 2 songs by them and therefore believe i have no say in whether or not they're bad, as if it's completely impossible for someone to not like them after hearing a large number of their songs.

    Look at my post. Now back to yours.Now back at my post.Now back to yours.I suggest you re-read what i posted a few times. I never said it was impossible to dislike Linkin Park. For gods sake, after their newest album, I don't like them. But the only reason i even bothered defending the band is because, as i said numerous times i can't stand needless hate.Dislike them all you want.Dislike anything all you want. I can't stop you and I won't try to. But what I will try to stop, is unneccessary hate.Because in my experience, you can say you don't like something and no one will attack/defend for it.But the moment you hate on something, then you get replies.And besides, I'm not saying for fact that you only listened to two songs. But the way you posted made it sound like you had. And i'm not saying that you have no say in whether or not they're bad In your opinon, what i'm saying is that i refuse to let a whole shwack o' unneccessary hate go without a fight.Like i said numerous times; Dislike them, don't hate on them.Besides, i was perfectly willing to ignore your post in it's entirety up until i read "There are so many bands that deserve what Linkin Park has, and it's LP's fault they don't have popularity, and LP doesn't deserve what they have"Paraphrasing of course, but that was what i got from it in general.-Hawkeye
  22. It's good Comedy :oFrom Shad, no less.And in the comedies...Every Law of BZP just got broken...Well it would appear Shad's about to be hunted by the M.O.D.S:P

  23. After reading a few comics, specifically the Invasion of the Three Virtues, i have come to the conclusion.Kahi.You have won everything.maybe it's just cause i saw scenarios like that so many time's it's not funny. maybe it's because itIS funny. I don't know why, all i know is that you won everything with that comic.I'd give you an award but i have none, so you'll have to instead live with these words."Kahi Govaki, in the Spirit of epic Comic making, has recently been seen to have "Won the Game.""

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