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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Status Updates posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. Horrible typo. Correction, I agree with the below comment.

  2. Friends come and go, but family is forever . . . and books are eternal.

  3. Calvin and Hobbes... second only to Garfield. Love your avatar! :D

  4. Perhaps I took your refusals to revive the WA too seriously? :P The timing of your decision is ironic though. Not even a week after I gave up hope. XD You're still welcome to revive it, of course. I don't see why two clubs can't exist; double incentive to write. :P

  5. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

  6. You know you misspelled "right", rite? :P

  7. O.O My topics. My posts. AWWW DURN. *headdesk* *headdesk*

  8. You've got a point. I can just imagine: Blinding your enemies with BBQ sauce, or leaving puddles of it for them to slip on! XD

  9. Roast beef... yum! We could just ask Tahu or some other Ta-Toa to roast 'em. Might be cheaper.

  10. What's Google History? I gather I could use it to recover my purged topics?

  11. No worries, IO. There's no beating the classics. I, for one, will stick to the RR RPG, whether or not I join PM, too. :)

  12. And I'm half a month late, but happy birthday to you as well! 'XD

  13. Orkahm Asylum... dude, that's epic. :D

  14. Do you have an estimate on when chapter one of ECiLA will be finished?

  15. I'm curious about what you dug up about LU, too. I'm a tester and I moderate my comments, so could you tell me there?

  16. Welcome to BZP! :) I hope you'll like it here.

    By the way, your comment on Everything Counts in Large Amounts was misplaced. Epics have review topics, unlike Comedies and Short Stories, where you should post comments. :) It's an easy mistake.

  17. Thanks for the review, but "friendlily" is a real adverb. ;)

  18. A writer's greatest reward is to give his words to humanity. A writer's greatest honor is to be recognized for his work. A writer's most fun is to know some people don't understand him.

  19. That's ... possible ... but extremely unlikely. :P At least, not anywhere near so large a scale.

  20. I'm ready to write chapter 11, but I more info about you. :P Not much to work with now.

  21. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

  22. Hey, do you mind if I quote your banner in my signature?

  23. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

  24. "I got around 3040 words, I feel saaaad." Just trying to be inspirational. :P

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