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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Everything posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. Chapter ThreeThe Element Lords led us down another tunnel leading off the main chamber. It forked here and there, indicating a vast network of tunnels and chambers. It pricked at my curiosity. What could they all be for? Just how many secrets were hidden there? These questions, I knew, would probably never be answered."The vehicle the Great Beings have created is just ahead," Jungle explained over his shoulder. "And it's going to be your home for--well, a long time.""You mean we can't go home at all during training?" I asked, surprised."Going back and forth every day would be a waste of time," said Rock. "Besides, you might as well be getting used to living in the ship."I nodded, but I didn't like the thought that I was leaving my home behind so soon. Aqua Magna, my house, my friends...I never even had a chance to say good-bye. And what if we failed? The thought made me shudder.Veverka nudged me. "Hey, don't worry," she whispered with sympathy. "I know it's hard to think that we'll be away from home for so long, but just think about all we're about to do!"I nodded thoughtfully. "And that's exactly what worries me."Before Veverka could continue the discussion, we reached our destination. The Element Lords led us into an enormous cavern full of various pieces of advanced technology. The walls stretched upward in a long tunnel, emerging into daylight at the end. But the massive object at the center of the room caught all our attention.A giant metal orb, held in the air by three long, sturdy legs. It was larger than the largest house I had ever seen. My own probably would not have even filled a quarter of it! It was simply amplitudinous!"There she is," Fire announced, gesticulating at the legged orb. "Isn't she beautiful? Her name is the Unreachable Star.""The Unreachable Star?" I repeated. "That's not very encouraging."Veverka chortled. "It's supposed to be inspirational.""It doesn't inspire me.""So when does training start?" Klimaat asked."One of the Great Beings is waiting for you right now," was Sand's answer.The five of us gasped. "Are we going to get to meet a Great Being?" Seren's voice was filled with awe and excitement. I entirely shared his feelings, and judging by the expressions of my fellows, we all did."Well, not exactly," Rock laughed. "But you'll see. He's waiting just inside the Star.""Come, brothers, let us leave the team to their training," said Sand. To us he added, "Good luck."We walked through the aisles created by all the tables and machines sitting around the chamber, toward the ship. I gazed wonderingly round at all the gadgets, feeling as excited as a thief in a treasure trove. How amazing everything was! And to think, I would be learning how to use it all...or some of it, at least. Even that was an overwhelming thought!Nagaan expressed her annoyance at our presence with an occasional hiss.Klimaat--either eager to annoy or to comfort, my guess being the former--threw an arm around her shoulders. "Cheer up, Naggy!" he cried.Nagaan instantly screeched and shoved the Glatorian away. "How--dare--you touch me!" she gasped.Klimaat let out a sudden cry of anguish and fell to his knees, clutching his head. The pain seemed to be only momentary, for he quickly rose to his feet, glaring at the Skrall.It took me a moment to realize what had just happened. Nagaan had attacked Klimaat using her Psionic powers.Klimaat pulled back a fist, but Seren grabbed his arm. "Hey, break it up, you two!" To the Skrall, he added, "None of that, Nagaan. It's not necessary here."Nagaan rounded on the Sand Glatorian. "You cannot tell me what to do!" she hissed."Calm yours--woah!" Seren cried out suddenly, leaping backwards like a frightened Sand Fox. The captain's wide eyes were fixed on Nagaan.I was bewildered. What could possibly have provoked such a reaction?Seren glanced at us. We were all gazing at him, blinking inquiringly. Realization--of what, I do not know--dawned on the Glatorian's face, and he regained his placidity. His voice calm and quiet, yet dripping with ire, he said, "That's not funny, Nagaan," then turned on the spot and marched toward the ship.I was still clueless and curious. "What was that? What happened?"Seren answered simply, "Nagaan fooled me."Then I understood. Of course! Another mind trick. It really made me wonder why the Great Beings had chosen a female Skrall. A Skrall had to be included on the team, of course, it's only fair--but why in the world a Sister of the