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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Everything posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. Unsung "Will you marry me?"I looked down at him upon his knee, my jaw open. He beamed up at me, ardor in his eyes, his heart overflowing and spilling all over the restaurant's sumptuous rug. I smiled, feeling happy tears well up in my eyes, my own heart about to burst and pour out to join his on the floor.But before I could respond, a nearby table rattled as a man threw back his chair and climbed unsteadily to his feet.I was incredulous. "James!" I gasped. "What are you doing here?""I care too much about you to watch you throw your life away on this bum," he hissed. "This fool with his grand, ridiculous dreams, and his head in the clouds. He's nothing but a writer." He spat out the word with a sneer. "An artist. He'll never amount to anything in the world. But I'll be rich, and you know I will. I'll be vice president soon and I won't be there for long. I'm gonna be the next CEO. The job's as good as mine.""It's you who have grand dreams, James. You don't get it. All you care about is money. It's all you've ever cared about it! You wanted to give me a home, security. I don't want that! I don't want you. Clint wants to give me love. He loves me, and cares about me. And I love him, more than I ever loved you, more than anyone in the world!" I turned back to Clint, who had risen besides me. "Clint, I will, I will marry you! I love you, with all my heart!""And I love you, darling, more than life itself!""You're making a mistake!""Stop making a scene, James."He stalked closer, eyes narrowed, his greasy black hair hanging down in shambles over his unshaven face. "Not until I stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life! I'll prove I'm the better man. He doesn't deserve you! You are my woman, and I won't let him take you."Clint stepped between us. "I'll have you know this is my future wife you're talking to. Don't make me do something you'll regret."James glowered. "I'll have you know you're standing between me and my future wife.""I'll never be your wife!" I snorted. "You're insane!"James stepped up to Clint and looked him in the eyes, as best he could from a foot beneath my fiancé's height. "Am I?" His voice dripped with menace.Said Clint, "With your permission, darling, I'll----" He let the sentence hang, merely squared his shoulders.I shook my head. "No. But if he ever speaks to me again, I won't stop you."James jabbed Clint in the chest. "Oh yeah? I'm speaking again now. What's pretty boy going to do about it?"What happened next gave us all a start. A thundering crash from outside shook the building. There were screams, gasps, confused cries from the diners. Then all was drowned out by a deep, dreadful bellow. The booms and screams persisted outside, but inside we stood, dumbfounded. Then one man got up from his chair and rushed outside, a river of people following. Clint and I joined the flow. Nothing could have prepared either of us for what we were about to see.It was a demon. With every step it left a wake of flame and destruction. It tossed cars like softballs, and batted bystanders aside like flies as it ravaged the intersection fifty feet away, its only ostensible motive unbridled malignance.It stood on its hind legs like a man, but its limbs were thicker than an elephant's. The veins in its neck were as thick as a man's arm. Its spine was spiked like a dinosaur's, with two more projecting from its elbows. Its bald head was worse than any image my nightmares had ever conjured. And in the gleam of its diabolical gaze I sensed sentience, a full consciousness of all the devastation it was causing and a resultant sadistic joy.It grinned down at the NYPD squad car that had pulled up beside it, and at the officer firing bullets that glanced uselessly off its grayish-green skin. It tossed the car aside like a matchbox, and I didn't wait to watch what it did to the human being."What is it?" I gasped.Clint put his arms around my shoulders. "I have no idea. But I don't want to know. Let's get out of here. Now."He led me down the street in the opposite direction, staying close to the walls of the buildings as panic-stricken citizens fled for their lives. Cars flew through the thick smoke above.Then something plummeted from the sky to land with a resonance that drowned out the din of terror and destruction. Something large and green clambered out of the crater it had created and stood up with a roar."It's another one!" Clint gasped. "And it's coming toward us!""So is the other one!"Behind, the first behemoth was stomping down the road. Both were picking up speed as they ran toward one another. With no alleys