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Status Updates posted by Shippou

  1. dude say no to banners! There is still a world to save

  2. hikari ni freaking nareeeeeee

  3. tsukasa is so kawaii, nice picture:D

  4. *Shippou attacks your avatar for hilarious yet reasonable damage*

  5. Moer Etna! moer Etna I say!

  6. The mods are angry dood, somebody stole their stuff. They are starting on a campain of banning everyone who tries to stop them, only you can stop them - DOOD

  7. Heeeeeeeelp the aliens are coming and it appears you are the only person in the universe who can stop them, use your Mikuru beam to stop them from invading your personal photo and zombifizing it to shizzleness

  8. Prinny can I really be a hero is release, woot or no woot?

  9. I am scared ;_;

  10. Magicarp quick use splash!

  11. Lol interests:

    Anime Tenchou

  12. All your posts are belong to cat

  13. Lol touhou

  14. hey aho, what episode did you see last on lucky star? oh and i want to recommend azumanga daioh, ouran high school and seto no hanayome if your looking for a real laugh:)

  15. Gooooooooood morning:D

    did you manage to see the OVA of Lucky Star?

  16. Pirate? i am more of a ninja, pirates are lame but ninjas are awesome:D

  17. This is spartaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  18. Not really it is a random paladin skill from warcraft I just like killing people with helaing spells

  19. Yes delete this message too, hide the shame

  20. *looks right*

    *looks left*

    *dramatic look*

    *looks to the upper-left* Oh for a moment I thought someone is stalking me, my mistake

  21. The Eva box I hold says you smell funny

  22. Wait a minute who killed the comedian?

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