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Status Updates posted by ALVIS

  1. Xenoblade Chronicles is the best RPG I've ever played, not least because of the heavy BIONICLE vibes it gives off. So much nostalgia!

  2. After an eon of TEN WHOLE DAYS (gasp), the heated Chapter 4 is out! Read and review!

  3. I'm trying to help you out here. Every single one of your posts I see is negative, just griping, whining, and flaming. This has made you an enemy of many BZPers. I strongly suggest you rethink your words BEFORE posting in future so that you don't wind up like infamous -Sarcon-.

  4. Same for me. Did you get my message?

  5. Chapter 2's finally out! Read and review!

  6. I have a whopper of a project due in nine days, so I wouldn't expect any new updates during that time. I promise I'll write a new chapter once I'm done. :)

  7. New short story out: "Descendant", featuring Kraata-Kal and Makuta Teridax. Check it out via the link in my signature!

  8. Thanks, I really appreciate it!

    But, uh, "Only A Child" isn't done yet, just so you know. One more part to go. ;)

  9. Chapter 4 of Makuta Hunt: Dark Moonlight is up. :)

  10. Well... You put up more of a fight than I would have thought possible out of such a soft boy. But don't clap for yourself quite yet. That sword of yours is the only reason you still live.

  11. Ima gonna take a random guess and say B6's teddy bear. :P

  12. 26 days until I will be Angel Bob again. My time as the Demon Lord has been entertaining, but it will have to end eventually.

  13. We shall take her. We shall take all of you. We shall have dominion over all time and space.

  14. Well, you might have noticed I never use the Guest Stars anymore... >:)

  15. Hi, Chapter 23 up...

  16. Sorry, sir. The Angels were keen to show themselves and therefore breed. Basically, BZP is going to die. Sorry, sir.

  17. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't look away, don't turn your back, and DON'T BLINK!

    Good luck.

  18. I've written Chapter 6, but I'm hesitant to post it until I'm confident it's perfect. Be patient. :)

  19. Do you know anything of the Doctor? Contact Clive now!

  20. I should really get around to writing Chapter 1 of The Poisoned Island...

  21. New short story out: "Jungle By Night", the latest updated on my "Sahmad's Tales" blog. Check it out via the link in my signature or at ask-sahmad.tumblr.com!

  22. Chapter 6 of Makuta Hunt: The Subtarond Project is now out. (Also, what happened to my Chapter 5 update??)

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