to dart into and no desire to trust to a building such as those which had already collapsed, we chose to run toward the smaller one. That was a mistake.The two beasts sprang and collided in midair, but the demon's strength was enough to defy the other's and take them both in our direction. Clint forced me into a crouch against a wall and shielded me with his body as they rolled past, wrestling ferociously, showering us with rubble from the asphalt.Ahead the titans battled, but between us and them there was an alleyway. And that meant escape. But I was frozen with horror."Come on, darling," Clint craved. "There's an alley up ahead. We can duck in there and get away from here.""I--I can't," I gasped. "I can't, Clint! I won't go anywhere near those things!"He embraced me and kissed me. "It's okay. I'll protect you. No matter what."He lifted me bodily and ran the stretch between us and the mammoth combatants. I screamed as a taxi flew past, but he kept running. He ran and ran, yet it seemed to me that we were getting nowhere, that the din was only getting louder, ringing in my ears and overwhelming my brain. Death was imminent. We wouldn't get out of this alive. It was only a matter of moments before a flung car squashed us as if we were bugs, or one beast knocked the other down on our heads. A fog shadowed my mind like the smoke of the fires. I could no longer think. I could only hear the crashes, the roars, the deafening clamor of the two macabre nightmares battling.Then Clint's voice pierced the fog. "Come on, stay with me," he murmured. "The alley's right here! We're going to make it! We'll be okay!"And then Clint turned and dashed down the alley."Keep running!" I gasped. "Just keep running!"But he didn't. He stopped. And he swore. Ahead there arose a brick wall, blocking our escape. That wall stood between us and safety. And there was no way past it.Clint put me down. I fell to my knees, weeping tears of terror and desperation. Clint's voice was hoarse and unstable when he spoke."I have to find another way. You stay here.""No!" I shrieked. "Clint, don't leave me! Stay with me!""I'll come back for you, I promise.""No, you won't!" I sobbed. "You'll die out there! If you die, I want you right here, with me! Stay here with me! Please!"He kissed me. He kissed me passionately. "I love you, darling. And I'll do anything to get you to safety. I'll be back."I huddled against a wall. Clint ran to the end of the alley, looked back with a reassuring smile, and then vanished. I dropped my face into my hands and sobbed. The crashes, explosions, screams and bellows rumbled on, the sounds of thousands of imps laughing at me, weak, pathetic, huddled alone in an alley to die.And then, barely audible above the din, I heard the click of a gun cocking. I looked up. There stood James, with a pistol levelled at my head."Well, well, what do we have here?" he fleered. "I told you Clint wasn't the right man for you. In your time of need he abandoned you.""No! He's looking for a way to escape!""Is that why he was running as fast as he could away from those monsters? He's a coward. And he doesn't deserve you." His smile was sinister, demented. His gaunt face was contorted with hatred, and a cat-and-mouse amusement. "You should have accepted me when you had the chance. But now you'll die, along with everyone else those things killed, and nobody will ever know I killed you. But if I can't have you, dearest . . . then nobody can."I hardly understood how it happened. But then there was Clint, his arm around James's neck, the other holding his weapon arm and aiming it away from me as bullets poured from its muzzle. James twisted around in an attempt to get at Clint, but he twisted with him. Then James elbowed Clint in the stomach and threw his head back in his face. Clint reeled, releasing James. And then James rounded on him, a frenzied grin spread across his face, and poured bullet after bullet into Clint's body."Nooooooooo!"Clint half-turned, stumbled toward me, and fell prostrate at my feet."You monster!" I shrieked. "You're more horrible than either of those beasts out there!"James lifted the gun toward my head. "Yes. Yes, I think I am."I fell to my knees, wrapped my arms around Clint, and closed my eyes, waiting for death. But it did not come. Without warning, there was a resounding crash and a spray of debris that showered Clint and I. When I looked up, there was only the front half of a torn SUV where James had moments before been brandishing his scythe of death.I rolled Clint onto his back and looked down into his eyes. They flickered; he was still alive. He smiled up at me and whispered weakly, "I never believed in long engagements, anyway."I showered his face with tears and kisses. Between osculations, I