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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    No one is out to get you.
    No one at all.
    Your life is boring and you are not the centre of some dastardly plot.
    Get over it.
    Actually, now that I think about it, there is someone out to get you:
    Me, if you don't stop harping on about your irrational fears! :angry:
    That is all.
    On Labour Day weekend-- the Canadian one-- (note the U in "labour"), I ordered Vezon & Fenrakk and the long awaited LEGO Star Wars II. The game was scheduled for release today and so I assumed that my order would come today too. Well, I was right, but not quite. You see, the delivery men came when I wasn't home so they left a notice saying that I had to pick it up later. I'll let you know how the situation progresses, but for now, this means that I'll lose about 3 hours of valuable playing time.
    Update1: :angry: I won't be able to claim my package until tomorrow (some silly postal thing) so just be glad you aren't my stress ball.
    Update2: It appears there was a misunderstanding. The e-mail my dad got from LEGO saying the package had shipped seems to have only referred to Vezon & Fenrakk which means I have to wait another day or two . Although it is a kick butt set, I still would like to have my game.
    Update3: I have it now- it's mine, my own, my precioussssss...
    Hello, world.
    My sources have recently informed me of a rash of atrocities performed by a man masquerading as "Black Six" (pictured here). Mr. Six has been quoted many times saying hateful things about the fruit of the Macadamia tetraphylla plant, more commonly referred to as the macadamia nut. The following is a quote which may or may not have been said by him and which may or may not have been about macadamia nuts.
    "I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I HATE THEM!"
    If you or someone you know is a macadamia nut, please make sure that your doors, windows, and cookie bags are locked tight and that your children are kept safe.
    Now over to Jack Sampson with the weather. Jack?
    Another forum has fallen before my might. That's right, the BZP Voting Booth now belongs to me and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
    Yes, I know it's an easy forum, but at least I have 3 forums like everyone else now. And who knows? Maybe this is a temporary solution and I will be eventually shunted to your favourite forum. *lame spooky finger gestures*
    I don't mind, though. I'll help out wherever I can. Sometimes the forums have up moments and others they don't. Currently, things are moving pretty slowly in all three of my forums, but they'll pick up eventually. For instance, in my first week, I was able to close about ten topics in a row in S&T, but now I can barely get one. Oh well, hopefully it's just a dry spell and it will clear up soon.
    In summary, beware my spreading of peanut butter terror! *more lame spooky finger gestures*
    December 22: Felt pretty dumb at school this day. More than half the people in school skipped and I only got work done in two classes. In French class, period 1, we had the opportunity to hand in an assignment early for bonus marks. Almost everyone there handed it in, knowing they needed as many extra marks as possible, but one poor guy thought he'd be clever and hand it in and leave before the teacher got there. Unfortunately for him, the teacher didn't give him the marks. After that, I had biology, which was pretty uneventful, and then a nice long poker-filled lunch period. When chemistry rolled around, I was surprised to find that the classroom was packed... with people from other classes that is. It turned out that it was where everyone had decided to watch movies. I caught the end of She's the Man to kill some time, but decided to leave when someone pulled out a GameCube and started hooking it up to the TV, but that was okay since my teacher cut class too. Several card games later, we had an assembly that was so-so. It was put on by the teachers and the teachers' pets and involved some skits and some songs. Really, the only good part about it was that I got out 10 minutes early and got a free candycane (but since it was thrown the length of the auditorium, it was really only a fine powder by the time it reached me). I then walked home in the freezing cold wind and rain, with an umbrella that kept turning inside out and flopped down on my computer chair half an hour later feeling absolutely exhausted. A few hours later, I found myself packing up the car and going up north to visit my grandparents (on my dad's side) for Christmas.
    December 23-24: Pretty uneventful days that seemed to drag on a bit with the prospect of Christmas morning looming ahead. We played a lot of Clue, Sorry!, Careers, and Oh Heck to pass the time, and I ended up seeing practically every Christmas special YTV had to offer, courtesy of my younger sister.