Skrall?Silence followed as we picked our way through the rows of technology. Soon we reached the Unreachable Star (pun entirely intended). A ladder hung from an opening in the side. Seren led the way up this, followed closely by our two most conceited members."Ladies first," I told Veverka. "Well--fourth...." Laughing, the Fire Agori ascended the ladder and I followed.I found myself crammed into a small room with the rest of the team, a closed door leading on into another portion of the ship. Seren struggled to find a way to open the door while Klimaat babbled instructions over his shoulder, which to his displeasure were ignored. Nagaan was looking extremely claustrophobic.We squirmed around one another in the small space, and I found myself shoved suddenly against the wall. I hit something, and it made a loud beep, followed by a woosh as the entrance slid shut, locking us in that small space.My immediate reaction was that it had been some sort of cruel trick to lure is into a trap--but to what purpose, I had absolutely no clue.This idea was quickly dispelled, as the second door slid open a moment later, and we fell out, tripping over one another and tangling our limbs. Nagaan let out a sickened scream and freed herself, fleeing as far from her teammates as possible."We don't have cooties, you know," exclaimed Klimaat indignantly, getting to his own feet.As soon as we were back on our feet, I observed the room. Lights of all colors blinked and flashed beside buttons, knobs, switches and other things I didn't even know the name for. Sliding doors, glass tubes, ladders going up and down--the wonders were endless! It gorgonized me even more than the cavern outside!Suddenly, a deep voice echoed around the room: "Greetings, Stellar Quest team! My name is Angonce, and I am one of the Great Beings who will conduct your training."Heads rotated back and forth, searching for the speaker, but we saw no one but each other."I am sure you are confused--look here, on the table at the center of the room," said the voice again.On the indicated spot, I saw nothing bit six small, circular boxes. Klimaat edged closer and poked one of the boxes, jumping as the voice spoke again."Do you see them? Six boxes, one for each of you. They are communicators, which will give you the ability to speak together over great distances, as I am doing with you right now."I picked one up and examined it. It was simple in appearance, nothing but a smooth chunk of metal with a few buttons poking out from the sides. What seemed a net of tightly criss-crossing fibers formed a dome on its top. How could this box possibly carry voices from far lengths?"Uh--erm--hello?" I whispered hesitantly."Well, hello! And who are you?""Um--Reise, sir.""Occupation?" asked the voice."Medic, sir?""Is that a question or an answer?"I smiled slightly at his light-hearted tone. "Answer, sir. I am a medic.""Ah, good. And who got to be captain?" Angonce inquired.The others had taken their own communicators, and Seren spoke into his. "Me, sir. Seren.""Ah, Seren! A good choice. Well, everyone, introduce yourselves!" the Great Being invited.Klimaat was the first to take the offer. "I'm Klimaat, sir, renowned warrior from Bota Magna.""I've heard of you," said Angonce with amusement. "The Element Lord of Jungle suggested you for Master of Defense.""Willing and able, sir," Klimaat answered eagerly."Good. Now then--er, Vivicka?""You mean Veverka, sir?" she spoke up."That's the one," the voice said. "You are a mechanic, correct?""That's right, sir," Veverka articulated, "But--""The Unreachable Star is far more complex than anything you've ever touched, I know. But you have a knowledge of your primitive technologies, at least, and that's a good start. You will be Engineer.""Thank you very much, sir," Veverka replied breathlessly."Cynnia?"Seren hesitated before saying, "She went home, sir."The transmitter emitted a sigh. "Did she? How disappointing. Well, then, that leaves Nagaan.""Yes, sir! Thank you, sir, very much, for choosing me!" Nagaan's words came in an excited rush, unlike I had yet seen her. But in a mere moment her giddiness evaporated as she regained her bitter disposition. "Of course, the conditions are not preferable. But I can bear it for the sake of the mission.""I am sure you are disappointed," said the Great Being with forced sympathy, "but I assure you, it is for the best. A variety of skills and minds is vital in your venture. Nagaan, you are to be the Navigator, for your familiarity with Psionics."I tilted my head in curiosity. "Is the ship controlled mentally, sir?"Angonce chuckled. "I could bore you with a