sobbed, "Oh--Clint! Dear--wonderful--Clint! Don't--leave me! Stay--with--me! I love you!" And the most ardent kiss I had in my heart fell upon his lips."It's okay, darling. Everything will be okay. You need to leave me here. You need to get to safety. I'm sorry I can't come with you.""No, Clint, no! I won't! I'm staying here with you!""You can't!""And you can't make me leave! You're the husband of my heart, Clint. You have to live to make it legal.""Don't make yourself an early widow, darling. Leave me here. And never look back.""I can't do that." I kissed him. "You know I can't! Would you?""Never, in all eternity.""You'll wait for me, won't you, Clint?""If you wait for me.""Always!"His breath was getting shallower and slower. "Clint," I wept, "please----""Darling, I'm sorry I failed you.""You didn't, Clint, you didn't! You're my hero."He laughed, which turned into a pained cough. "Me? A hero? I'm no hero. That green thing--there's a hero. It was trying to stop the other one.""You're my hero, Clint. You're a hundred times as brave as that beast. You braved them both without flinching."He smiled. "I love you, darling. Kiss me one more time." I obeyed, tenderly, fervently; hot tears flowed down my face a river of mingled love, grief, and passion. The kiss was to be our last . . . and I've never forgotten it.Then he said, "Just promise, if I'm a hero, you'll save glory for the living. Leave my story unsung." - The End - I was watching The Incredible Hulk, and I wondered: "What stories do those bystanders have to tell? How badly can a simple trip to the barber go? What birthday celebration went awry? What romantic evening on the town was ruined?" I wondered, and pondered, and plotted, and wrote, and this appeared beneath my pen.Please, share your thoughts--or HULK SMASH! From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  2. Who is Yakon? I thought that was Tarrlok in Korra's flashback.No, I didn't notice that. It makes sense, though. It's in a very central location--the eastern edge of the Earth Kingdom, so I surmise. But if they ever specified, I missed that detail. Has Republic City been seen on a map yet? From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  3. I stand corrected, and glad I am that it is so. I'm relieved to be reminded about the hindrance to this unfair advantage. Bloodbending possibility eliminated.You're speaking with the presumption that Amon has a cause, or ideals, or scruples. Personally I don't believe he has. I'm inclined to agree with Bfahome, I think he wants merely power. And what better a way to seize it than to lead equality-seeking non-benders and tell them you're ridding the world of Benders, when really you're taking all their powers so you can control the world yourself?Oh, that's what you meant by WWII vibes. Well, yes, in that case, I agree completely. I also noticed a WWI vibe from the Fire Nation in Last Airbender. Interesting how they're continuing on a similar note; but why not, after all? And I'm sure all his followers would have believed him when he said, "I have received a vision from the spirits, telling me the council has decided to allow the Pro Bending match to proceed!"If you ask me, just like using a different but similar voice actor would be a brilliant blind, so would be sending a spy to the council meeting in spite of the fact that Amon's already going to be there. The aforementioned exchange between him and Beifong that made me suspicious. That and Korra's vision are the only things that really make me regard this theory with some seriousness. I still don't think he has ideals, but to discredit a prominent Bender would well suit his purposes.From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  4. Personally I don't believe it either, but I'm just arguing various possibilities. How else can you arrive at a logical theory but by considering everything? . . . Self, care to execute an epic facepalm? Indubitably, self. *epic facepalm*You are absolutely right, the fact that bloodbending requires a full man had flown entirely from my mind. However; was it a full moon what Katara used bloodbending on Yan Rha and, earlier, his successor? It seems awfully convenient that it would have been. To deviate for a moment from the topic of Amon, today I watched "And the Winner Is . . ." which left me with an entirely new theory to which I will return. First off, cabbage man founded a company? "Brought to you by Cabbage Corp., your leader in technology for fifty years!" Love it, love it, love it. But moreover, I cannot express how wonderful this episode was. The deepening of Tenzin's past, the deepening of Aang's (Last Airbender future,Legend of Korra past), a glimpse of Toph, the spectacular action, and the start of a war. I could not have