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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Everything posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. I love the third paragraph in your signature. :P I did the same thing once.

  2. And I'm half a month late, but happy birthday to you as well! 'XD

  3. I love your signature! Did you make it yourself? Take it from MNOLG, I mean.

  4. When I saw your name, I thought, "Nice pun, but who's Sora?" As soon as I saw your image I felt incredibly dumb....I mean, I was playing KH not but ten minutes ago! XP

  5. Always nice to see a fellow MacGyver fan. It's a great show.

  6. *tears eyes away from your sig and avatar* Mezmerizing. @_@

  7. Thanks. Glad to be entering. XD And no, not really. I had a comic series of my own once, but they were very simple. Regular two-shade Razor, with no fancy effects or anything. By the way, I don't know what different types of Rayg there are, but you're using 4-shade Toa Mata Rayg, right? Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  8. Admittedly, I've never heard of these comics before. But it sounds pretty cool, so when you restart the comics you'll have a new fan. Anyway, I'm glad I randomly spotted this in Eleven's signature. I'm always up to being inspired by a writing contest. Sincerely, Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith
  9. Hey, do you mind if I quote your banner in my signature?

  10. You can't put spaces in folder names, strangely. :/ So I just use dashes, as in "Project-Hogwarts".

  11. That first thought in your signature is one that often gets me, too. XD Another is what nothing looks like.... o.o

  12. I didn't lose, 'cause I quit long ago. :P

    Anyway, who's that hedgehog in your signature?

  13. What's wrong with that? It's telling you how much...um...level wasteland you have left. ...Ahem. Wow, LEGO, that's kinda sad. But I guess everyone makes a typo every now and then. *shrug* And that guy looks like Bob with hair. Sincerely, Nuile: Crazy Writer
  14. Don't you go disappearing again. :K

  15. There's just too much to put in profile comments....I'll have to PM you. You have PMs disabled, though.

  16. *poke'd* I'll pop by again later and start filling you in. (:

  17. Are you ever going to bring Tahu Nuva and Co. back? I always loved that comedy.

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