    December 25: Needless to say, I didn't sleep well this night. When I first woke up, I was all excited, but when I checked the clock, I was appalled to see that it was only 11:30; it wasn't even the 25th yet! After falling asleep and waking up a few more times, I decided to just get my stocking and watch TV for the next few hours until everyone else got up. So for the next four hours, I entertained myself by watching early morning TV and sustained myself with some of the chocolates from my stocking, knowing that it would be ages until breakfast. Finally, I heard the sound of little feet running around upstairs, which meant that my sister was awake and that present opening was imminent. After everything was handed out and opened, I found myself with the following:
    Defilak Dekar Morak Thulox Axonn Brutaka BIONICLE Legends #5: Inferno LEGO Star Wars II for Nintendo DS (surprisingly good graphics) BIONICLE Heroes for Nintendo DS Maze of Shadows for GameBoy Advance Two funny T-shirts The Risk boardgame Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony, by Eoin Colfer Voyage of Slaves, by Brian Jacques A photo album A new umbrella (my old one having half of its spokes bent out of shape) December 26: Woke up early to get back home fast enough so we'd have enough time to prepare for my mom's side of the family coming over to visit. After hours of back-breaking work, everything came together and we all had a great time. Around the end, we had a present exchange where I came uncomfortably close to winning a cake plate, but luckily got to trade it for a boxed DVD set of the Da Vinci Code. 
    So that's been how I've spent the holidays so far and with a week and a half still to go, things are looking good.
    Alright, here are two things that have been bugging me lately in how people are speaking incorrectly.
    1) Know your past participles.
    What is a past participle? That's the word that goes after the axillary (usually some form of the verb "to have") in tenses that describe the past.
    For instance, "I have seen thousands of cars in my lifetime". The word "seen" is the past participle.
    Some common slip ups I've noticed lately:
    -To beat => I have beaten NOT I have beat
    -To bite => I have bitten NOT I have bit
    Now, this may be confusing because some verbs like "to hit" do not change (I have hit), so keep an eye out for these.
    2) Use the subjunctive when applicable.
    The bane of most second language classes: the subjunctive mood. It isn't very common in English, but it is still something you need to look out for.
    Basically, in English, we use 3 moods.
    1) Indicative: a simple statement or question. E.g. Bob goes to the store.
    2) Imperative: a command. E.g. Bob, go to the store!
    3) Subjunctive: a statement contrary to fact, a wish, or a mandative statement. E.g. I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener.
    This is really only visible when using a singular subject with the verb "to be". It is incorrect to say "I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener" despite the fact that "was" usually refers to the singular subject, but in the indicative, you use the plural form of the verb, "were".
    So yeah, follow those rules of speech and I won't go insane.
    ...Itty bitty living space.
    Actually, the afore mentioned phenomenal cosmic powers refer to the brand new piece of paper that currently resides in my wallet:
    MY G2!!!
    Now for those of you living outside of Ontario, you're probably saying to yourselves "a what now?", well my friends, a G2 is the second level of the Ontario driver's license, which means that I can now drive wherever I want, whenever I want with the sole restrictions of having an alcohol level of 0 and not carrying around more than one passenger under the age of 19 who isn't related to me between the hours of midnight and 5 AM for the first six months of being in possession of the G2 license (specific much?). Anyway, now I'm free to drive wherever I please, given that my parents let me use the car. BTW, do you think it's a bad sign that I had "and then I crashed into you and I went up in flames" stuck in my head while taking the test?
    In other news, the PSA is roughly 2/3 done (Doc's lines are on their way) and there's a new chapter of Wildfire up.
    Well, it might be the end of BIONICLE, but it's not the end of me.
    For those who have been wondering whether I'm coming out with a new Flash video or writing anything else after my comedy, the answer is yes, but they won't to be about BIONICLE.
    I plan to still create stuff, but I think it's high time I started making something a little more original than the BIONICLE-based projects I've saddled myself with these past six years. I'll try to keep you guys updated on what I'm up to, but at this point all I can say is that there is stuff on the way, but it isn't BIONICLE-related.
    Now return to your chaotic panic about the end of the world.
    Okay, the survey's been out for a week, so let's see what people want.
    1) Is having the BIONICLE logo as the map with each forum section being an island a good idea? If not, what would be better?
    Most people seemed to like the map, although Great Being #1 has proposed an alternative (see below).
    2) Do you agree with the island names? If not, what are some better ones you can think of?
    Once again, no one had any major qualms with these. Terakk, though, has suggested some of his own (see below).
    3) Do you agree with the elemental designations of the forums? If not, what do you suggest?
