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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Hey, folks. It's the time of year where kids from 1 to 92 are writing their letters to ol' Santa Claus and before you finish, allow someone who has experienced many Christmases to give you a piece of advice that he has learned from the ages.
    You might be asking yourself, "what platform should I get this game on? Nintendo DS or one of the consoles?" The answer to this is quite simple:
    99/100 times, it will result in disappointment. For some reason or other, despite the DS being a highly versatile and powerful system, developers put an incredibly much smaller amount of effort into making games for it that also have platform versions. Granted, there are exceptions to this, where the DS version is greater than or equal to the console game (BIONICLE Heroes, for instance), but unless your family has an orchard of money trees, it's not worth the risk.
    Instead, go for the DS-exclusive games. 100% of the developers' time and effort has gone into making it and it's pretty much guaranteed that they're better than the multi-platform ones.
    And that's my bit of Christmas advice for you.
    The following is a public service announcement for the benefit of all those from English speaking backgrounds.
    Hi, there. I'm SPIRIT. If you're like me, then your family originated in an English speaking country. Why, they've practically been speaking English since the days of King Arthur. Now, if you're like me, then you probably have friends that do not come from English speaking backgrounds. Sure, their English might be good, heck, even their parents' English might be good, but for some reason or other, many people from non-English speaking backgrounds seem to do the same thing that REALLY bugs me.
    Look, I know your family isn't Anglo-Saxon, I get it. But if you're telling me a story, don't start talking to me about your Nona or your Zayde; I DON'T KNOW WHAT THOSE ARE. Having a different culture than me is fine, but seriously, SPEAK TO ME IN A LANGUAGE I UNDERSTAND. Yes, you call your grandparents Baba and Oma (or whatever), that's great, but when you're telling me about them, PLEASE REFER TO THEM IN A WAY I UNDERSTAND.
    And another thing, "nana" is not "grandmother", it's short for "nanny", i.e. a person, usually with special training, employed to care for children in a household. Now, if that job description fits your grandmother, by all means, you can refer to her as that -- otherwise, just say "grandma".
    To sum up, calling your grandparents whatever you want when speaking to them or about them to someone who knows them by that name is fine, just don't use this name when speaking to someone who does not know this unless you provide an explanation.
    Tune in next time when SPIRIT gripes about all the confusion created by women who refer to all their female friends as "girlfriends".
    I should have guessed that a day that started with a weevil in my cereal would not turn out great. Yesterday afternoon, my computer got a fatal virus. First it took out the Task Manager (so I couldn't shut it down), then it started to drain my memory, then it took out my keyboard. I might have been able to save some key files if I had refrained from rebooting it so soon. Now it won't boot back up! My dad said he's going to take it in to see if it can be fixed, but he said it might take two weeks!
    Luckily, I have a laptop with internet access, but it doesn't have any of my programs or files (including the almost completed episode 12) so expect everything to go on hold until I can get it fixed (hopefully they won't have to fragment it ).
    EDIT: It's all fixed now!
    Hmm, I think I should buy some tea.
    What kind of tea should I buy?
    Maybe I'll buy a whole bunch of different teas to see which ones I prefer.
    A varie-TEA pack.
    What have I become?
    Dumbledore: Good evening and welcome to Hogwarts! This year's houses: where all the smart, attractive and/or weird people go -- Ravenclaw! Where all the evil, ugly, and/or stupid people go -- Slytherin! Where all the cool, important, and/or plot-relevant people go -- Gryffindor! And where everyone else goes -- Ryan Stiles, I mean, Hufflepuff! And I'm your Headmaster Dumbledore, welcome to Hogwarts! Come on, let's have some fun.
    *Takes his place at the table.*
    Dumbledore: Welcome to Hogwarts, the school where everything's made up and the points don't matter. That's right, the points are like the difference between Fred and George Weasley. Doesn't really matter.
    Let the record show that I am psychic.
    From nearly 3 years ago.
    I called the release of LEGO Harry Potter done by Traveller's Tales.
    Not only that, but I'm going to make another prediction based on other things I've seen and read lately: this will be one of the greatest games of all time.
    So we've all heard of people running across North America several times. It's been done -- old news.
    What I'd like to see is someone run from Alert, Nunavut to Cape Horn, Chile. Now THAT would be an impressive feat.
    Being at the end of high school, I am on the verge of explosion.
    I have Independent Study Units, tests, and other large projects piling up that are all rapidly reaching their deadlines. Why, come this Tuesday, I will have had to have had [is this actual grammar??? ] handed in two pages on a How To book for Writer's Craft and my script writing project; done a test in Biology on the human sensory system; and presented in History on a piece of 19th century literature.
