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Everything posted by WriterofReapers

  1. OOC: No, the part where Salamander may have unknowingly drank it. Blood has too unique of a flavor to not recognize. :PPerhaps he did. That was exactly what I was aiming for. It's essentially an alcohol without the alcohol. Truly a drunkard's dream...IC: SalamanderSalamander walked through the trees, his footsteps startling a family of small Rahi and causing them to flee in terror. He stopped to watch as they vanished into the underbrush, resuming his trek once they had disappeared. Venator, trailing behind as always, seemed to not notice what was going on around him. Indeed, the Toa of Ice had seemed strange all day, as if he was disconnected from the rest of the world.None of my business.Despite this, Salamander couldn't help but be slightly curious as to the cause of Venator's silence. In all the time he had known Venator (which thankfully had not been very long), he had never seen the Toa of Ice so quiet. Usually his mouth was flapping open, spewing out all sort of nonsense. Today however... There was nothing.None of my business, none of my business. It's none of my business...
  2. OOC: IC: Salamander"It was cooked. I didn't want it going bad, and actually planned on eating it later that day anyway. Of course, I got a bit distracted and forgot about it, but it still tasted fine."Salamander picked up one of the two bags and started walking in the general direction of Ga-Wahi."Then let's go. I'd like to get there as soon as possible..."OOC: I propose that we call this mysterious drink MANA JUICE (caps necessary). It appears without warning, lingering only long enough to revitalize the minds, bodies, and powers of those who drink it.
  3. Well, there's also Salamander and Venator, but since I only started RPing again yesterday it's fine to have forgotten about them.
  4. OOC: Yeah, but Salamander doesn't know that. Besides, he doesn't really care enough to distinguish between sleeping and lost in thought. IC: Salamander"Wait, are you sure? Because I only bought meat, you got everything else."He stared at the drink for a moment, torn between curiosity as to where it came from and the desire to continue drinking it. Eventually, the latter won and he resumed gulping the drink down as quickly as he could. When he was done, he tossed the jar into the bag and started rummaging for something else to eat. By the time he found something that would satisfy his appetite, the sun had begun its ascent into the sky and a warm sea breeze had started blowing through the trees.It was a pleasant place, Ga-Wahi. The temperature was just right, and the beings who resided there were usually quite friendly. However, the clearing where Salamander and Venator had been staying at was nearly the exact opposite. Trees lay across the ground, their interiors often burned beyond recognition. Branches that had broken during Salamander's vicious attacks littered the entire clearing, and the overall atmosphere was one of death and destruction.Salamander had never been one to particularly care for the environment, and even now he didn't really care if the entire forest went up in flames. However, if the rumors he had heard were correct, the Ga-Matoran felt quite differently. It wouldn't be at all surprising if they deemed Salamander to be a threat to the island and would start making attempts to capture him.That is, if he continued to train in the forest clearing. The option to relocate was still present, and seemed more enticing by the moment. But where could he go?A picture of the Charred Forest surfaced in his mind. It may not have been quite as good a location as the Ga-Wahi forest, but at least he wouldn't get into trouble by burning it down. Indeed, he might end up doing the Matoran a favor by doing just that.Definitely can't let that happen..."Venator, what do you say we start heading towards Ta-Wahi? I can continue training on the way there, and we'll be close enough to Ta-Koro to easily gather information on Utu. That is, if Tuara has returned by now..."The mention of Utu reminded Salamander of the murderous Toa of Ice he had met and fought during his travels. No, not Venator. He was a cool dude. Utu... Salamander instinctively disliked the other Toa, almost as if they were eternally fated to oppose each other. Even during that time in Ko-Wahi when they both had something to gain, Utu refused to work together with Salamander. Of course, if he had been in Utu's position Salamander would have done the same thing.Utu... I hope you are doing well, because I want you to suffer as much as possible when watching all of your schemes fall to pieces as I burn you alive.A savage smile covered his face for the first time in what felt like months. Salamander was looking forward to that day.
  5. OOC: Of course he's not asleep... IC: SalamanderSalamander noted that Venator was awake and walked towards the Toa of Ice, careful to avoid making any more noise than absolutely necessary. He had been distracted by the birds, but now that they were gone he had remembered why it was he had woken up in the first place. Bending down, Salamander spoke in a whisper, although he had no idea why he was doing it at the time. Perhaps the birds had put him on alert for anybody who might be watching him, or maybe he was simply in one of his occasional paranoia bouts. At any rate, he asked his question in a voice quiet enough to barely register as a whisper, and secretively enough to draw the attention of anyone who might be spying on him."Where's the food?"Venator, seemingly in a daze, silently pointed towards the bag he had propped up against a tree. Nodding n thanks, Salamander walked over and found a piece of bread to eat, along with a jar of some sweet-tasting drink that he was unfamiliar with.I don't remember buying anything like this. I'll have to ask Venator where he got it... When Salamander had finished eating, he clapped his hands once as if to wake himself up. The sound, while not quite enough to jolt Venator out of his reverie, did help ease Salamander's anxiety a bit. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that it would be foolish to remain in the clearing any longer.
  6. IC: Salamander Salamander woke up to the sound of birds chirping angrily nearby. Groaning, he pulled himself up to a sitting position and looked around. The few trees he had left standing were littered with birds of prey, their fierce eyes boring into Salamander and the still-sleeping Venator. It was in their nature to follow battles and gorge themselves on those unlucky enough to emerge alive, so their presence in the clearing confused Salamander. He had only been destroying trees, so why would they show up in such large numbers? After a moment, the answer came to him.They must have been drawn here by all the smoke, thinking some battle was taking place.Even if he had a suitable answer, Salamander was unable to shake the uneasiness he felt. Most of the time he would have simply chased the birds away with a couple of Dragon Blasts, but for some reason today he felt as if doing so would be nothing short of suicide. A memory from his past resurfaced, and he spoke the words his friend had told him on one of their adventures."It's a bad omen..."Salamander barely whispered the words, but the moment they left his mouth the birds went into a frenzy. For a moment all he could see was dark feathers, gleaming claws, and piercing beaks. Then the birds were gone, the only sign of their visit was the occasional stray feather.Something big is going on. I need to finish my training so that I don't miss out on any of the action.
  7. I'm not sure who would win, but I'll bet against Reichenbach.
  8. Go Vorex! You can win this one! Yay!Although, I'd be really impressed if you managed to find a way to lose.
  9. Instead of listing shows that have good dubs one at a time, how about we simply say that there are many good dubs out there, but since "good" is a subjective term it all boils down to personal preference?Personally, I prefer dubs. It's easier to multitask when I don't have to constantly glance at the screen in order to read the subtitles.
  10. I may not be a part of the Critics Club, but I'd like to at least leave some feedback on this great entry.Overall, the story was terrific. You did an excellent job tying the quote and story together and crafting a piece that really utilizes the strengths of both respective parts.Now to put on my editor hat....There were a couple of sentences that were awkwardly worded, but this one in particular really stood out to me: "how possibly could such a small figure be master of… everything?"Now, there's nothing particularly wrong with it, but by moving around only one word you can easily make this bit so much better. Personally, I think that if "possibly" is moved so that it is behind "figure", the sentence flows a lot smoother.Next is this little bit: "it seemed to be falling in few minutes." I think I know what you were trying to say here, but the verb tense just makes it rather confusing. If you are trying to say that the robot will fall apart in only a few short minutes, say it... Pretty much how I just did. :PThose (very small) bits are probably the biggest problems in this story, since everything else I can find seems to just be simply typing mistakes which I don't really feel right pointing out (seeing as how I'm constantly making similar errors myself).Despite my criticism, this was a very good story (as I already said, but I feel the need to say it again). I can say with absolute honesty that I got chills while reading it, if that does anything to indicate how well you conveyed the emotions behind the song.I'm looking forward to your next story, but you might not really want me to read it at this point, huh? I seem to have that effect on most people...
  11. What all of us? 'Cause I can't really blame you for that. However, if your hatred was directed at only one person... Then I would probably start feeling like I'm not being treated fairly.
  12. I'm sure you did something to deserve it... Either that or you are just really fun to torment. Possibly both.
  13. OOC: In reply to... some post of mine thirty pages ago. Good lord, I need to play more often.Salamander wants to learn Dragon Shot! Forget a move to make room?Nah... IC: SalamanderHis short conversation with Venator over, Salamander returned to training. He wanted to at least be able to pull of this technique a few more times before nightfall. He clenched his teeth and turned to face yet another tree, which in his mind was transformed into another Rahkshi."Dragon Shot!" • • • • • Salamander collapsed to the ground, his panting echoing throughout the clearing and filling it with the sound of a hundred Salamanders. It had taken him longer than he had expected, but he had finally gotten the hang of a new technique.That's one down, three more to go.As he fell asleep, Salamander vaguely hoped that he wasn't attacked while he slept. With his Elemental Energy supply at nearly zero, all he could do was rely on Venator. Of course, Venator was one of his main concerns when it came to being attacked in his sleep.Ah, whatever. I'm too tired to do anything about it anyway...
  14. Wow, things are really getting interesting.*Burns the pile of homework that he still has to finish*I'm back. For now.
  15. Finally working on getting those new techniques of Salamander's approved. Wish I could actually play, though... D:

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Now I can picture Salamander standing victoriously over Venator's corpse, with Utu dodging flaming swords. XD

    3. WriterofReapers


      He won't even get the chance to dodge. :P

    4. The Dark Chronicler
  16. Heading out for my first job this season. I'm making money by doing this, so why am I filled with this intense desire to NOT umpire?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WriterofReapers


      That's as good a reason as any. However, it's probably more a result of my incredibly laziness. :P


      But seriously, I'm really tired of having a job where I constantly have to worry about a ball and its location relative to either my skull or crotch. It's tough to guard both at the same time whilst still looking professional.

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      Yeah, laziness does often do that to people...


      I've had bad experiences with baseball myself... And both of those you listed are incredibly unpleasant.

    4. WriterofReapers
  17. Yeah, I figured as much. It was simply too good to be true.
  18. Oh, looks like Salamander was nominated for two categories this time.I'm really trying to hide my enthusiasm here, but I don't think it's working.
  19. That... doesn't sound very fair. Also, since when could Toa of Shadow pseudo-teleport through shadows? Same with the dead people thing.
  20. I know, what was up with that? He didn't seem at all like the rookie hero from Ordeal of Fire. Somehow he regressed in capability since then...
  21. When I finished watching episode 1, the page automatically brought me to the 44 minute version that has both episodes in it. However, it may not do that for everyone so here is the link.
  22. Hmmm... That's a good point. Still, since they live in what amounts to a desert I doubt a Toa of Water would be of much help. The air would be too dry to use any pre-existing moisture unless you're near a body of water, so they would have to completely rely on Elemental Energy whenever they want to use their powers. Or we could just make it so that the Great Beings realized how useless they would (or are they...? ) be after making a couple, so they're pretty rare.
  23. I finally found the song that works as Salamander's theme. It's called Endless Despair (it's from from BlazBlue). :D

  24. Wow, that is amazing! The only thing I can really say I'm not in love with is how flat the mask seems. Guess I just got used to the massive masks we got in the latter years that covered every bit of the face, though... So in short, nothing aside from a nit pick.Anyway, great job. I'm actually rather curious as to whether or not it would be possible for you to make more of these...
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