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Everything posted by WriterofReapers

  1. IC: SalamanderSalamander turned away from Venator and continued walking towards Po-Koro. He wanted nothing more than to leave the crazy Toa of Ice behind and fly off to the village of Stone, but that would mean leaving Venator to the mercy of the elements.That's right... There can be no mercy when he is on the verge of death. I want to be around to personally finish him off.He grinned slightly at the thought of finally getting rid of the pest that had followed him all the way from Ta-Koro. He would have to wait for a while, but it would be soooo worth it in the end.
  2. I'm still trying to decide if I should count Viewtiful Joe as an anime. It's like nothing I've watched. Animation, plot, just about everything. >_<
  3. I always figured he had been made immortal when he was brought back to life...
  4. OOC: More like inferno.IC: Salamander"You can try to do that if you want to... But what would happen if I simply flew to Po-Koro and started fighting people there? How would you stop me then?"He wasn't particularly curious about how Venator would answer, but he didn't mind having somebody to talk to. However, there were far better people to have a conversation with.OOC: Venator isn't going to stop following Salamander around until he's dead, huh?
  5. Nope. I'm not a huge fan of tiers, but I do believe in statistics. That said, statistics are not friends to Zelda players. :lol:Actually, I just never thought about it. I think of Super Smash Bros. as something that is fun, and that might be lost if I ever entered a competetive mindset.
  6. OOC: ...I'm soooo going to have Salamander turn that "shiny silver armor" into a makeshift oven. With Venator still inside, naturally. :evilgrin:What I need is an emoticon that combines with . Those two combined would work for Salamander nearly 100% of the time...IC: SalamanderA sudden flash of light caught Salamander's attention. Turning, he looked for the source. It only took him a minute to identify the being that was causing it as Venator, the dragon-crazed Toa from before.I guess I was followed... Should have been more careful."Why are you following me?" Salamander demanded. He had no time to waste this weakling, and had half a mind to simply leave him to die out in this harsh land. A Toa of Ice wouldn't last very long, that much was certain.
  7. OOC: Salamander from Ko-Wahi.IC: SalamanderSalamander walked through the desert, his red and black armor standing out amidst the miles of sand that surrounded him. He had reached the foothills of Mount Ihu the day before, and had decided to walk at least part of the way to Po-Koro. At the time it had seemd like a good idea, but now he was beginning to grow weary of all the 'thinking time' he had given himself.I'll just go a bit farther. It isn't as if I have a problem with the heat, just the walking. The sand doesn't help much, though...OOC: I hate travelling posts...
  8. Mine isn't modded either, for many of the same reasons.That, and the fact that I can be incredibly lazy at times.
  9. I keep seeing EW's rank image and thinking "that would be cool to build". I just remembered that I happen to own both components to Takutanuva. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find a pool of EP.

  10. True, but since I watched the other seasons I feel like I have to watch this one too. Although, there was that really awesome scene towards the end of the second season (I think)... I'm just going to hope for something like that to happene again.
  11. I'm watching Nisemonogatari, and Familiar of Zero. I'll probably watch the rest later, so that I don't have to wait a week for every episode. :PEdit: Of course, those two series are in addition to my regulars, which is eight strong.
  12. New picture for my sig! :D

  13. Just saw a clip of what appears to be Sentai's dub of TWGOK.Very disappointed. Season 3 looks pretty impossible at this point... T_T
  14. When was it stated that the BZPRPG had little to no violence? It seems to me that you are just trying to come up with ways to prolong this argument, despite the fact that you've "lost" (from my point of view) about four times now...
  15. Wow, how did I miss this post? Even though I don't post here very often, I thought I did a better job of watching it! That sounds really interesting... Maybe I'll give it a shot next year, when the novel I'm working on has (hopefully) reached that 50,000 word mark.Anyway, I come up with the story idea first. Unfortunately, my ideas come to me at the most random of times, and since my memory is so bad, I've had to start keeping a small notepad on me at all times to write them down as they come.But then I forget to bring a pencil...
  16. Actually, that "Time before time" thing is part of the BZPRPG story. Just look at Friar Tuck's first post in this very topic.
  17. OOC: Zoma, Salamander hasn't gone to Po-Wahi yet... I got distracted yesterday, and never got around to posting. IC: SalamanderSalamander woke up, feeling refreshed and ready to travel. He was nearly back to full strength, and it was finally time to leave the miserable frozen wasteland called Ko-Wahi. He walked through the village and towards the main gate, thinking of how nice it would be to walk around in a place as warm as a desert. At this point, nearly anywehere would have been an improvement over Ko-Wahi. Except for Ga-Wahi. That place had its own set of problems.He reached the gate and looked out over the mountain. In the distance, he could see the jungles of Le-Wahi, the Mangai Volcano, and the vast Motaro Desert. Without a moment's hesitation, he activated his Kadin and shot into the sky, travelling in a staright line towards Po-Wahi.OOC: Salamander to Po-Wahi.Now he is.
  18. Does writing a story based on Salamander's backstory count as fanfiction? Hmm... Probably.

  19. Wow, that really looks awesome. Too bad we will never get to see what it was like for ourselves...
  20. I've been considering writing a story on Salamander's backstory. Is there anybody out there who would be interested in reading something like that?

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I would be among those interested.

    2. WriterofReapers


      Okay, guess I will write it then. I'm also thinking of making character profiles for one or two of the characters that will apeear in it, but that will depend on my schedule when I finish writing the story...

  21. Finals are almost over... So close to freedom! :D

  22. OOC: I'm baaaaaaack! Well, not really. I'll just take control of Salamander a bit early. I should be back for real tomorrow afternoon. IC: SalamanderSalamander shivered slightly. He had used too much of his elemental energy during the fight, and now the cold was starting to creep into his body. To a creature of heat and flame like Salamander, such a thing was absolutely unbearable, if not dangerous. He had two options: either get the karz out of Ko-Wahi, or find a warm place to rest until he was back to full strength. Of the two, he favored the former. However, he also knew that a rash decision could very well cost him his life in this frozen wasteland.Rest for a while it is... Good thing I still have that room at the inn.Silently, Salamander turned around and began to make his way through the snow and back towards the inn. He would head for Po-Wahi in the morning.OOC: Why Po-Wahi?I have no idea. Maybe 'cause it will be warm?
  23. Friar Tuck for best staffie! He deserves to win! :PAnyway, best of luck to everyone!I almost didn't notice that Salamander was nominated... That would have been bad.
  24. Groose should be in the next game. His final smash could be everyone on the field getting copies of his hair, and being dealt damage as a result (like the flower, but stronger).That or he pulls out Potential spoilers for Skyward Sword, in case you are wondering.
  25. Well, this has been a pretty "productive" week for me. I managed to finish both Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and Clannad (both seasons). I'm especially glad to have Clannad out of the way, as my friends have been bugging me about it for the past few months. :DNow to start studying for those pesky semester finals...
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