more complex explanation, but I will not. Essentially, Reise, indeed it is."Nagaan spoke again, saying, "Thank you, sir. I would be proud to pilot this ship."Covering his communicator, Klimaat whispered to Seren, Veverka and I. "Proud enough already, isn't she?"As I considered noting the irony of his statement, Angonce interrupted me. "I heard that, Klimaat."I couldn't help but to laugh. Veverka and Seren joined me."That's enough, that's enough," the Great Being quieted us. He went on: "Training will begin soon, but I am sure you would all learn better with refreshed minds. You will find your rooms if you take Chute A up. There are your beds, as well as a few pieces of personal equipment I recommend you keep on your persons at all times during the mission. The same goes for your transmitters. Well, then, good night to you, Stellar Quest team."There was a quiet click, and the communicator went silent. I looked around at the others, having a hard time believing Angonce expected any of us to sleep after all the excitement of the day.Nonetheless, Klimaat led the way to the chute marked A. Tentatively, he stepped onto the platform inside. Nothing happened.The Jungle Glatorian looked confused. "Um--he did say to take this chute up, right? Chu--woah!"At the word up, the platform ascended, taking Klimaat with it."Wow! That was cool!" Klimaat's voice echoed down through the glass tube."Now get off so the rest of us can follow!" Seren called.When the platform returned, Seren stepped on and said hesitantly, "Up?"With a woosh, the Sand Glatorian disappeared.The rest of us followed suit: first Nagaan, then Veverka, and finally myself. I stepped out to find myself in a hallway alongside five rooms, the door to each marked with the first symbol of our respective names. Nagaan had already disappeared behind the threshold marked ."Well, good night everyone," Seren said, yawning suddenly. "Wow, I'm more tired than I thought. I just hope I can sleep....""Night all!" Klimaat waved before disappearing into his own room, leaving Veverka and I standing in the hall.Veverka smiled at me. "Good night, Reise. See you tomorrow."I watched her enter the room labeled before departing to my own lodging.It was small, I found, but comfortable. There was a single bed built into an alcove in the wall, a cushioned metal chair, a table, and a small shelf unit. Not much, but I did not really need much.On the table I found a small arrangement of equipment, just as Angonce had said. I first lifted the most interesting in appearance and examined it. It was a saber of some sort, dark blue of color, with two blades that curved and met in the middle, making a parenthesis shape. I grasped it by the handle behind the center of the blade, giving it a test slice through the air. It was lightweight, easy to manage, and my now three-legged chair testified to its effectivity.Setting the blade down, I inspected a large metal backpack. Strangely, there was only one compartment for storage. I could find no way of getting inside the rest of the pack. Perhaps Angonce would tell us about the equipment when we began training.I sifted through the other gadgets sitting on the table, but I could not figure out what any of them were for, and a yawn reminded me how exhausted I was. I pushed all the gizmos into the backpack and flopped down on my new bed.Now that I had no distractions, my mind fell into chaos. Thoughts and questions whirled around my brain, bumping into each other and getting jumbled up. Just as I began to ponder why the Great Beings had chosen me, the question slipped away and I began to think consider the rest of the team. Suddenly I got distracted wondering if ever I would return from this mission, before my thoughts turned those mysterious beings that had attacked Spherus Magna.I shook my head to clear it. These were all good questions, but I had no answers to any of them, and I would not until morning. But even then so few of my questions would be answered, and surely as many if not more would crop up. So much I had to learn of--the Unreachable Star, all our equipment, those mysterious beings--and I knew nothing about any of it. I felt like a newborn being introduced to the world for the first time. There is so, so much out there...and I understood so little.My thoughts continued to whirl in my mind, clouded by exhaustion. At last, long after losing track of time, I drifted into a fitful, restless sleep. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 2,402 Review Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  2. Friends come and go, but family is forever . . . and books are eternal.

