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Everything posted by WriterofReapers

  1. OOC: Ah, all of Salmander's hard work in gaining allies is just crumbling down around him.Not that he cares. Oh no, he's too busy tryong to wipe Venator off the face of... Mata Nui.I'll go sit in the shame corner now. Sorry.IC: Salamander"Salamander!"The voice belonged to Tuara, of that there was no doubt. Glancing down towards the street, Salamander saw her standing next to the being called Kinvex, looking angry enough to spew fire herself.For the briefest moment, something akin to fear awoke in his belly. It was quickly replaced however, by irritation. All he had wanted to do was defeat that annoying DJ, and now Venator was at his throat. Salamander knew that he would have to kill Venator, or else run the risk of being hunted down later. A glimmer of green caught his attention. Nikaron was moving, but he kept to the shadows in an uncanny manner. No, there are more important things to concentrate on.Salamander looped around a few times, careful to keep a watchful eye on Venator as he did so."What? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"He spoke in a casual tone, as if he were merely in the process of putting his coat on.
  2. With all the fuss that was made (for good reason, mind you) for these games, it's good to see that NoA is at least listening to part of what we ask for. I'm definitely going to pick this game up.
  3. I know. I'm just busy reading other manga.
  4. OOC: When you put it that way...Murder is the only option. IC: SalamanderAgain, I really need to figure out a way to counter these silly weapons...Salamander shrugged carelessly, saying, "So be it."Activating his mask, Salamander shot up into the sky. He didn't know how skilled of a fighter Venator was, so he decided to keep a distance until he had estimated his enemy's skill.Salamander flew directly above Venator, casting a dark shadow on the Toa of Ice. "Dragon Breath!"A pillar of fire spewed out of his mouth, licking the air with its crimson flames as it clawed its way towards Venator. OOC: Just to be clear, he is directly in front of the sun from Venator's perspective.
  5. I'm planning on reading them, but it's hard to find the time to do so with all the other stuff I'm doing right now.
  6. IC: SalamanderSalamander picked at a bit of snow that was on his coat, obviously not concerned with Venator's words."Why did I fight the murderer? Perhaps to get a feel for what level my abilities were currently at. It had been a while since my last fight, and I was curious to see if I had lost my edge."He paused for a moment, then as if in an after though said, "Oh, and also because he had murdered a Matoran right before my eyes. I'm not completely devoid of morals, you know. However, if you want me to send others to accompany you to the void, I'll gladly oblige. Like I said before, I won't die by your hand."OOC: Pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.
  7. IC: SalamanderSalamander sighed. As annoying as Venator was, he really didn't want to kill him. Yet. Still, events had conspired against him, leaving him in this kill or be killed situation."Wrong. You will give up when you are dead. I won't die; at least not by your hands. 'Why?' you say? That answer should be simple enough for even a person like you to understand. This was my way of attaining power." He eyed the ally-turned-enemy with distaste."At the very least, you should know the name of the Toa who sent you to Karzahni. My name is Salamander, former member of the house of Lacertus. If you are exceptionally lucky, I will be the last thing you see before entering the void. If not, you will be in for a very painful death."
  8. OOC: ...IC: SalamanderSalamander turned to face Venator, about to ask why he hadn't followed his order to leave, when he noticed a strange look on the other Toa's face.And now I remember why I wanted him to leave in the first place...Salamander was the first to break the silence."You can't beat me."It was a simple statement, but was spoken with such conviction that one couldn't help but believe it.
  9. IC: SalamanderSalamander watched with interest as his enemy let go to avoid the blast of fire and instead fell towards certain death.Personally, I'd have taken my chances with the fire. Of course, I'm invulnerable to fire, so I'd have to be pretty stupid to be scared of a small flame like that.Turning around, Salamander headed back towards the village. After a handful of minutes, he found the street where the fight has started. Venator was still standing there like a fool, but that was to be expected.Out of the corners of his eyes, Salamander saw a disk flying towards him. He looked for the source, only to find Nikaron standing nearby. Lanbding neatly, Salamander walked towards his coat, which he had left on the ground during his fight. He picked it up and noticed that it was damp from the snow he had melted during his first attacks.Frowning slightly, Salamander dug through the pockets until he found the knife Nikaron had given him. Amazingly enough, it hadn't melted. Salamander resisted the uge to melt it just to keep his "promise". He had been caught up in a separate fight when he should have been looking for Utu, and he didn't need to cause any further problems.
