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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Status Updates posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. Can I make a modification to Steve's profile? Just erase everything after the words 'Planet U' and put this:

    But before they managed to return to Earth, he disappeared. Steve, to follow in his father's footsteps, and to attempt to locate him, joined Rock Raiders Academy.


  2. Cool, but evil and bent on world domination. ;) Thanks, though.

  3. D: Oh no! Is the Rock Raiders RPG dead? This is my fault! I went to check it yesterday, but I got distracted and forgot--I'm sorry! D:

  4. Didn't deserve to survive? Why not? That's ridiculous, it's the best LEGO RPG I've ever seen on BZP!

  5. Do you have an estimate on when chapter one of ECiLA will be finished?

  6. Don't be so hard on him, Karzahnii. I accidently did the same thing with Ask Mantax. Gresh, just report the duplicate and explain the situation, and a staff member will delete it.

  7. Don't feel down, lots of people haven't written much. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that, if you like to write, you write! There's nothing else to it...except grammar! :P

  8. Don't take life too seriously. You'll never make it out alive.

  9. Don't you go disappearing again. :K

  10. Er, I'm sorry, but your explanation wasn't sufficient. What about acronyms?

  11. First off, a very belated welcome to BZP. XD Anyway, I love your personal photo. Garfield's awesome. :D

  12. First off, welcome to BZP! :) Anywho, I love your sig. It reminds me of the best restaurant. XD

  13. For the record, in relation to the below comment, I'm on your side, TN05.

  14. Friends come and go, but family is forever . . . and books are eternal.

  15. Friends come and go, but family is forever . . . and books are ternal.

  16. Friends come and go. Family is forever . . . but books are eternal

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      At least until the sun collapses and expands to Earth's orbit and engulfs everything. Or, you know, until the Kindle and green movement become so mainstream that they all get recycled into other things never to be a physical book again. XP


      (My name is rain. Oooh, hi parade! 8D)

    2. toa electro

      toa electro

      i love reading nothing can replace that as one of mans pastimes

  17. Gah. It was cut off at 'cliffh'. I wish I could use PMs... XD Could you add the rest?

  18. Great! ^^ I'll go read it!

  19. Haha, I haven't a clue what in the world Portal is, but I've heard good things about it so I'll have to look into it.

  20. Haha, that I don't, Zehvor. At my age, few friends like Bionicle. *laughs* Even fewer know how to use the computer. Fewer yet join BZP. Sadly, there's only one person I know who likes Bionicle, and he's not a BZP member.

  21. Happy (belated) birthday - or rather, burpday. :P

  22. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

  23. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

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