    Very few issues here, though see GB's map for his suggestions.
    The other 3 :annoyed2:) Where should blogs go?
    Voting was more split here, but the majority of you wanted it to go in people's homes.
    4) How do homes work?
    This was probably the closest vote, but most people decided that you live in a home in one of the forums.
    So now the follow up:
    1) If things stay this way will you be so totally disgusted by this project that you'll boycott it entirely or can you live with it?
    2) a- Do you like GB's suggested map better than mine (barring the fact that mine is interactive)?
    b- Do you like Terakk's island name suggestions (Pheskal, Zatovas, and Arventos) better than mine?
    I'll tally up the results in a week or so and then we can move onto phase two!
  10. SPIRIT
    Well, it took some fiddling about, but I've finally managed to get my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector working again, which means that now I can start playing Nintendo DS games against people over the Internet once more. If you have any of the games listed in the content block marked Gaming Info, drop me a PM and hopefully we'll be able to face each other. I'm particularly keen on getting a game of Civilization Revolution going to see if beating the computer on Deity level is actually something to be proud of.
  11. SPIRIT
    You know what they say, easy come easy go.
    This morning, a certain popular video hosting website contacted me saying that my BIONICLE In Under Two Minutes video that I had posted there was eligible for consideration of getting Google ads on it so that I would make money off of it. So I registered with their money making thing and sent my video to them, not particularly hopeful that I'd make it in (due to every image being copyrighted ), but I figured it couldn't hurt to try. Turns out, I was right, and they rejected it. Oh well.
    On the bright side, I now have everything set up for my own Google ads. Now all I need is my own website and original intellectual property...
  12. SPIRIT
    It's been nearly a month since I've last updated my blog so I think it's high time I bring you back up to speed. Since I last posted here, I've seen Over the Hedge, Cars, and Casino Royale; all great movies that I recommend seeing. I've also been hard at work getting sounds and music off of the BIONICLE DVDs and I just finished recording everything I need from LoMN (almost 2/3 of the way there!). My report card came a few days ago, not the best one I've ever gotten, but still pretty good just the same. It's been snowing recently, but it really hasn't been collecting in large enough amounts to be of any use. From what I've heard on the news, it seems like everyone's getting snow except me; I hope I won't have another green Christmas this year.
    And now you're up to speed.
  13. SPIRIT
    As many of you may know, yesterday was my birthday as well as easter. As far as I can remember, this is the first year that they've ever landed on the same day, so this was certainly an odd birthday. For starters, it was spread out over the whole holiday so I unfortunately didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would if it were all crammed into one day.
    Friday was cake day. Didn't do much that day except visit my grandparents and eat cake.
    Saturday was present day. I got all six Barraki, new headphones (the wire being exposed in my old ones), a t-shirt that said National Sarcasm Society: Like we need your support, and a ridiculous amount of cash.
    Sunday was age increase day. 12:00 PM and I was officially 17. Also, my other grandparents and aunt came to visit and I got another cake and two pies (because my aunt's birthday was five days prior).
    Monday, today, was do nothing day. Today, all I did was make a Content Block listing all my sets because I was bored.
    Now I'm filthy rich, loaded with chocolate, and all around content with the way things went on this long weekend. I'm finally getting around to starting the giant blog entry I promised so sit tight. And as for the PSA, I've decided to wait for Rayg to do a little more 2.5 work before I get down to business myself, since I need some of the sprites he has not yet drawn.
  14. SPIRIT
    The following is a public service announcement for the benefit of all those from English speaking backgrounds.
    Hi, there. I'm SPIRIT. If you're like me, then your family originated in an English speaking country. Why, they've practically been speaking English since the days of King Arthur. Now, if you're like me, then you probably have friends that do not come from English speaking backgrounds. Sure, their English might be good, heck, even their parents' English might be good, but for some reason or other, many people from non-English speaking backgrounds seem to do the same thing that REALLY bugs me.
    Look, I know your family isn't Anglo-Saxon, I get it. But if you're telling me a story, don't start talking to me about your Nona or your Zayde; I DON'T KNOW WHAT THOSE ARE. Having a different culture than me is fine, but seriously, SPEAK TO ME IN A LANGUAGE I UNDERSTAND. Yes, you call your grandparents Baba and Oma (or whatever), that's great, but when you're telling me about them, PLEASE REFER TO THEM IN A WAY I UNDERSTAND.
