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Status Replies posted by WriterofReapers

  1. A shocking occurrence: I posted a status update... and no one commented.

  2. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      The Nui Jaga are good guys. This is my first chance in a long while to be a good guy, so there is no way I am wasting it. Still, I'm going to continue my habit of having characters in they gray zone. Deveriis will just be a far, far, faaaaar lighter shade of it than Salamander. :P

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  3. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Haha, no, not really. The problem is mostly how I view the world around me, so talking to others probably wouldn't help all that much.


      Can we, maybe... change the topic? :P

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  4. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      I'm jealous. Unfortunately, my relationship with the rest of my family is a bit strained right now... Most of it being my fault in one way or another.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  5. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      It isn't. Withdrawal is never fun. :P


      I never really needed to learn how. Most of the time when I get in trouble, it's because my brother was involved somehow. My solution: spend as little time as possible in his company.


      That's actually the basis for my entire "don't get in trouble" plan. I spend all my time in my room, which severely limits the amount of time I have to say or do something I shouldn't.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  6. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, usually it's my wi-fi connector, but since it's in an odd location right now (because said location is the only place I can get a signal), they've resorted to my keyboard and mouse.


      There are times when I really wish I had a laptop... Although that would probably mean I lose the whole darned thing every time I get into trouble... Which, thankfully, isn't very often.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  7. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, I'm actually working on homework right now. During Spring Break.


      I hate it when my parents threaten to take away parts of my computer because I'm slacking off... T_T

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  8. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Thanks, but now I want to go write up a couple posts. XD

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  9. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      No man, I mean seriously planning. For example, I already have an argument ready for when the NPC barkeep asks Deveriis to leave because of all the violent gang members that are drawn to his location.


      Yeah... Maybe I shouldn't be so proud of that... :P

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  10. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Eh, I wouldn't go that far... At the very least, people will vote for what they are familiar with.


      Kirse had better win. I've been planning what Deveriis will do for the past few days, and I don't want all that effort to go to waste. :P

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  11. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Sorry Vorex, but most of my friends are unavailable right now. Plus, that cheating. :P


      I believe Onarax submitted it to the RPG Critics Club, maybe they can help point out what needs improvement. Still, the biggest problem is who you are up against.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  12. Well, Kirse is in fifth place now... I have a feeling it will not even see the final poll.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, but how many people do you think have managed to get their RPGs through on the first time? Plus, you are up against a bunch of big names. This is an excellent chance to improve on the game, and (I almost hate myself for saying this since it sounds way too cliche) there's always next time.

    2. (See 48 other replies to this status update)

  13. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

  14. If I set it to double space, Reapers is currently 33 pages long. :D

  15. That was really the last day of school of my life. O.o

  16. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Axalara and Vultraz's whatever were the only ones I didn't get, although I also got the regular old Jetrax. One of these days...


      Almost all of my sets are still assembled. When I made Salamander a few weeks ago, I took apart some of my sets for the first time in over a year.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  17. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, I think she might even be almost as tall as Maxilos.




      Taller. Wow.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  18. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      You're probably right.


      Wow, Roodaka is tall...

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  19. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      I'm not particularly fond of death myself, but I do like tea.


      Tell him we also have apple juice.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  20. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Roodaka says that they can come over for tea (and death) whenever it is convenient.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  21. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Ah, sorry about that. I'm building Roodaka right now and she typed that up while I wasn't looking. I guess he still holds a bit of a grudge... :P

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  22. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Please don't. I can't stand the sight of those filthy monstrosities. :P

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  23. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Too bad the whole "get horribly mutated into a monstrous combination of Turaga and Rahkshi" thing never caught on. They were trying so hard with that one, too...

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  24. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      It had better be okay!


      Now that I think about it, I don't think I've had a character besides Leekone who actually had a mask that matched its power. All of my guys seem to have "X that looks like Y" masks...

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

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