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Status Updates posted by Nav3taX

  1. dude you continuing BLANK? i can help you with it.

  2. i can help, im quite expierenced myself.

  3. want to be friends?

  4. Toa Navin Toa of Magma?

  5. dude i was ur friend wen you were berix the scavanger

  6. i added u to!

  7. yeah im aussie, ill add you too!

  8. hmm im sure ill be able to join this thing, but mim gona change my name to Navin196#2

  9. so now Vahis tale, and your rose.. can i be sonic?

  10. we can still be friends right?

  11. yeah boring music sucks!

  12. just a little joke buddy, your a respcted BZP member. mabey a little just a little intolerable but your respected. and im not a hater im hated.

  13. most of the year 10's are a bunch of cool dudes. but at least our school song wasent boring unlike my old school

  14. basicly ok highschools a killer.

  15. thank you, happy bday btw

  16. VTP's a #####, hey can i PGS in season 2?

  17. well, not realy, used to be navsta, then nav5ta (navsta) now its nav3ta (naveta)

  18. happy australia day mate

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