asked for a better way to cleanse my tastebuds of the flavor of last week's episode. I even found Bolin much more likeable than in past episodes.Back to Amon, my siblings and friends are convinced that he's Tarrlok. But their only evidence is the similarity of the voices. True as this is, and clever as it would be to hire two similar voices to disguise the fact that the characters are the same, I'm skeptical. I do consider his exchange with Beifong suspicious, and I am curious as to his involvement in Aang's memory which seems suggestive of Tarrlok's having committed some variety of wrong; I wondered if perhaps Aang had taken Tarrlok's bending away, but unless Amon's ability truly allows him to take and harness bending--which would, I reiterate, be awesome--this is impossible. If Aang did take Tarrlok's bending, then that would give him ample motive, and like Ozai, he would have seen how the trick was done. But he's a waterbender.But, yeah, he's a waterbender. Therefore he could be a bloodbender. Again, I'm just considering possibilities, and I don't believe in this theory. But it does seem to me that Katara could bloodbend whether the moon was full or not; and I don't see why, if Hammah escaped once, she couldn't again, and train a new student.But this theory seems all too convoluted to me, based on too many ifs. Tarrlok could be a bloodbender, if it's possible beyond the full moon, if Hammah escaped and taught him; he could be Amon, if Aang took his bending, if he can harness the bending he takes. And these are all big ifs.I agree that if Amon turned out to be a bender, I would be disappointed; unless he can harness all four elements, which would be, in my opinion, truly epic. A perfect match for the Avatar.You bring an interesting thought to my mind in mentioning the (crown?) chakra. When I saw Amon take pretty boy's bending, it almost seemed as if he was frightening it right out of the guy. But fear blocks the earth chakra, way down at the base of the spine, which as far as we know has nothing to do with qi-blocking or taking away someone's bending. But fear of loss--that is worldly attachment. Could a bender fear so strongly to lose their power that it would block the chakra and thus their qi? Could this ability of Amon's be not at all magical or even physical, but entirely psychological?I would say more Roaring Twenties than WWII. But somewhere in first half of the twentieth century, and I'm loving it. From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  5. But being, as you mentioned, likely frowned upon, it probably isn't common, and moreover the ability in itself being common does not necessarily denote its full potential as vulgar among waterbenders, or even among bloodbenders. Lightningbending has existed for hundreds, maybe thousands, of years, but Iroh was the first to realize that it could be absorbed and redirected, if I am remembering my facts right. To any bending art there are always secrets undiscovered or little known, depths unfathomed. Amon could have developed a qi-blocking bloodbending technique. Besides, if bloodbending wasn't special, I would think a band of waterbenders might have taken over the world by now. Controlling the bodies of your enemies is a potent power. From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  6. I must have confused that with your earlier post. My mistake.But while we're on the topic, might Amon be a bloodbender? If the blood containing the qi energy was removed . . . then again, I guess qi has nothing to do with the blood, being a matter of energy. Bloodbending pertains more to the physical than the incorporeal. But perhaps disturbing the flow of blood could somehow disturb the flow of qi. Bloodbending is not an art we ever learned much about.From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  7. With the exception of the part about innocence, that's a fitting description. Interesting, too; I had never known that they were named after philosophers.What do you guys think about a film based on the comic strip? How would you feel if one was made? Do you consider it possible?Personally I think it's unlikely. There are a lot of films based on old television shows, movies, and books, but not so much comics. I think it would be great, though, as long as it was done right, which is improbable anyway--unless Disney were the ones to do it. They, I think, would be fully capable of making a great Calvin and Hobbes film, preferably live-action. But I don't see that happening. From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  8. You're really over-thinking my statements. Like sarcasm, implications are difficult to translate through text, so I'm sorry if you read more than I said, or if I even did say as much as you seem to