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Everything posted by IceToa

  1. IceToa


    OMG that is what actually happend. BTW I sent you the message. ~IceToa~
  2. I skip lunch sometimes. Anyway lol at Trulli V Sutil, thanks for sharing that. ^_^

  3. IceToa

    Oh Emm Gee!

    Whaddya mean how? Here in England ther is a postal strike, the postmen are not working. ~IceToa~
  4. IceToa


    Great, just great. It's hilarious, where did you find this? ~IceToa~
  5. Looks good. Was it made by Lego or did you make it? ~IceToa~
  6. I can never bring myself to wake up on school days, I'm normaly having breakfast when it's ment to lunch. =P

  7. IceToa

    Oh Emm Gee!

    There is a postal strike! ~IceToa~
  8. Oh ok, never been to disney land, not even the french one. =P

    BTW you're on earlier than usual

  9. You can't raise eyebrows on the internet so I'll just ask. What's Epcot?

  10. IceToa

    My First Race

    Whaddya mean Ide style? I finished 10th. Even if I did own that Midland. ~IceToa~
  11. Looks like you're back, anyway check out the video on my blag, you won't regret it. =D

  12. IceToa

    My First Race

    Yeah, so highlights of my first race at Melbourne, Australia. Read the entry before this one to see which car I am. Link Music: Club Foot by Kasabian Enjoy. Oh, and can anyone think of another video hosting site that is allowed on BZP? Photobucket sucks. ~IceToa~
  13. Just been browsing pics of the new track and I must say the big hotel thing looks stunning at night.

  14. IceToa

    F1 99-02

    That's sort of why I got it, to keep me busy with an F1 game 'till F1 2010. After what codies did with RD:Grid I'm expecting the F1 games to be good! ~IceToa~
  15. Did I ever tell you you're awesome? Coz you are. ^^

  16. No, I don't smell what the rock's cooking. Please tell, I'm hungry


  17. IceToa

    Starstruck Take 2

    What did he make it or something. Oh and lucky you Bink. ~IceToa~
  18. IceToa

    F1 99-02

    So got F1 99-02 and downloaded a modification that gives me the 2006 season as well (because 2006 was my fav F1 season). At the moment I'm the Super Aguri of Yuji Ide. Super Aguri FTW! Yeah so expect me to put up replays and hot laps for you guys to see. ~IceToa~
  19. IceToa

    Image Hosting

    What was that your prize for winning Ssao Team Writing. ~IceToa~
  20. @ Kubi; When I was younger I supported Ferrari and MS because they were the best but when Alonso started challenging MS I became a fan of the Spaniard. Since then I've pretty much stuck been and Alonso fan and now he is moving to Ferrari, I'm still sticking with him. I don't think I've told you guys but I also support Massa, Kubica and Buemi. @ Bricky; Neither do I. =P ~IceToa~~
  21. And a new sig. You getting a revamp or something? =D

  22. Oh ok. Congrats to you and your team then. ~IceToa~
  23. And another new avatar =P

  24. @ T92; Same. @ Bricky; But most regular laptop cost about the same as that one so what would be the point??? ~IceToa~
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