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Status Updates posted by .melancholiste


  2. o_o

    So you made it and forgot where it come from?

    and..THANK YOU!

  3. OH NOES! I'm sorry!

    I posted on the wrong profile.

    Please ignore that previous post. ):

  4. Oh, so you found it? xD

    I used to play gaia, but then i got bored of it. -_-

  5. Oh, thank you!

    That stuff is so incredibly old though. I don't draw like that anymore. :/

  6. Oh! I just noticed that you like Lucky Star! Awesome. I do too. :D

    *high fives*

  7. Oh! you have a cute pp! xD

  8. OH!! I LOVE YOUR PP~! It's Gaia, right? :D

  9. Oh..I see. but I think that there's not much definition in "Authentic Manga". There are many styles out there, and you can make your own, too! ;D

  10. Ok. xD

    I was thinking of starting fresh, though. Should I repost all of them?

  11. Okagesama de! Douzo yorushiku. :D

    I had something to say....i forgot what it was. xD

  12. Tabbing stuff. :D

    I'm getting better at finding out riffs and chords.

  13. Thank you very much. :D

    Keep in mind that i'm only human, and i still have many flaws. D:

  14. Thank you! but i will never have the patience and talent to write an epic like yours.. D:

  15. Thanks~

    I love how you drew the bionicles in coats. xD

  16. They don't. That's why they're all dead. DX

  17. True, true.

    May I add you as a friend? xD

  18. Um...ok, if that's what you want. :D

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