think I did. But I love the new series, I really do, and I think it has a lot of potential. I think it will be great, and I think it's been great, on the whole. Just because I hated one episode doesn't mean I hate the whole show now and refuse to watch another and will forever spurn this trash that is Legend of Korra. It's not trash, I don't hate it; I think it's wonderful. It was the premier that attracted me to Last Airbender in the first place. I adore the setting, and I think if Sokka lived to see Republic City, he would have inhabited 221b Bender Street. I doubt if he played violin well or if he earned a cent in his work, but I'm digressing. My point is, I may have disliked the primary elements of one episode, but I love the series. In the future I'll remember to keep my negative opinions to myself. From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  9. Calvin is myself exaggerated. The overactive imagination, the philophical mind, the love of nature, the amplitudinous lexis, the mischief. He lived in that world that every kid lived in or wanted to live in, but at the same time he lived in the real world and he contemplated it and strove to understand it. I imagine Calvin probably grew up to be a writer. Probably hard-boiled mysteries, thrillers, and horrors.So yes, I love Calvin and Hobbes. As is evinced by my (current) signature.From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  10. I've heard of being in love with an ostrich, but a llama?It seems to be a man about to kiss a llama. Or sniffing it. Or about to touch noses with it.Then again, it could be an alpaca.From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  11. Well, my six- and eight-year-old sisters got me into the show. And when I watch the show I'm either cooking or washing dishes while my sisters are specifically sitting before the television. But that's really the only time I ever watch television, anyway. So, to answer the question, I don't think anyone really knows how much I enjoy the show. But my elder brother and even my parents watch it sometimes. In fact, my father likes it more than my mom. It's a strange world I live in, ridden with magical ponies and magical robots and semi-magical people and magical half-bagels.Any thoughts or hopes re what the next season will bring? Do you expect something like "The Return of Harmony"?Personally I'd like to see an episode centering more around Spike and Rarity--or "Sparity," if that's the term. Moreover I'd very much like to see Daring Do return. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  12. Not Hahli, Nokama.Hahli has voiced Rarity in the past, however.Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  13. I only watched the finale this morning, but what a finale! It was spectacular. Maybe not quite as awesome as the season premiere, but nonetheless a fine example of MLP epicosity.And the scene when the Mane Six battled their changeling clones was actually pretty great. You don't often get to see the ponies punching themselves. Or anyone, for that matter. I imagine none of them had any trouble telling the changeling Fluttershies from the real Fluttershy, though. Pinky-Pie too, for that matter.Further observations have already been observed: All I have left to say is . . .Best--wedding--EVER! Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  14. Rathbone? You have sold me, TLC. You have sold me. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  15. They actually made so many spinoff manga series I've lost track. I tried to follow at first, but they never interested me as much as the novels. I have nothing against their effect to expand the universe, however. I've only ever seen one, at least for this series, and that was on the old site--but I admit I'm not very active in CoT. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy Forgotten Warrior and Last Hope either, but as soon as I started I got sucked into them in a way a book hasn't effected me for some time. Power of Three starts to drag at the end and most of Omen of the Stars is rather slow, but it's all worth it for that tingling revelation in Fourth Apprentice, and to reach Sign of the Moon and Last Hope. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  16. I'm surprised there isn't a topic for this already. But I digress.What are your thoughts on the theme? Any sets catch your eye? Any sets already catch your wallet? ;PPersonally, all the Batman sets repulse me. They seem to be based more off of The Brave and the Bold--or, as I more sensibly call it, The Abhorrent and the Abominable--than the movies or comics or other shows. That's understandable, seeing as TBatB is what's currently going, but that doesn't make me any happier about it. I much preferred the line from 2006. '06 and '07 were okay, too, but I never bought any of those.On the other hand, the Superman/Wonder Woman Vs. Power Armor Lex Luthor looks pretty awesome. I doubt if I'll buy it, unless I can figure out a way to minifigurize a few more Justice League members. This could be a springboard for a poorly detailed Martian Manhunter. But what face would match the skin?Also, is it just me, or do none of these sets include Green Lantern? Does that mean we can expect further sets next year?By the way, if anyone happens to have both constraction Batman and Vezon, I'd love to see what Vezzy's cape looks like on Batsy. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  17. Who else adores this great series? I'm certainly a fan, and have been since shortly after its dawn. I've always been a cat person, and I fell in love with the series immediately.The Last Hope, of course, the dramatic climax, was released on the third day of this month. Please keep discussion of this novel, as well the other most recent installments, in spoiler tags. My thoughts: So, some questions unrelated to the final novel. For one thing, two rumors goin' round. First, that Tigerstar and Firestar are half-brothers; true or false? Does anyone know? Because that would be pretty neat.Second, that there's going to be a fifth series centering around the days before Firestar. Way back in the days that Skyclan was still in the forest. Does anyone know if there's any truth in this? It would be great to go back to the original setting.Lastly, a little something to spur conversation along lines for those who haven't read Last Hope. For one thing, why haven't you, crazy-head? For another, what was your favorite novel?For me, it's impossible to answer. But the closest thing to it I can give is Firestar's Quest. For one thing, I got my edition signed. A memory I will always cherish. But as for the story itself, I liked it because it brought back Firestar as protagonist, exhibited so well his character, and deepened the relationship between him and Sandstorm. And at the same time it brought to light a new mystery, a new story entirely apart from the rest of the series--which actually did tie in again later, at the end of The Forgotten Warrior, though I won't spoil how. Plus, Firestar's Quest was written at one of the better points, with regard to writing style, in the history of the series.One final thought: maybe we should start a meme. If that's the term for it. You know, change our avatars and signatures and give ourselves Clan display names. Lunaticstar--well, we'd have to be more creative than that. Okay. I've gabbed your eyes out. Your turn!Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  18. That's tragic. That's . . . well, I'm at a loss for words. I haven't known many deaths in my life, and I can't imagine what it would be like if that happened to a family member or friend. All I can say is God rest your soul, Heather, and bless your family and friends. You'll all be in my prayers. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  19. Chapter Thirteen Mere minutes ago, we, the Stellar Quest Team, had just enrolled ourselves into the Aliruug. As it seemed, we were to join them in their final strike against the tyrannical Millennium, and eliminate him from his rulership once and for all.Now a blaring siren rent the air, accompanied by the din of laserblasts and explosions.None of us said a word. What was there to say? The situation was instantaneously comprehendible; the headquarters had been discovered by Millennium's forces, and we had to evacuate expeditiously. Nothing could have been clearer.Silently, Puxe rose and led us hurriedly away from the café area, winding his way through the pathways carved between machines and devices of innumerable types. I expected to be taken to the platforms above, where flying vehicles were located, but instead we were taken to another area of the ground level, where several long rows of wheeled conveyances were parked near a large portion of comminuted wall. A ramp situated before this suggested the gap served as a crude exit; at the moment, however, it served as a crude entrance for the onslaught of Sparks and Flares.Revolutionists met their enemies bravely, fighting with discs, daggers, flamethrowers, pickaxes, and various other weapons. Commander Dynamo had underestimated us, and his troops were greatly outnumbered; we were winning, but it would not be for long. As soon as Dynamo received reports of our multitude, he would send reinforcements. We had to escape and regroup before that occurred.Naught was to be heard but the clangor of metal, the roar of flames, and the sonority of explosions. Nobody spoke, nobody shouted, only rarely did one hear a vociferation of pain. The