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Everything posted by Chath

  1. Ah, yes... Me and the newspaper...It's a complicated relationship.
  2. Yeah, that is exactly what I was trying to say. Thanks, Soran.
  3. ....uhhhh this is a little confusing I will try different colors I guess......Well, that's not what I meant...I meant a decrease in the amount of spacing... There's quite a bit of it.And some things appear to be in large text that could be smaller, some of the titles of the sections.
  4. Hello. I mean in no way to offend anyone here, but the main topic seems to be quite disorganized.Is there any way to clean it up?I know that you put up the table of contents, but the amount of spacing between each item and having everything be the same color makes it hard to, well, look through.
  5. No, I think that MG is transported into a new Gavla in a similar universe with the same choices and occurrences that led to that point.
  6. Ah, yes. Ye olde "I have a partner and now i am taking over their awesome job".I actually didn't expect it, in all honesty.And Agent Alpha looks quite Flashy, if I may say so myself.
  7. Alright, new comic.It was supposed to be out yesterday, but GIMP was acting up.The GrapevineAnd word spreads.Any guesses about what shall happen?
  8. I just figured the child to be older. Probably because of the two clone children that we saw in the other sagas.Either way, wonder what the end of this saga means for... well, everyone...
  9. Chath

    Timely Insanity

    Oh. I was referencing Pokemon, but this makes...Well, it is what it is.
  10. MG's last attempts to save some people?What will the Infant think about Gavlian killing their Savior?
  11. Chath

    Timely Insanity

    Things seem to be getting quite, quite serious.And level two? That's it?I mean, I expected you to be AT LEAST level 15, and know some good moves like Flamethrower or something. Maybe even Ice Beam.
  12. Ah, yes... Good ol' banners. Just like mama used to make.Remember when everybody made banners, and no one except the author actually used them?
  13. Not hard enough to stop a knife, it seems.But I feel like MG didn't notice the knife before...When Gavilan pulled it out, did it cause him pain?
  14. Silly Gavilan. You should know better!But pulling the knife from the brain-thingy seems important.
  15. Well, to new beginnings, eh?Can't wait to see the rest of the storyline!
  16. I assume that Death left Gavla that little present in his pocket, hmm?So, in the end, MG kills those who he already killed? Seems quite redundant.
  17. I see a lot of potential. I understand that you're only two comics in, but the further you develop the storyline (or don't, if it's strictly comedy), I think these will get a lot more views.These remind me so much of when I first started: I wish you luck!
  18. Forget everything you ever knew.Gurkfish is the actual protagonist of the story.
  19. Um, Vahi? I don't think he uses GIMP...Which is just a silly and painful way to make comics, but you make it work.
  20. Chath

    Timely Insanity

    Well, you should know, you're the creator.
  21. Chath

    Timely Insanity

    So instead of only having the menace inflicted upon society once in a while, they want it so that he is constantly terrorizing the public?
  22. Alright, after much work (and deletion of that work and recreating that work) I have a comic. But, before I give it to you:I owe all of this to DJ N00bslayer. Had he not been there to help me with the spritesheet and even recreating my panels, my comics would have surely ended. I owe everything from now on to him and him alone.Also, we are entering a new chapter.REVOLTI hope you all enjoy what the future shall bring...Comic:Supposed SchizophreniaSome might even call it Part One...
  23. Chath

    Timely Insanity

    But, if you were created that way, isn't it impossible for their to be a cure? Because you would be curing, well, part of yourself.
  24. Chath


    That was... Well, that was something.Epic. Very cliffhanger-y, and very well made.
  25. Honestly, I never thought it would end. I thought it would just keep going, adding more plot twists and creepy-ness until, well, indefinitely.
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