  3. Chapter TwoWhile the rest of us were flabbergasted, the Jungle Glatorian remained unshaken."We're going to strike before they get another chance?" he asked ebulliently, punching his palm."No," the Element Lord of Sand answered firmly, though some of the other Element Lords wore regretful expressions. "You will be there to spy and study only. You have seen what they are capable of--to attack them blindly would be suicide."The Jungle Glatorian frowned and crossed his arms. Meanwhile, the Glatorian from Bara Magna made a different inquiry. "How are we going to get there?"Jungle answered. "The Great Beings have created a vehicle capable of travelling among the stars," he said. "It is truly amazing. Not only will it take you to your destination, but it will provide comfortable living conditions during your travel. It has also strong defenses, in case you meet hostile forces.""Speaking of hostile forces, what about weapons?" the Jungle Glatorian piped up again. "For--erm--defense, of course."Rock smiled. "You will be provided with an array of technology for various purposes, including weapons--for defense." He emphasized that last with clear disapproval."That will be enough for now," Sand said, holding up a hand. "You know the basics of your mission. It is a great honor, but a heavy responsibility. It will be frought with danger. But the decision is up to you. None of you will be forced to accept the mission. You are free to decline and go home, as if nothing had happened.""I will take you to a nearby chamber where you can make your decision," Ice said, speaking for the first time. He started down one of the many tunnels leading out of the chamber, gesturing for us to follow. The Jungle Glatorian strode immediately after him, closely followed by the Fire Agori and the Skrall.I hesitated. The Sand Glatorian made me jump by placing his hand on my shoulder. With an amused smile he said, "Come on, don't lag behind."I nodded, letting him take the lead as we ran to catch up with the others. I hesitated near the tunnel entrance to glance back at the Ice Glatorian, who was standing alone. I called to her, and she jumped just as I had. A quarter embarrassed, a quarter amused and one half nervous, she ran after me.We caught up to the rest of the group following the Element Lord of Ice, and soon he led us into a small chamber, furnished simply with six stools around a small wooden table."Get to know one another, and evaluate the mission ahead of you. It will be very dangerous, but there's also the excitement of adventure," Ice told us. "Don't be rash, take your time to make a wise decision. Good luck."And with that, the Element Lord left us. We sat in silence for some time, each caught up in our own thoughts. The Skrall quietly moved her stool to a corner of the room, away from the rest of us.I couldn't help but think the Element Lord of Water had made a mistake. Why me? I was nothing special. Just a simple medic from Aqua Magna. I wasn't even a Glatorian! Surely this was a job for Glatorian only. But I was not the only Agori present. That was a relief!At the same time, maybe I had been greatly complimented. I had been chosen for this important and dangerous mission, alongside several Glatorian! I might not have believed in myself, but Water obviously did. If only I knew why....My thoughts were interrupted by the Jungle Glatorian's boisterous announcement. "Well, what is there to decide? If the Element Lord of Jungle chose me, I'm obviously the one for the job. Why would I leave and let someone else screw it up?" He leaned back, put his feet on the table, and added, "The name's Klimaat, by the way."What a conceited ape! I thought, shocked by his attitude.Klimaat had placed his feet in front of the Sand Glatorian's face. Disgusted, the latter pushed the feet aside, causing Klimaat to lose his balance and fall. Everyone else at the table laughed.The vexed and embarassed Glatorian climbed to his feet, brushing off the sand before sitting down again, feet on the floor and arms crossed."Sorry about that," said the Sand Glatorian, extending a hand. "I'm Seren." The hand was roughly shaken."My name is Veverka," put in my fellow Agori."I am Reise," I introduced, smiling."Cynnia. Very nice to meet you all," muttered the Ice Glatorian shyly.We all turned to the Skrall. For a moment, she just eyed us, considering whether she should speak or not. At last, she hissed, "Nagaan." A moment later she added contemptuously, "I hope you all appreciate how lucky you are. It was very commiserative of the Great Beings to allow the Element Lords to choose someone from each of their tribes, though a team with only Sisters of the Skrall would do a much better job. Hopefully you won't bungle things up too much."She was even ruder than Klimaat, which was a hard thing to accomplish. Not that I had really expected anything else....Klimaat just laughed at our Skrall friend, who gave us a very dark look before glaring in a different direction. Klimaat's cachinnations echoed around the empty chamber, until Veverka put an end to it by kicking him hard in the shins.After that, there was silence once more, until Seren broke it. "I've decided," he said slowly, "to accept the mission."Veverka nodded her head. "Me