din was louder than that of any battle I had ever witnessed on Spherus Magna, but the lack of voices seemed unnatural.Still were we silent as we approached the range of vehicles, the only thing between us and the battle. Occasionally we ducked to avoid stray discs and blasts as the battle raged on nearby; more than once we were approached by a Spark, Flare, or some combination, but Seren and Klimaat made short work of these. Still nobody spoke, not even Klimaat; however, though he kept his mouth shut, the appreciation of his newly tested Tree Tomahawk was manifest on his face.Around us, Aliruug agents mounted vehicles in their own efforts to escape the headquarters, while empty slots between some vehicles suggested others had already departed. Above I saw, from time to time, a flying transport depart.Presently Puxe motioned to halt, and a moment later he was sitting astride a two-wheeled automobile. On either side of this stood a nearly identical machine, which varied only be color. Each vehicle had two seats: one for the driver, the other for, presumably, a gunner. Mounted on the rear of the motorcycle, before the latter seat, stood some sort of mechanism, the purpose of which seemed to be firing discs. The vehicles reminded me of the Kaxium back home, though these motorcycles were suited for battle, while the Kaxium was a simple courier transport.The rest of us mounted the cycles, in pairs of Puxe and Klimaat, Nagaan and Veverka, and Seren and I. Without delay the three vehicles took off, breaking through the ranks of Millennium's forces and riding down any foolish enough to stand in our way. Before I knew it, the battle had disappeared behind the invisibility screen, and the ostensibly abandoned warehouse was shrinking into the distance.It was almost too easy. Somehow I knew there would be more to it, even before Puxe declared, "Millennium Motorcycles!"I turned and peered over Seren's shoulder as the entire group swerved down a side path to avoid a group of five Millennions, mounted upon red motorcycles, who blocked the street ahead. We sped down that side path, their engines roared, and the chase began."It seems Millennium's forces are looking to get their rears kicked again," remarked Klimaat, opening fire upon our pursuers.In an instant Veverka and I followed suit--as did, unfortunately, our pursuers. A disc flew at my cycle, and if not for my warning and Seren's quick reflexes, we would certainly have been hit. Thence we gunners became the eyes in the postern of our pilots' heads, warning them when and which way to dodge.I fired repeatedly to no avail. Every shot missed. In an effort to concentrate, I held my breath and closed one eye. I aimed carefuly and fired, and at last hit my mark, but with an impact that only caused the Millennium Motorcycle to vacillate. With another breath I aimed once more and fired several times. One missed entirely, another struck the side of the cycle, but the third collided directly with the rider, giving me the honor of taking down the first Millennion.We rode onward through the darkness, our battle illuminated only by the moon and streetlights. Our own motorcycles received several hits, yet none of us fell, though Puxe and Klimaat once came close, and I was nearly flung from my seat during an unexpected turn, saved only by the powerful arm of the captain.One by one our trackers were worsted, either knocked from their vehicles, or their vehicles knocked from them. At some point they were joined by three more mounted Millennions, which fell along with the others until but one remained of the fleet that had tried in vain to halt our flight.I was sore all over from the rough ride, my back ached from leaning over the disc launcher, and I was generally fatigued from the many occurrences of the day. Nevertheless I took one last breath, closed an eye, leaned over my weapon, took aim, and--suddenly another disc whizzed past me, flying straight at the last Millennion. It struck him full on, knocking him from his cycle. The Millennium Motorcycle sped onward without a pilot, until it lost balance, tipped over, and slid to a halt.I turned to congratulate Klimaat, but found him leaning back in his seat, wearing a somewhat disappointed expression. I turned my gratulatory grin on Veverka, and she winked."Now at last we can make our way to the emergency rendezvous point!" Puxe announced over the roar of our vehicles.In an effort to deceive the Millennions, Puxe had taken us in the direction opposite the meeting place, thus our journey took nearly an hour unto our arrival. When at last we stopped, I felt practically dead on my feet. I noticed only vaguely that mixed among the throng of Throwbots around us were trees and other plants before I collapsed in a heap on