    Not only that, but people want me to finish off PSA#5 and Wildfire, which I'd MUCH rather do than that school work. Problem is, only the latter affects my ability to go to university. Understandably, there may be delays in my BZP stuff, but I'll try to get it done as fast as possible without going completely insane. Already I've gotten all the lines I need from Bioni-Cool Jack and a promise from Lady Kopaka that she'll get right on it. Now all I need is stuff from Rayg, Cee, and -CL- and we should be good to go.
    Thanks a lot, Internet, but you've ruined cookies for me. :angry:
    I, for one, have always been a staunch supporter of offering people cookies sarcastically for non-accomplishments, but I'm afraid that it's gone too far and such phrases like "good for you, have a cookie" or "you deserve a cookie" have become cliché, overused, and watered down.
    Are you proud of yourself, Internet?! Would you like a cook-- wait... :annoyed2:
    On a completely unrelated note, there are tiny white bugs living in my DS Lite.
  10. SPIRIT
    Aw man, my topic got closed due to someone reviving it? When I'm admin, that'll be the first thing to go.
    Not so long as I'm around.
    Well, in that case, you're banned.
    Hmmm... Nice try, but only an admin can do that.
    Well, he could be the future admin.
    Yeah. So you have to do what I tell you.
    Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic admin indeed.
    Hmph. Not the way I see it.
    *Everything becomes bright and colourful.*
    I'm gonna be a great admin
    So dumb spammers beware!
    I've never seen a poster here
    With quite so little flair.
    I'm gonna reign all the forums
    Like no admin before
    I'm brushing up on banning noobs
    My post count, it will SOAR!
    To let you rule would really be a sin
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    You've got a long way to go, young SPIRIT, if you think --
    No one say close this
    Now when I said that--
    No one say delete that
    What I meant was--
    No one say hide that
    What you don't realize--
    No one say see here
    Now SEE HERE!
    Free to revive topics all day
    Well that's definately out--
    Free to ban 'em all my way
    I think it's time that you and I arranged a PM to PM
    Admins don't need advice from BS01 staff and their phlegm
    If this is where the administration's headed
    Count me out!
    Out of service, out of Bionicle
    I wouldn't hang about!
    This staffer's asking for a punch to the chin...
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Ev'rybody post all day
    Ev'rybody post all night
    No matter where you post I'm
    In the Member Spotlight
    NOT YET!
    Let every member go for broke and spam
    Let the news hit you with a wham
    SPIRIT's rule will never be a sham!
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Oh I just can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait...
    To be admin!
    *Elephant falls on -Bionicleman-*
  11. SPIRIT
    I just want to make sure that everyone here has a secret password ready just in case they travel back in time and need to convince their past selves that they are from the future.
    A good Future Password would be something that you have never told anyone, impossible for anyone to guess, and that would give you the greatest flexibility in terms of time travel (i.e. the earlier this password would work on you, the better). My own password, for instance, would let me convince all past iterations of myself up to 1995.
    Be especially careful about the first two rules. If there's even a tiny chance that someone could guess your password, that defeats the whole purpose. Because it is more likely that you will be a victim of an elaborate ruse than future you actually travelling back in time, you have to make sure your password is something no one else could ever know (I mean, this is just standard preemptive inductive reasoning, guys).
    Now some naysayers out there might be wondering why you even need a password at all. Surely you could just be like the guy from a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and predict some future event to show everyone you're telling the truth. Well that's a horrible plan! First of all, in the time all of you have been alive, we know how to predict eclipses and other astronomical events, so you aren't convincing anyone with that shtick. Plus, how many of your have memorized recent history? Unless you're an autistic savant, you're going to have to sit around for a while waiting for an event you remember to transpire. Complete waste of time.
    If you can't think of something past you would know that know one else knows, then may I suggest making a Future Password now? Who knows, a future version of you could be spontaneously appearing right about... now.
    ... now.
    .... now.
    ... now.
  12. SPIRIT
    This morning, after finishing a box cereal and munching down on it, I noticed something odd in my bowl. I scooped it out with my spoon and looked at it closely. I then saw that it was a...
    That's right, as small brown beetle was in my cereal. Now it was dead, so it wasn't that gross but the scary thing is that it looked just like a broken off piece of raisin. I immediately taped it to a piece of paper and e-mailed the company in complaint. I'll keep you updated on their response.
    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to now try my best not to lose my lunch (or breakfast as the case may be).