too. I was chosen by the Element Lord of Fire. I can't disappoint him."Cynnia frowned. "It is a hard offer to refuse," she said. "But...I have to. It's just--not for me. I'd rather stay here. Spherus Magna is home. I want to help with the repairs.""There's nothing wrong with that," Seren said, smiling. "It won't be easy for any of us to go. We all understand." After he said this, he glared at Klimaat, who had opened his mouth to speak. The Jungle Glatorian snapped it shut irritably.Cynnia stood up. "Thank you, it was nice meeting you all. Good luck with your mission--and your decision," she added, touching my shoulder. With those last words and a smile, she left the room.All eyes were on me now. I was the only one who hadn't voiced my decision. I hadn't made it, either. To both seek advice and stall for time, I asked, "Didn't any of you consider that maybe your Element Lord made a wrong choice?" Klimaat, of course, opened his mouth to be the first to answer. I cut across him by saying, "Well, you didn't, of course."Seren said slowly, "Well, I know I did. But the Element Lords chose each of us. And they wouldn't have if they didn't think we were capable. Some of us may be unsure of ourselves, but if the Element Lords think we can do it...well, we'll just have to do our best to live up to their expectations."Veverka nodded. "Well spoken, Seren. I agree with you." Glancing at me, she added, "But don't let us pressure you. It's your choice.""No, he's right," said I. "If the Element Lord of Water thinks I'm worthy for this mission...who am I to disagree?""If you ask me," Klimaat interposed, "If you don't believe in yourself, no one else should. But hey, they obviously saw something in you lot, and I respect any decision they make."Seren ignored him. "So we've all decided? We're a team now?" he asked, rising to place his hand at the center of the table.Klimaat shrugged, placing his palm on top of Seren's. "I'm in for whatever the Great Beings want of me.""We're a team," Veverka assented, following suit with her own hand."Yes," I affirmed, "a team." With that, I placed my palm at the top of the pile.Nagaan glared at us. "The Great Beings might have been kind enough to be even and fair, and we may be a team now, but that does not make us friends." She tossed her head and strutted to the door, saying as she went, "I just want to say that I am going to do all within my power to please the Great Beings, and I expect the same of each of you."The rest of us frowned at each other before following her out of the chamber. Though I was lost in the maze of tunnels, the Sister of the Skrall led us back to the Element Lords with ease."Have you all made your decision?" Sand asked as we entered. His fellows looked at us from where they were standing around the large table. Only Ice was not present--gone, I assumed, to lead Cynnia home.Everyone nodded, and Seren said, "On behalf of all of us, I would like to thank you for giving us the great opportunity to serve the Great Beings. We are pleased to accept."Sand smiled at the other Element Lords. "We are glad to hear it, Captain Seren."Seren's gaped in surprised. Veverka and I patted him on the back. Nagaan let out a low hiss of indignation, and Klimaat looked equally displeased."We are pleased to welcome you all to the Stellar Quest team." Thanks for reading! Word Count: 1,569 Review Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  4. It would be hard to choose a "holy grail." The Mata and Takanewva come to mind; but I think, all in all, I would say Kardas. Which, technically speaking, I do not own; but I made him from Vezon & Fenrakk, Axonn, and Brutaka, and love him to pieces (HA! awful pun). Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  5. I bought all six of the Stars at once as my final BIONICLE purchase. Not a very worthwhile finale, but it was something. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  6. I think the Core War would be an apt title. Out of your suggestions, I would go with Time Slip. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  7. I'm pretty certain there's something I forgot, but . . . the trouble is, I can't remember what! Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  8. The League of Authors was only in its beginning stages and there was yet a lot of work to do when the downtime came and threw a huge monkey wrench in my plans. X_x Thinking about all I have to do to tidy that up scares me. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  9. Someone told me before I saw it for myself; I honestly thought they were pulling my leg. The next morning I dreamed that the forums were back, only realizing a few hours after I awoke that they really were--or so that person said. Then I saw the truth for myself and hyperventilated. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  10. Enjoyed my life, to the point that I'm going to find it difficult to work BZP into it again. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  11. I purchased Lewa Mata in February 2002; I think I got Onua at the same time or soon thereafter. Sweet memories. . . . Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  12. Friends come and go, but family is forever . . . and books are ternal.