the grass."Yes, please rest," Puxe invited as my eyes began to close. "We will all need as much of it as we can get."He did not need to ask me twice--I hardly heard him once as it was. Without further ado, I slipped into unconsciousness. * * * I awoke to a myriad of voices. In the midst of this, a very clear, familiar voice spoke in my ear. "Wake up, Reise! Come on, get up! It's time," Veverka announced, rattling me by the shoulder.Literally shaken from my rest, I rose to my feet. As the haze faded from my mind, I observed my surroundings more astutely than I had been able to previously. The moon was well on its way down the sky, while on the other horizon an orange glow was just visible. The latter outlined a line of tall metallic structures, which I noticed continued to surround us on all sides, albeit more distant than before. Of more proximity, trees, flowers, and numerous other plants of varieties I had never seen, suggested that we were in a garden of some sort.Veverka had seized my wrist and was pulling me along impatiently. She led--or took, rather--me to a nearby spot, thick with trees, where the Aliruug had gathered. A Bota Magnian, Bara Magnian, and Sister of the Skrall stood out among this crowd of shorter beings. As we joined them, I beheld five figures at the center of the crowd. These were the leaders, then, with the Turbo and Granite hidden behind the sea of heads. Above them hovered the Electro representative, addressing the assembly."...changes nothing. Whether Millennium knows we are coming or not, whether he has an army waiting for us or not, today we will fight! We will set forth into battle with but one purpose: to free Slizer!" he was saying as I tuned in on his speech. "Naught matters but to slay Emperor Millennium at any cost."Cheers erupted from the Throwbots, but I was taken aback. "Slay him?" I echoed quietly. "We have to kill him?""Well of course, Reise," Veverka whispered back. "What did you expect? That we would just imprison him?""I don't know, I--I guess I just haven't given it much thought.""I know it seems ruthless, but there really isn't any other way, is there?""Perhaps not, but it just--it just doesn't seem right, somehow.""I understand how you feel, Reise, and I don't blame you, but--wait, hush!" she added swiftly, as the Electro quieted the cheers and continued his speech."For hundreds of years we have been oppressed by this cruel autocrat, and for hundreds of years we have sought to liberate the people of Slizer. At long last, the hour of success approaches. Everything we have ever done has led up to the coming battle. Throwbots of every species have given and risked their lives to prepare for it. Now the preparations are at an end. Rally your weapons, your transports, your spirits, for the end is nigh. To liberate our people or die trying, we attack at dawn!"With an uproar of cheers, the Aliruug dispersed to make final preparations. We were to strike the final blow against Emperor--so he would be titled for a short while longer--Millennium, to free Slizer as well as secure continued freedom on Spherus Magna, and yet...the Electro's final words left me with a feeling of dread.To liberate our people...or die trying. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 1,697 Review Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  20. These things are AWESOME! I totally want the space marine! As a side note, and you'd have to be a Disney fanatic to notice this (lol!), but did anyone else notice that the Tarzan 'fig has three scratch-marks in the exact spot where Sabor scratched him in the original Disney movie? I don't know if it was done on purpose, but I think it's kinda cool. Of course, he didn't have a necklace in the movie, but...
  21. Chicken came first, long before egg. The word chicken entered the language around the year 950, while egg didn't show up until about 1340. Interestingly, however, the verb egg is older than the noun. So egg meant "to incite" long before it meant to pelt someone with defenseless, unborn chicken young. And long before it meant sort or person. Nowadays a good egg can easily egg someone to eat a dozen eggs, but so has it not always been! Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  22. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-BIONICLE!. . . No?The word "Pokémon" in most of the themes could be replaced easily enough by "BIONICLE."In all seriousness, that song by whomever-it-was, whatever-it-was-called. "Do you know what it takes to be a hero? Do you have what it takes to beat the fear that's in your heart?" It was played over a montage of commercial clips back in '04 or '05 or '06 or 1642. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
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