  10. Wait, what part of the volcano are you at?
  11. Okay... I'd just follow the main path. If in doubt, look for the Mogmas (or whatever they are called ), since they are always in relevant locations.
  12. OOC: I just love using the Kadin in a fight.Oh, and I wasn't done. Don't think Salamander would be happy with just carrying him around for a while. He's excessively irritated. IC: SalamanderSalamander felt DJ shifting, and when he looked down, the Toa had somehow managed to grab onto his body. His plan to drop DJ from a suitable height (he had been thinking about a thousand feet) wouldn't work as long as the other Toa was clingng to him like a baby Brakas monkey to its mother.Okay, suit yourself.A plan already in mind, Salamander flew higher still, until all of Ko-Koro was nothing more than a large blot on ther otherwise blank expense of the region. When he felt that he had gone high enough, Salamander looked down to see DJ still clinging to his body. More than that, he was still clinging to the foolish hope that he might be able to walk away from this battle.Salamander wanted nothing more than to crush that hope beneath his feet, to burn it until it was unrecognizable, to shred it to pieces, and finally to show it to DJ. Let him see his "hope". It will be in scorched pieces, but let him see it. That is the nature of this world.These thoughts in mind, Salamander lifted his remaining free hand and faced it towards DJ. His face was set into a calm expression of lazy enjoyment that masked the fierce emotions he felt. "Dragon Blast."The burst of flames that erupted from his palm once more was again directed at DJ, but this time luck wouldn't save him. Let them burn... Let them all burn.OOC: Whew, Salamander has issues. :PSo... yeah. Hold on, get burned. Let go, fall who-knows how many feet.Or... Take a third option. If you can find one. *looks around*
  13. Or maybe I sit too close to my monitor. :lol:So, are you going to make a trailer? Because that would be really cool.
  14. OOC: Correct answer: None of the above.Salamander's gonna break every bone in DJ's body, then melt said bones....As if. But still, none of the above. IC: SalamanderSalamander felt as if the world was moving in slow motion. He flew over the ground, the rush of the wind silent in his concentration. He watched as Venator let go of his sword, and DJ fell back on one hand, twisting his body so that he could kick Salamander mid-flight.Salamander almost laughed, but he felt doing so would ruin the mood.This... I can handle easily.In his mind, he played through his stunt, satisfied that it would work and be an impressive show of force at the same time.As DJ's leg swung towards his face, Salamander twisted counter-clockwise so that his body was perpendicular to the ground and the attack.Concentrate. Keep flying. No matter what, keep flying.Salamander felt the blow hit, but didn't falter. Without hesitation, he grabbed DJ's leg and shot forward, dragging the blind Toa with him. He shot into the air, still carrying the now-dazed Toa with him.OOC: Micro should remember something like this...
  15. Ghosthands, it looked awesome...After I zoomed out. Right now the words are too large. However, that is a small problem. Good job!
  16. Yeah, it's pretty good. Although there are some changes from the manga, it's pretty true to the source material.
  17. IC: SalamanderThe longer Salamander stayed in the air, the clearer his thoughts became. No longer did it feel like his blood was on fire, instead replaced with the chill of reasoning. He stared down at the battle below, attempting to come up with a strategy for dealing the enemy. As he thought about tactice and tricks he could use, Venator and DJ engaged in a sword fight. It once again occured to Salamander just how much of a disadvntage he had against armed opponents, and he resolved to find a solution to that quandry.But for now I need to focus on the battle at hand...He watched as Venator blocked an attack from DJ, his eyes widening in surprise as Venator suddenly stiffened, as if to keep his body in place. Salamander wasn't a swordsman, but even he knew that standing still like that was a terible mistake to make. However, Venator's opening in his defense would be sure to cause DJ to make an attack that would lower his guard, even if only slightly.This is a chance!Angling down, Salamander dove towards the street. He felt the cold air whip past his face, but he paid it no attention. He was focused entirely on the trick he was attempting to pull off. When he was only a few feet away from the ground, he pulled out of the dive and rushed towards DJ. As Salamander crossed the short distance between, DJ trapped Venator's sword and went to deliver a sweeping kick to Venator. His balance was entirely focused on Venator's sword.Salamander flew forward, his arms stretched out as if to catch DJ.