    And another thing, "nana" is not "grandmother", it's short for "nanny", i.e. a person, usually with special training, employed to care for children in a household. Now, if that job description fits your grandmother, by all means, you can refer to her as that -- otherwise, just say "grandma".
    To sum up, calling your grandparents whatever you want when speaking to them or about them to someone who knows them by that name is fine, just don't use this name when speaking to someone who does not know this unless you provide an explanation.
    Tune in next time when SPIRIT gripes about all the confusion created by women who refer to all their female friends as "girlfriends".
  15. SPIRIT
    On a Harry Potter fansite, there is a caption contest held every so often using various Harry Potter related pictures. A few months ago, I gave an entry for one of the rounds and it was rather well received and was once voted the number one caption on the site (it has since been knocked down to 7, but it has yet to fall off the list).
    Recently, I did a Google search and found that I accidentally spawned somewhat of a fad, which was pleasantly surprising. Now, since I'm not as well-known in the Harry Potter fandom as I am in the BIONICLE one, I thought I'd take this opportunity to state that I did, in fact, write this caption that has taken the Internet by storm.
    For those interested, here are the picture and caption:

    Cedric: So. How is it that you - a skinny boy with no extraordinary acting talent - managed to defeat the greatest actor of all time? How did you escape with nothing but eight movies, while Robert Pattinson's powers were destroyed?
    Harry: Why do you care how I escaped? Pattinson was after your time...
    Cedric: Pattinson is my past, present and future, Harry Potter...
    *Cedric pulls Harry's wand from his pocket and begins to trace it through the air, writing two shimmering words*
    *Then, Cedric waves the wand once, and the letters of his name rearrange themselves*
    Harry: Um... so?
    Cedric: You know, that made a lot more sense in my head...
    Granted, there's no real proof that the person you know as SPIRIT and the author of that were the same person, but I offer this as evidence, from which I took inspiration for the caption and which was written several weeks earlier.
    In summation, I am funny no matter which fandom I'm in. B)
  16. SPIRIT

    Recently I managed to find someone selling the Bionicle Quest for Makuta board game online. It was in pretty good condition. An excellent addition to my collection.
    I also picked up a few other board games. Just something to do with the kids I work with. One of the games was Monopoly. What did I find inside the box?
    A single Cordak bullet.
    The evidence speaks for itself. Family game night turned violent, the Toa Mahri intervened, and there were no survivors. 😔
    Open and shut case.
    Bake him away, toys.
  17. SPIRIT
    Well, my horrible week without TV has finally come to a close. I recently received a new one, which is much bigger than the old one and HD to boot. It's got a whole bunch of cool, new features and it even has a headphone port! The best part of this port is that I can now record music and other sounds off my TV (specifically ones from the BIONICLE movies, if you catch my drift ). My TV can also freeze a particular frame, adjust the screen quality, and even become sensitive to light (a feature which my dad thinks is the best thing since unsliced bread). All in all, it seems that five days without TV was more than enough of a sacrifice for the new one I have now.
  18. SPIRIT
    So I'm going through some old files and I find this. You might've already seen something similar to it in a previous blog entry, but here's a longer/alternate version I wrote for some unknown reason and rather than let it rot on my hard drive, I thought I'd post it here.
    Little town
    It's a quiet village
    Ev'ry day
    Feels like it's so slow
    Little town
    Full of little people
    Waking up to say:
    Hello! Hello! Hello!
    There goes the farmer with his cart, like always
    Full of lava just like goo-ah!
    Ev'ry morning just the same
    Since the morning that we came
    To this small volcanic town
    Good Morning, Takua!
    'Morning, Tiribomba.
    How’s the song coming along?
    Not bad. Due to the Maori phonetics of my name I have to be pretty creative with some of the rhymes, but-
    That's nice. Agni! The briquettes! Hurry up!
    Look there he goes that guy is strange, no question
    Even weirder than Krakua
    Does not fit in at all
    Always carving on some wall
    No denying he's an odd guy, Takua
    Ta-Matoran 1:
    Ta-Matoran 2:
    Good day
    Ta-Matoran 1:
    How is your Rahi?