  13. ^ click to read Stellar Quest ^ Mini-guide, character pictures and more coming soon!
  14. And still no sign of a Pharaoh's Quest continuation? On-topic, these look epic. I love the prison break idea. Canister-sized heroes and Matoran-sized villains are both good ideas, too. Doubt I'll buy any of these, though. From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  15. Over 100,000 yeas ago, not long before the Core War...It was a peaceful night just like any other on Spherus Magna. The starts twinkled in the sky, the weather had been beautiful, and the Agori and Glatorian below went about there business. Everything was as it should be.But then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed.No one knew exactly what they were, at first. Huge, mysterious gray shapes appeared in a flash, like rocks floating high in the sky, each the size of an entire village. In the villages below, all eyes watched the unknown shapes warily.Then tiny holes opened in the strange objects, tiny specks of light only slightly larger than stars. Immediately after, thousands of strange beings began to descend from the strange objects. They flew on orange wings, and each carried a legged creature underneath them. Agori screamed and fled as the Glatorian rushed forward to defend our villages.The mysterious beings did not attack, at first. They might not have, if our Glatorian hadn't shot their Thornax first. That's when the flying beings retaliated with a spray of their own projectiles, which exploded upon impact. Those who weren't killed fled under the onslaught.The Glatorian tried to fight back, but the legged robots were armed with strange hand-held devices, which fired beams of light that burned through both flesh and armor alike. Even the Glatorian stood no chance of defeating an army of these dangerous beings.They evacuated the villages, trying to at least save the Agori. While the invaders ransacked our homes, the Glatorian did their best to protect the Agori.And then, as abruptly as they had come, they left. The flying robots picked up their legged friends and returned to the flying objects just as a new day dawned. The huge floating rocks vanished in a flash of light, leaving the broken shells of a few of their robots and several years' worth of repair behind them.In one horrible night, our villages were destroyed. It was all so surreal. I, for one, was sure it had all been a dream. That I would soon awake from the horrible nightmare. But I did not.The Element Lords calmed us, helped us to find shelter in caves and hollow trees. They instructed their tribes in the repairing of our villages, leading us through those dark days with the promise that something was being done about it, though they refused to tell us exactly what.I was among the first few to find out what that mysterious "something" was.I am Agori Reise, and this is my story. The journey of the crew of The Unreachable Star. This is the Stellar Quest. Chapter One It was as I lay on the beach of Aqua Magna, my home, with the water gently lapping my feet. The gentle rhythm soothed my troubled mind. I stared up at the sky, dappled with stars, pondering its vastness. Where had those beings come from? Were there other worlds out there, where more beings lived? Obviously so. Was one of those stars their home? Was Spherus Magna a star to them?A cold wave splashed over me, bringing me out of my musing. I spluttered and coughed, spitting the salty water out of my mouth. When I looked up again, the Element Lord of Water was standing over me."Oh! H--hello, sir," I stuttered, surprised, and climbed to my feet. What did he want with me? Was I in trouble? Was he mad it me for taking a break from assisting in the repair of the Aqua Magna village?His answer would have been my very last guess. "I have a job for you, Reise," he said simply. "You must come with me."I was dumbfounded. What in the world did an Element Lord need from me? "I-I'd be pleased to help, sir. What do you need?" I asked.He did not reply, just turned and walked away, into the water. I cocked my head as he walked straight out, until his body blended with the ocean, his bubble-enclosed head disappeared.I stood there, waiting. Was he coming back? Did he expect me to follow? Surely he knew that I could not breath underwater as he could?With a sudden roar, a huge wave leapt out of the water, towering