    ♫"The worst part of waking up, is a weevil in your cup!"♫
  13. SPIRIT
    Hello friends.
    If you're anything like me, you use Facebook for three things:
    1) To stalk people (let's be real, that's why the website exists)
    2) To stay in the loop
    3) To message people
    Notice how "read stupid articles and dank memes" was not on that list?
    For quite some time now, I've been getting pretty sick of seeing dumb posts on Facebook. "So and So shared this dumb article on veganism", "What's her Face was tagged by a friend in this poorly made Vine", "Oh look, another post shared from a Facebook page for octogenarians". I could go on.
    This is ridiculous. I don't want to see any of this junk. But I also don't want to fall out of the loop on important issues.
    So what do I do?
    At the top right of every Facebook post, there is a drop down menu. If you click it, you can see the option to Hide All From X. This will still keep your friend's vacation pics, status updates, and relationship announcements, but hide any and all future garbage from that source that they might decide to share with you. I've been doing this for about a week now and my Facebook feed is much less terrible to go through.
    But wait, you said it doesn't hide status updates! What do I do if my friend keeps posting racist, sexist, homophobic, climate change denying posts?
    If that's the case, I think you just have a terrible friend. This is much harder to fix in a democracy with free speech. Vote for SPIRIT as dictator for life.
  14. SPIRIT
    I have spent quite a bit of the past week playing LEGO Star Wars II and right off the bat, I can tell you that it "Roxorz my Soxorz" even more than Avak does.
    It's really fun getting to blow things up with bombs, customising your mini-fig, and especially zapping people with Dark Force lightning. Sadly, though, the game is so great that it chews up a lot of my free time meaning I have little or no time for BZP (sadly more delays in my projects) or VNOLG (but I have made it to level 11). I'm highly torn between the two passtimes, but for now, I think I'm going to just stick with the game for a few more days before I go back into full BZP mode again.
  15. SPIRIT
    Well, it's nearly 20 days since I got the weevil in my cereal and today I noticed an interesting e-mail from Kellogg Canada. They apologised greatly for the incident, thanked me for telling them their cereal was "unsatisfactory" (), and are going to send me reimbursement coupons in the mail. Whether or not I'm going to chance the cereal again once I get the coupons is debatable.
    Now that they've appologised, though, I feel sorta bad about spazzing out on them. I mean, when I wrote the e-mail, it was pretty early in the morning and I was pretty tired since it was a Friday and all. Even so, I did almost get a little more crunch in my cereal than I wanted...
    Either way, the moral of the story is that you should have waffles for breakfast.
  16. SPIRIT
    Some of you may have seen my BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn countdown and others might remember the one I made in anticipation of the release of Deathly Hallows. Well, now that I've got a template in place, I decided to make some for the new Harry Potter movie coming out July 17.


    Also, some credit would be nice.
    P.S. In terms of file size, the first one is 18.8 KB and the second one is 20.0 KB.
    EDIT: They've pushed the release date forward two days, so the banners have been updated accordingly.
  17. SPIRIT
    On a Harry Potter fansite, there is a caption contest held every so often using various Harry Potter related pictures. A few months ago, I gave an entry for one of the rounds and it was rather well received and was once voted the number one caption on the site (it has since been knocked down to 7, but it has yet to fall off the list).
    Recently, I did a Google search and found that I accidentally spawned somewhat of a fad, which was pleasantly surprising. Now, since I'm not as well-known in the Harry Potter fandom as I am in the BIONICLE one, I thought I'd take this opportunity to state that I did, in fact, write this caption that has taken the Internet by storm.
    For those interested, here are the picture and caption:

    Cedric: So. How is it that you - a skinny boy with no extraordinary acting talent - managed to defeat the greatest actor of all time? How did you escape with nothing but eight movies, while Robert Pattinson's powers were destroyed?
    Harry: Why do you care how I escaped? Pattinson was after your time...
    Cedric: Pattinson is my past, present and future, Harry Potter...
    *Cedric pulls Harry's wand from his pocket and begins to trace it through the air, writing two shimmering words*
    *Then, Cedric waves the wand once, and the letters of his name rearrange themselves*
    Harry: Um... so?
    Cedric: You know, that made a lot more sense in my head...
    Granted, there's no real proof that the person you know as SPIRIT and the author of that were the same person, but I offer this as evidence, from which I took inspiration for the caption and which was written several weeks earlier.
    In summation, I am funny no matter which fandom I'm in. B)
  18. SPIRIT
    Hey technically-inclined people of this strange corner of the internet,
    I'm in the market for a good gaming PC. Like, a really good one. Like one that will play Skyrim on Ultra with no loading time. But I have no idea where to start looking.