  18. How so? We could probably give you hints or something to help you out a bit...
  19. Yeah, I figured they hadn't been created yet. I guess what I meant to say was that the scope of the story (or what you have shown us of it) makes it seem like if they are mere insects to what I am gurssing will be the main characters.So, good job with that.
  20. Wow, that really sounds interesting. Although, at this point I think humans are less "not important in the grand scheme of things" and more just not present at all. Either that, or they are so insignificant that they don't even need to be mentioned (which I guess would tie in with what you said earlier). However, this is just an intro, so I guess that could be expected.
  21. OOC: Yup, but since Salamander usually doesn't get that upset, I can't use it all that often. Perfect for this situation, though.IC: SalamanderSalamander saw the Toa step forward and swing his sword, as if to intercept Salamander mid-flight. There wasn't enough time to properly change direction, and even if he did manage it, he would only end up flinging himself into a wall.Or maybe not...He didn't even stop to consider what he was about to do, it was so reckless. As the sword swept through the air ad towards his chest, Salamander dove down towards the ground. The blade narrowly missed his right arm, but he managed to lsip by without getting cut.A half-instant later, Salamander crashed into the ground with enough force to send a couple dozen icicles careening towards the ground from their lofty perches. With a groan, Salamander stood up and brushed the white dust off of his coat. It had been a mighty impact, of that there was no doubt, but his blood ran too hot to let that stop him from fighting.With quick motion, Salamander tore off his coat and tossed it aside. Before it had even hit the ground, he was preparing his next attack."Dragon Blast!"Twin pillars of fire erupted from his palms and rocketed towards his enemy. Without waiting for the atack to hit, Salamander took flight once more to get a better idea of his situation. He lazily looped around a few times before catching his breath. When he had, he peered down at the street below, trying to find DJ amidst the expense of white.
  22. OOC: IC: SalamanderSalamander felt his blood begin to boil, as if his body itself wanted nothing more than to pound the strange Toa into oblivion. He gasped slightly as the sudden primal rage overtook the rest of him, replacing his previous irritated state with something more akin to a wild beast. Still, there was still a part of him attached to reason, or the closest thing to it he possessed.Turning to Venator, Salamander spoke in a low voice, as much to prevent DJ from hearing it as to remain in control for just a moment longer."Go. Now."Without waiting for an answer, Salamander activated his Kadin and rushed straight towards the Toa, his mouth set in a ferocious snarl.OOC: Yeah... That's what happens when you pent up your rage like that, Salamander. You should really see somebody about anger management classes or something... Edit: TDC, can you have Venator follow Salamander's directions? There's no way Salamander can not reveal his powers in this sort of situation, and I want to save their fight for later.
  23. OOC: Think of Todd Haberkorn. :lol:Actually, I've never really thought of Salamander's voice before... Your description is fine.IC: SalamanderSalamander nodded in response, unaware of the other Toa's blindness. The area was silent for a minute as both sides wated for a response. Finally, Salamander became impatient and asked, "Is there anything else you wanted? I was sort of in the middle of something, and I don't like it when people waste my time."His eyes narrowed slightly, already beginning to glow with the feverish anticipation of battle.OOC: Misunderstandings, awkward silence, and an approaching fight. All in one post.
  24. OOC: You weren't kidding when you said DJ's character profile was big... IC: Salamander"Who's there?"Salamander turned towards the source of the question, automatically preparing for battle. It may have been the cold of the region, or his frustration at not being able to find Utu, but he was certainly a bit more jumpy than usual. Shaking his head at his paranoia, Salamander looked up to see a Toa standing at the top of a small flight of stairs.The Toa was of average height, and seemed rather young. His attire, on the other hand, was rather unusual... Over his eyes was a black band of fabric, presumably to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun off of the snow, but otherise there was nothing too remarkable about him. I wonder if I can get one of those too...Salamander was the first to answer."My name is Sal, and this is Venator. Who, if I may ask, are you? You look like no Toa I have ever seen before."OOC: He introduced himself as Sal back when he first met Venator. Just in case you were wondering why he didn't give his real name...
  25. Favorite Overall: Hero (Gravity Hurts is a close second)Favorite AIK: HeroFavorite Cryoshell: Creeping in My Soul
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