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Status Replies posted by WriterofReapers

  1. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      I already decided on a Kanohi, although I might decide to change what it looks like so I can build him. I really like the one I chose, and think it's a perfect choice for someone in his position.


      Dang it, I was so busy during the second half of my day that I didn't have the chance to think about it... Oh well, back to work.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  2. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, I'm trying to do that. However, I also like to get powers that just sort of work with their charcteristics. I dunno, it's like a certain power will just fit perfectly with him... But I can't find it.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  3. This sentence is a lie.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Ah, my head. It hurts...


      Anyway, I've almost finished my character for Kirse. Just need to decide on his element at this point...

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  4. We brought Tahu and Gali to school today. :P

  5. We brought Tahu and Gali to school today. :P

  6. We brought Tahu and Gali to school today. :P

  7. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

  8. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

    1. WriterofReapers


      What kind do you want? The way you worded that made it sound like you are extremely picky...

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  9. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Latin is dead. Your little Slovak can't even hope to compete with the awesome zombie that is that Latin language.


      But that's beside the point. I actually prefer to simply make a name, THEN find out what it means. It can be totally hilarious, or eerily accurate. Either of those are awesome, in my opinion.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  10. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

    1. WriterofReapers


      That seems to be what everyone does. However, as much as I love Latin, I'm not particularly fond of that method. Probably because everyone else seems to do it, now that I think about it... :P

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  11. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Thanks, but I'd rather do it on my own. As difficult as it may be, there's quite the feeling of accomplishment when you finally nail it.

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  12. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

    1. WriterofReapers


      You suspected wrong! :P


      I have decided to make him an entirely new character, though. I don't want any previous characterizations to affect him, and all of my "spares" would have that exact problem. However, that also leaves me with the difficult task of deciding upon a name...


      Or I could go find that Scrabble set and just throw a bunch of tiles into the air. :D

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  13. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Yeah, I have been busy. For some reason all of my teachers decided that I had way too much free time and are now doing their utmost to remedy that "problem". Plus, everyday at school now seems to include at least one test. T_T

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  14. Kirse is awesome. Maybe, it all depends really on what type of RPG you want.

    1. WriterofReapers


      Vorex is right. It's awesome. Now to see if people can recognize that awesomeness...


      Oh, and I've started working on my profile for it. So, don't think I've forgotten about it or something! :P

    2. (See 41 other replies to this status update)

  15. Birthday, sick, school, bleh. Oh well, at least I'll try to get Unity out today.

  16. New staff names, eh? *Sighs* Back to the drawing board...

  17. New staff names, eh? *Sighs* Back to the drawing board...

  18. New staff names, eh? *Sighs* Back to the drawing board...

  19. Man... Now that I've written my first fanfic, I suddenly have this craving to write another. And another...

  20. Man... Now that I've written my first fanfic, I suddenly have this craving to write another. And another...

  21. Man... Now that I've written my first fanfic, I suddenly have this craving to write another. And another...

  22. Man... Now that I've written my first fanfic, I suddenly have this craving to write another. And another...

  23. Man... Now that I've written my first fanfic, I suddenly have this craving to write another. And another...

  24. Man... Now that I've written my first fanfic, I suddenly have this craving to write another. And another...

  25. Man... Now that I've written my first fanfic, I suddenly have this craving to write another. And another...

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