    Got any recommendations?
    Also, I'm incredibly lazy, so building it myself will never happen.
  19. SPIRIT
    So Sisen and I thought we'd make our own versions of Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl, only a Harry Potter version. Let us know which one you like best.
    (Sisen's version).
    My version is sung by a Dementor right after he's kissed Barty Crouch junior at the end of the fourth book, sucking out his soul.
    This was always the way Fudge planned
    It's his intention
    Crouch was so pale and not tanned
    Lost his discretion
    It is what, I'm used to
    Just wanna taste his soul
    I'm ravenous for him
    Caught my attention
    I kissed a Crouch and he's soulless
    The taste of him losing his mind
    I kissed a Crouch 'cause Fudge told me
    I hope Dumbledore don't mind it
    It felt so wrong
    It felt so right
    Don't mean that he's dead tonight
    I kissed a Crouch and he's soulless
    He's soulless
    Well, I just only know your name
    It's not a good one,
    You are my alimental game
    Dementor nature,
    It's just what,
    We guys do
    Just how they should behave
    My head looks really gross
    Cinch to obey
    Wizards they are so magical
    Soft souls, and joy, so kissable
    Hard to resist so touchable
    Too good to deny it
    Ain't no big deal, if innocent
  20. SPIRIT
    So the C key on my computer's keyboard had a nice trip through my house's central vacuum, but I got it back.
    That is all I have to say on the matter.
  21. SPIRIT
    December 22: Felt pretty dumb at school this day. More than half the people in school skipped and I only got work done in two classes. In French class, period 1, we had the opportunity to hand in an assignment early for bonus marks. Almost everyone there handed it in, knowing they needed as many extra marks as possible, but one poor guy thought he'd be clever and hand it in and leave before the teacher got there. Unfortunately for him, the teacher didn't give him the marks. After that, I had biology, which was pretty uneventful, and then a nice long poker-filled lunch period. When chemistry rolled around, I was surprised to find that the classroom was packed... with people from other classes that is. It turned out that it was where everyone had decided to watch movies. I caught the end of She's the Man to kill some time, but decided to leave when someone pulled out a GameCube and started hooking it up to the TV, but that was okay since my teacher cut class too. Several card games later, we had an assembly that was so-so. It was put on by the teachers and the teachers' pets and involved some skits and some songs. Really, the only good part about it was that I got out 10 minutes early and got a free candycane (but since it was thrown the length of the auditorium, it was really only a fine powder by the time it reached me). I then walked home in the freezing cold wind and rain, with an umbrella that kept turning inside out and flopped down on my computer chair half an hour later feeling absolutely exhausted. A few hours later, I found myself packing up the car and going up north to visit my grandparents (on my dad's side) for Christmas.
    December 23-24: Pretty uneventful days that seemed to drag on a bit with the prospect of Christmas morning looming ahead. We played a lot of Clue, Sorry!, Careers, and Oh Heck to pass the time, and I ended up seeing practically every Christmas special YTV had to offer, courtesy of my younger sister.
    December 25: Needless to say, I didn't sleep well this night. When I first woke up, I was all excited, but when I checked the clock, I was appalled to see that it was only 11:30; it wasn't even the 25th yet! After falling asleep and waking up a few more times, I decided to just get my stocking and watch TV for the next few hours until everyone else got up. So for the next four hours, I entertained myself by watching early morning TV and sustained myself with some of the chocolates from my stocking, knowing that it would be ages until breakfast. Finally, I heard the sound of little feet running around upstairs, which meant that my sister was awake and that present opening was imminent. After everything was handed out and opened, I found myself with the following:
    Defilak Dekar Morak Thulox Axonn Brutaka BIONICLE Legends #5: Inferno LEGO Star Wars II for Nintendo DS (surprisingly good graphics) BIONICLE Heroes for Nintendo DS Maze of Shadows for GameBoy Advance Two funny T-shirts The Risk boardgame Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony, by Eoin Colfer Voyage of Slaves, by Brian Jacques A photo album A new umbrella (my old one having half of its spokes bent out of shape) December 26: Woke up early to get back home fast enough so we'd have enough time to prepare for my mom's side of the family coming over to visit. After hours of back-breaking work, everything came together and we all had a great time. Around the end, we had a present exchange where I came uncomfortably close to winning a cake plate, but luckily got to trade it for a boxed DVD set of the Da Vinci Code. 
    So that's been how I've spent the holidays so far and with a week and a half still to go, things are looking good.
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