over my head for a heart-stopping second. No sooner had the thought of running managed to enter my mind that the wave crashed down on me, sweeping me into the sea. I twirled helplessly underwater, pulled along by a strong current. Vainly I fought, kicking and flapping my ams with every muscle I posessed, but the flow was too strong.As the ocean swept me along, despite my persistent struggles, panicked thoughts came into my head. I am going to drown! I never expected to die this way! Death by the very ocean that is as much home to me as my own house!I kicked wildly, flailing my arms, but the current just dragged me along. A thought struck me. Surely a current so strong could not be natural. I had swam these waters many times before, and never had I met any tide like it. Was the Element Lord of Water doing this? Was he trying to kill me? But why?My limbs were aching. My heart was throbbing painfully. And my lungs felt like they would burst. If I didn't get air soon, they probably would. Oh, what a terrible way to go! I thought.A deep, exasperated voice said suddenly, "You can breath, cool dude."In a moment I realized that he was right. I should have realized the Element Lord of Water would provide a "bubble helmet", like his own, for me. I gasped painfully, sucking in as much air as I could. Oh, sweet, wonderful air!I stopped fighting and turned around to face the way he pulled me. It was dark, and I could only just make out the Element Lord's bubble farther ahead, but little else. The moonlight did not make things much brighter. Despite the blindness, as I began to calm, I realized this wasn't such a bad way to travel. In fact, it was very enjoyable, riding effortlessly through the water at high speed. I would even call it peaceful and relaxing, once you realize you are not drowning.Suddenly I remembered why I was here, and curiosity pricked at my mind again. What in the world might the Element Lord of Water want from me? But I could think of nothing! I was just an Agori, what could I be needed for? Well, I am a medic, I thought. Is someone hurt? But even then, why call on me?The current swerved. We must have gone into a cave at that point, for the moonlight disappeared. We were left in complete darkness. The current swept on, the tunnel curving this way and that.Finally we surfaced. The bubble around my head popped, and I took in the dank, musty smell of the cave we were now in. Everything was dark, but there was a light coming from somewhere ahead. I couldn't see the Element Lord, but I assumed that was where we were headed. I walked carefully, cautiously feeling for any rocks, small creatures, or deep pits with razor-sharp spikes at the bottom.The light got bright enough for me to see the ground beneath my feet. There were few rocks, only one animal here and there, and not a single deep pit. The Element Lord of Water led the way not far ahead of me, a swirling vortex of water with a head encased by a bubble resting at the top.I was surprised to find, as we emerged from the tunnel into a large chamber, that our destination was already filled with people. I was even more surprised to see that none of them were from Aqua Magna, but that they were all from other tribes. Three Glatorian, an Agori, and even a Skrall were present, along with the other five Element Lords: Rock, Sand, Jungle, Fire, and Ice. Water joined them around a circular table, and I moved closer to the tribespeople, feeling a bit awkward.The Element Lords conferred quietly for a few minutes. I occupied myself with surveying the others in the room. The Glatorian were each of a different element, those being Sand, Jungle, and Ice. Their expressions showed the large variances in their personalities. The Sand Glatorian rocked back and forth on his feet, slightly nervous but excited. The Jungle Glatorian looked bored, his eyes roving from one thing to another. They often lingered on the Element Lords for a few moments, before moving on. At one point, our eyes met. He rolled his and looked away.I can tell he's going to be a good friend, I thought sarcastically. I just hope we'll be working separately.The Ice Glatorian was anxious. She bit the tip of her finger, tapping one of her feet on the sandy floor. I thought that, at the moment, I felt most like her.The other two tribespeople were both females. The Skrall genders, I knew, lived in separate