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Everything posted by jakest123

  1. Been following this since it started (you may recognise my username from DA) and I've started lurking on these forums since creating an account a long time ago when I was really young and naive. Just wanted to say that I really enjoy this spin on the original Bionicle canon and if the new sets have their own brand-new canon I'd gladly consider this a continuation of what 2001 started. I'd also be interested in that Racing arc even if it's a long way off. All of the official arcs were serious, there's no harm in a fun but insane tournament of sorts.
  2. Can't remember for Lego in general, but Gali Nuva was my first Bionicle.
  3. Oooohhhh I never even considered that. Yikes, that would be terrible I would die a little inside. I'm hoping that Lego has the sense to acknowledge the past without making the new sets inaccessible to the new fans. Shouldn't be too hard; set it on Spherus Magna without many references to the past, keep all the characters' personalities the same as they're not exactly problematic. Hopefully they figure out a good balance. They're smart people, I'm sure they can.
  4. Just wait for the Hero Factory 2020 leaks in mid 2019.
  5. Knight-Based sets. That way we could get ordinary Toa sets with them wielding different weapons such as Maces, Swords, Bows and other things, and if this was the Toa Nuva we could have a titan set with Takanuva on a rahi mount or something which would be amazing.
  6. Red: Tahu Mata Green: Kongu Inika Blue: Gali Nuva Brown: Hewkii Inika Black: Nuparu Mahri White: Kopaka Phantoka
  7. Do Toa choose when to become Turaga? The Nuva and the Mahri should probably be Turaga already considering they have fulfilled their destinies. I guess our only example is the Metru who willingly gave up their power to release the matoran, so I'd say it's a choice. Not that I really want to see them as Turaga though. To me, the Mata/Nuva are the definitive Toa who should always stay as Toa, remaining the same while the world moves around them.
  8. All the Toa Mata aside from Lewa, who I did actually get. I found out about Bionicle so late that I only managed to get Lewa via a fluke on eBay about six or seven years down the line.
  9. I'm honestly just hoping for a few references to characters. If the original lore still stands, maybe we'll hear that Vakama and co finished their time as turaga and passed into legend or that the Chronicler's company became Toa Masters. Heck, maybe they could just do some random status updates like that, kind of like news headlines on the Bionicle Site or something to make the world seem bigger.
  10. Gonna have to go with Voya Nui's matoran.
  11. Make the Toa nothing like their original namesakes. I.e, making Tahu a calm and collected leader, Onua a blundering fool, Lewa a coward. OR they all have the same personality. "I'm the Master of X! I will defend the matoran/agori/whatever and destroy all evil!" and that's basically all they are.
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