    Ta-Matoran 3:
    Ta-Matoran 4:
    Good day
    Ta-Matoran 3:
    How is your scythe?
    Ta-Matoran 5:
    I need squid eggs
    Ta-Matoran 6:
    That's too expensive
    There must be more than this volcanic life
    Look there he goes that guy is so peculiar
    I hope that Disney doesn’t sue-ah
    Trav’ling all around
    Even going underground
    What a puzzle to us all is Takua
  19. SPIRIT
    I just did the math and I missed it by a few days! :annoyed2:
    Oh, not the 7000th year since my birth, but rather the 7000th day. If my calculations are correct, I experienced my 7000th sunrise on June 6th, 2009 (it looked just like all the other ones, mind you). From now on I guess I'll have to go back to expressing my age in days like a newborn child. Today, for instance, I turned 7005 days old.
  20. SPIRIT
    And unlike the emperor's, mine are visible... only to smart people, though.
    So yeah, I bit the bullet and went shopping for clothes: one of the few things that can't really be sped up by doing preliminary research online, sadly. All in all, I'm satisfied with what I got. The main goal of the mission was to replace the clothes that the paramedics cut off of me after my car crash last summer. What really sucks is that everything I was wearing was new too.
    But, what's done is done. Gotta put your behind in your past.
    I also got a new t-shirt. And since I refuse to buy funny t-shirts any more (since everyone wants to try to one-up me by making a stupid joke about it and just ends up failing miserably), I went for something a bit more low key. I went ahead and bought a shirt with my BZP name written on it, all in capital letters (of course), and in French.
    "... wait, isn't that just an ESPRIT shirt?"
    ... perhaps...
  21. SPIRIT
    This past week has been pretty easy for me. I've had to do a few major cleaning projects (over 2 hours long ), but at least I get payed extra. Other than that and laze about all day, I've also been looking for a job, but I haven't had much success. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a lot of BZP-related stuff because of server errors (especially yesterday's) but I did manage to do a new chapter of Wildfire so my conscience is at peace.
  22. SPIRIT
    This last couple of weeks has been quite the whirlwind for me. Millions of things due in school, not to mention Reading Week, so here's what I've been up to lately.
    Just before reading week, my professors decided to make everything due at once. Wasn't that nice of them? After finally stressing and fighting my way through a seemingly endless pile of assignments, it was suddenly Reading Week, but it was no time for relaxing.
    No sir, no relaxing at all. Some people from my church and I would be going to the distant snowbound lands of central Manitoba on the very fringes of civilization itself. We went there to go visit four Native reserves so that we could organize some game days for the kids as well as second-hand clothing sales.
    It's a very different world all the way up there. Alcoholism and cycles of poverty and abuse are unfortunately rampant, not to mention extremely overpriced goods and a lack of good public services. Despite all that, they manage to survive. The kids were really happy to see us, though, and running around the gym was just like being back at camp again.
    And today I went to court about the accident I had this summer. I chose not to go to trial and we managed to get the charge down to 2 demerit points and an $85 fine. It was a very stressful experience, to say the least, as I had no idea what was going on and the guy representing me kept leaving randomly. On the bright side, I did find out that in Canada, we don't say "your honour", we say "your worship". Still, though, I'd have been happier not knowing if it meant I didn't have to go through all this...
    So that's what I've been up to lately.
    Coming soon:
    The last few chapters of my TLR Spoof. An overhaul of the Software Forum rules. Me actually updating the BRC timeline for the first time in months. Me finishing that pronunciation guide... hopefully.
  23. SPIRIT
    How many times do you hear this expression on TV/in gym class? Have you ever wondered if its possible for something to function at 110% capacity? Well I'm here today to tell you that it is.
    Last Thursday, the general consensus was that my computer was working at 100%. It had no errors, spyware, viruses, and it worked at a pretty good speed. Then, for some reason or other, disaster struck. Programs kept shutting down on their own, Firefox wouldn't open, my firewall wouldn't activate... After rebooting it several times and giving it many virus scans, I was able to get the computer to a state so that the firewall was working again. A few more virus scans and deleting of certain files and now everything is working great. The best part is that I now have updated versions of Firefox and Flash, as they had been infected by the virus as well.
    So now everything is back to normal and I have two new spiffy programs. As my computer is working better than it was before, it is therefore working at 110%.
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