tribes. The females wore no armor, only dark cloaks. The one I met that day wore a tattered cloak of a dark, faded purple. Her hood was down, revealing her repulsive face. That is only the opinion of an Agori, of course--all Skrall are ugly to me. She stood farther away from the rest of the tribespeople present. She was looking away from all of us, and by the sneer on her face, I could tell she was disgusted. Skrall, I knew, were very anti-social, except within their own tribes. The females especially despised any that were not one of them.And at last I took note of the Fire Agori. She stood in front of me, staring straight ahead at the Element Lords. She bounced up and down on her toes, arms folded, bursting with eagerness and curiosity.I suddenly wondered what my own appearance told. I was shuffling my feet, hands clasped behind my back. I felt nervous and awkward, with a tinge of excitement, and my actions betrayed me.At last, the Element Lords ceased their whispering and turned to us. Sand, leader of Bara Magna, spoke first, saying, "Welcome, tribespeople of Spherus Magna. I am sure you would all appreciate an explanation for our bringing you here so mysteriously."Maybe not all of us, I thought, glancing at the Jungle Glatorian and Skrall."The Great Beings have an important mission for you," Sand went on. "They left it to us to choose one member from each of our tribes, and so we have chosen you six."The Element Lord of Rock glared at the female Skrall, who returned a look of pure loathing. I highly doubted that choice had had anything to do with Rock."As you are all painfully aware, our planet was recently attacked by mysterious beings from a world unknown," said Jungle.I should have known it had to do with that, I thought. But yet, what could they expect us to do about it? Do they want us to find the bodies of the ones the Glatorian killed?Fire spoke up. "The Great Beings want to learn more about these beings. But they are far too busy, and of course we Element Lords can't abandon our tribes. So that's where the six of you come in."Excitement was building all around. I was leaning forward eagerly, the Fire Agori was bouncing more than ever, the Ice Glatorian had stuffed half her hand into her mouth, and the Sand Glatorian was rubbing his hands together while nodding slowly. Even the Jungle Glatorian was smiling expectantly at the Element Lords. The Skrall was still irritated by our presence, but she watched the Element Lords with interest.There was a pause before Sand spoke again. "You six are to search among the stars for the planet from which those beings came."We gasped in astonishment. That is what the Element Lords had chosen us for? Out of all the people of our tribes, they wanted us six for this important mission? To explore beyond our blue skies? For an adventure among the stars? Surely, it was just another dream.But no, it could not have been. It was not. It was all real, and the six of us would soon set forth past the mountains, past the clouds--into a world beyond anything the likes of which any of us had seen before. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 2,098 Review Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  16. I would probably join the WA if it were to return. More so if it was entirely different from the LoA, but in any case it would give me all the more incentive to write, and help me all the more to improve myself as an author. From the desk of Nuile, Toa of Literature
  17. I love your avatar and signature. :D C&H is the best.

  18. Is your avatar what I think it is--a cat from the Warriors manga?

  19. Haha, I haven't a clue what in the world Portal is, but I've heard good things about it so I'll have to look into it.

  20. XP Your signature cracked me up. Where's it from?

  21. LOL .... that I will not deny.

  22. That's epic, awesome, glorious, and etcetera ... but you made me hungry. From the desk of Nuile, Toa of Literature
  23. That's ... possible ... but extremely unlikely. :P At least, not anywhere near so large a scale.

  24. Perhaps I took your refusals to revive the WA too seriously? :P The timing of your decision is ironic though. Not even a week after I gave up hope. XD You're still welcome to revive it, of course. I don't see why two clubs can't exist; double incentive to write. :P

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