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Everything posted by WriterofReapers

  1. Now you get to constantly check for updates and make fanart while waiting. Or at least that's what I've been doing.
  2. Taking a break from RPing until June. Need to focus on school. :(

  3. It took me about four days to catch up (this was a couple of weeks ago), which was only possible because it was testing week and I didn't have any homework to do. I was shocked when I went to click the ==> and realized it wasn't there. Somehow actually reading all of it seemed impossible,even when I had finally done just that. XD And VampireBohrok is right, the music is awesome. I'm listening to coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B right now, in fact.
  4. Actually edit out the parts you say you will edit. It's kinda weird to hear somebody say "Eh... we'll just edit this awkward part of the conversation out" and then realize they totally didn't.
  5. I thought I had already fleshed out the story behind the Nui Jaga in Dev's profile...
  6. Soooo... Are we supposed to talk about the podcast here, or am I just here sooner than the new entry?
  7. I get the feeling that a bunch of people just recoiled in fear. I know I did, and I'm not even a part of this assault on the hive.
  8. Even though I probably shouldn't have, I posted in the Ga-Wahi topic again. :/

  9. OOC: Might not be able to post again for a while, but we'll have to see... Anyway, I'm going to take the chance to post while it's still around. IC: SalamanderSalamander continued attacking Venator for close to ten minutes before finally realizing that anymore and his arms would be completely shattered. However, he had managed to get a few hits in on Venator during that time, so it wasn't all a waste.Flying up into the air, Salamander surveyed his surroundings. For a while, the only plan he could think of was to start kicking Venator instead of hitting him, but when he spotted the abundant shrubbery in the area the gears in his mind started turning at an incredible (for him, at any rate) speed.Without another moment of delay, Salamander once more shot towards Venator. He twisted mid-air so that he would kick Venator, but the Toa of Ice was able to predict the attack and dodge it.As expected...Salamander slowed down so that he wouldn't break his legs upon landing, but they still hurt from the impact. He placed his hands on the ground for a moment to steady himself, and then took flight once more; although this time he took care to not fly nearly as high as before. After repeating the process a few more times, Salamander felt as if his strategy was nearing completion.Now to see if Venator realized what was going on before it was too late.
  10. Doing Algebra II homework. All this parabola stuff feels remarkably similar to being hit over the head with a sledgehammer. Definitely not the way I'd want to spend... anything, really. I hate this stuff. >_

  11. I was really just talking about errors in general, but okay.
  12. It's still good, but I guess the first chapter just seemed like it had been polished a bit more...Hmm... That's a good reason, but if that's the case you should try to make stuff like that a bit more common (and maybe even include a sort of apology from Kyrack for how he "finds it difficult to relate these old feelings" or something). Okay, so he pretty much hates everything. Sounds like a swell guy...Read this again in a couple months. You'll be amazed at the things you missed (speaking from personal experience ).
  13. It's a pretty sad day when I realize that my character's moral alignment could be improved by having a "lesser son of Makuta" attached to the base of his neck. Unfortunately, that's not really how I want Salamander to (sort of kinda) reform, so I'll have to pass. However, that description changed my opinion of the Parakuka from "gross gross parasites" to "gross, but kinda in a cool way".Looking forward to seeing what happens with this new option.
  14. Took me a week longer than I said it would, but here I am. Alright, time to post my thoughts on the first three chapters!Chapter 1Excellent start, and aside from a few slight nitpicks I can't really think of anything wrong with it. Despite whatever Kyrack says, the intro did a very good job of pulling me in. Not really much more I can say here... Chapter 2Second paragraph uses the word "time" too much. I had a very difficult time reading that first sentence, which I suppose can be expected when you use the word "time" three times. Hehehe...This chapter wasn't as well-written as the first, but aside from a few stumbles it does a very good job in putting the creation of the Makuta into a perspective that fits what we've come to expect from a Makuta. However, the very last sentence needs to be rewritten. I'm begging you, please change it. It'd be perfect if not for the awkward wording... Chapter 3Hmm... One part in particular didn't really make a whole lot of sense to me. Kyrack at one point says that he hates making Rahi almost as much as everybody else, but from what we are shown the other Makuta could be described as enjoying their task of creating new Rahi. Again, there were a few instances of awkward wording, but nothing major enough to completely pull me out of the story.Over all, it's a very good start for something new (seeing as how you used to write comedies), and I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
  15. I will have to remember to studiously ignore any voices that I hear... The problem is that his mindset involves a lot of negativity (he's not know as a very nice person, after all). After a while, all of it kinda rubs off on me. Needless to say, I try to avoid letting that happen very often. :lol:But even with that, I can't bring myself to making him a better person. He's evolved far beyond what I originally imagined, and I really do like what he has become (even if it means that the rest of the island hates him).
  16. It's not restraint, it's self-preservation. I'd likely end up dead if I tried to manage another character. Besides, having to get into the mindset of just Salamander is more than enough work for me. :PEdit: All the math I've had to do today has fried my brain... Stupid typo... >_<
  17. Doesn't he put that grin in most of his posts? I seem to remember seeing it a lot from him lately, although I could be (and probably am) mistaken...
  18. I'm completely sane. It's my morals that are lacking.
  19. What?! That means you might not have seen the MOC of Salamander I made!Oh yeah, did I ever mention that before? Those on the wiki should have seen it, but I still haven't finished cleaning up pictures so I haven't made a topic for all of my recent MOCs...
  20. ...Oh bother. And now that I no longer have a functioning heart I'm going to have vent in some way or another.Must... find... blind orphans...
  21. Nuju always does scare me the most when he has Sutton Foster in his sig... :lol:Anyway, onto a different topic. Onarax, were you able to talk to Hubert? I'm really looking forward to the podcast, and if it's delayed you're gonna break my little heart. So no pressure.
  22. I have been posting more often lately... :PBut still, I see your point. There were around two months where nobody heard from Salamander.I'd say something about not enough people voting, but seeing as how I didn't vote either that would be difficult to justify. However, at this point I do not believe that we have enough active players to hold things like this. Since only a fraction of those who are active will vote and in that fraction there are almost certainly "circles" of player, the results will seem unfair until we can either get more people in the game or get more players to vote.
  23. Hour-long interview?I was hoping to hear that!
  24. Reapers is now over 10,000 words long. No idea why, but for the past week those final 70 words have seemed impossible to decide upon... :D

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Cool! I know how hard it can be to write when you get close to a milestone of writing.

  25. IC: Salamander"Exactly."Salamander activated his mask once more, this time flying directly towards Venator. At the very last moment he turned slightly so that he wouldn't hit Venator head on and lose too much speed. Venator, who had anticipated the attack, managed to block Salamander punch. Salamander quickly turned mid-air and shot right back towards Venator, intending to repeat the process for as long as it took.While Venator planned on winning by depleting his enemy's elemental energy stores, Salamander had opted for a far more direct (although equally lengthy) route and was trying to wear Venator down physically.OOC: He's still using Dragon Blaze. Anyway, wish I could write more but I have to go eat dinner.
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