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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    I used to wear funny t-shirts all the time, but eventually stopped after getting tired of people trying to one-up my shirt's joke. For instance, wearing a camo shirt that says "You can't see me" and having everyone you meet come up to you and say "hay i can c u ololololol" gets old fast.
    Anyone else have this problem? People ruining funny shirts for everyone?
    Hey, I just entered The Legend Continues contest. The prizes sounded pretty good, and I felt that the Skull Slicer kind of got a raw deal only showing up in 2 web animations and getting like a sentence of lore. He was this arena champion who inexplicably had 4 arms. So many questions...
    Also, I've been off and on writing another movie spoof. I'll finish it someday...
    So in case you haven't seen it yet and for posterity's sake, here it is:
    I wish Greg would bump off Norik so I could say,
    "Alas, poor Norik! I knew him well..."
    Well, that's just too good a pun to waste, so I'm considering sending the following message to Greg to see what he can do about it.
    Dear Greg,
    It would really mean a lot to me if you were to have Norik killed in the storyline. Sure he's a popular character, but I think that my clever pun is far more important than his imaginary life or the happiness of the fans.
    Ever yours,
    SPIRIT Nuhrii the Metruan
    Think it'll work?
    Hey folks.
    As you are my very close and personal friends, I thought the very least I could do for you is offer you an
    That's right. You, yes you, could have a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in greatness. If you can help me raise $10 000 (AUD, CAD, or USD -- they're all more or less equivalent these days), then I can sortofalmostmaybe guarantee all sorts of great stuff.
    Flash PSAs with Bionicle characters? You liked those, right? And how about another Bionicle in Under 2 Minutes? How about this time in 4 minutes? Oooh, or how about 1 minute?
    And uh
    Fanfics? Comedies? Movie spoofs? Text-based RPGs? Self-aware blog entries?
    You want it, you've got it.
    I will literally probablynot do anything for your cash!
    So if you're interested, drop me a line and you could become a great Patron of the Arts today! Put that on your business card. "John Q. Whatsyourface: Patron of the Arts".
    $10 000.
    This message brought to you by the Give SPIRIT Money Definitely-for-Profit Organization Ltd. None of the proceeds will go to charity and there's only a 48% chance of SPIRIT actually using your money to make something creative. All sales are final, refunds will not be honoured. If you are not completely satisfied then go find someone who cares, because they sure ain't here, sister.
    So I was procrastinating today.
    "Whoa, SPIRIT was procrastinating? Stop the presses!"

    So I decided to see what this whole Twitter craze was about and went to check out the site. On the main page, they've got like this search bar, so I thought to myself, hey, why don't I see if people are tweeting about BIONICLE?
    So I search for some random BIONICLE words and while I'm sifting through the results when I come upon a series of... just weird tweets. I don't know if this is a prank or some promotion by LEGO... but it's just... weird...
    So yeah, here is the guy's profile. There's also a bunch of other accounts he's following that seem to be doing the same sort of thing.
    Has anyone else seen this? I don't even know what to say about it...
    Well, $140 later and my laptop works again. The guy said my laptop is unusably slow and I should get it replaced, but as far as I can tell it's back to normal.
    Anyway, my Pokémon...
    The day was April 8th, 2003. A young boy awoke excitedly on his birthday. On this very day, 3 years prior, he had received his first GameBoy and Pokémon game (Yellow) -- he had gotten his first Pokémon, a Pikachu on his tenth birthday. Truly this was the stuff legends are made of.
    But that was in the past. Pokémon Yellow was so last decade. Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire had just been released, along with the GameBoy Advance SP. It was a day for the history books when young SPIRIT popped his translucent red game cartridge into his new GBA SP and saw that opening cinematic before school that day. SPIRIT also received his starter that day, a Torchic, that would later become a Combusken and then a Blaziken.
    That Blaziken assisted SPIRIT faithfully through the Elite Four countless times, just managing to clench victory in the face of defeat. She rose to level 100 and followed SPIRIT for many years to come. She was transferred to Diamond Version, then Black Version, Black 2 Version, Y Version, and finally OmegaRuby. While the Pokemon in SPIRIT's pre-Gen III cartridges died as the batteries expired, Blaziken lived on.
    But everything changed when the computer glitch attacked...
    SPIRIT tried to transfer his OmegaRuby save (for he only had the digital version), to a bigger SD card, but the transfer failed. Now Blaziken, along with every main story team and competitive team SPIRIT had bred in the last 13 years had become trapped in cyberspace.
    If anyone knows how to restore corrupted 3DS save files, I will literally do anything for you.
    My babies are gone... There are children who can walk and talk that have not lived as long as some of the Pokémon I lost. I am in mourning.
    A song:
    Goodbye Blaziken
    Though I caught you in ball
    You used the move Sky Uppercut
    While those around you crawled
    They crawled out into battle
    And they tried to cause you pain
    With Psychic, Flying, Ground, and Water
    Though steadfast you remain
    In memory of Blaziken (April 8 2003 - July 17 2016)
    " -Blaziken 
    Okay, forget all that nonsense. I am a gosh darned genius. I took my corrupted file, put it on my computer, then I took a blank SD card, downloaded Omega Ruby again, then I pasted it onto the corrupted file, and it works! It works! My Pokémon are safe and sound!!
    BLAZIKEN IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    omg i have so much i should be doing right now why am i making a blog about this okay spirit dont panic breathe in breathe out thats it oh dear how did things go so wrong everything was cool yesterday and now its all fallen apart i wonder if i could hire a secretary or personal assistant to help me deal with all this because this is just crazy i consider myself a person of roughly average intelligence and ability and i cant imagine how dumb people manage but i guess there arent many dumb people in my situation so it all balances out i wish i had a time machine so that i could just be six months in the future when my life is all figured out or even a crystal ball to tell me which paths to take would be handy i dont even care about causality or missing out on my true destiny or free will at this point im sure there are many outcomes that would lead to a happy ending good gravy its hard to type like this for comedic effect i guess many years of typing english class and reading have ingrained several difficult to break habit i wonder if this entry will even be legible or if it will get any reputation points its so weird that there isnt a better name for those rep points reppies repertoire im sure theres a pun to be made but my brain cant make it right now i guess i feel a little better after typing all this and things have certainly been worse but i think thats a poor excuse because i can imagine them being so much better i guess im going to repress that by playing video games speaking of which i cant believe sun and moon are almost out i am so hyped for generation seven im also hyped for civ vi and i would love to play more of that but i just cant commit the time right now and my computer is growing a little slow in its old age i think skyrim killed it man id love to do another playthrough of skyrim too on a modern desktop super gaming computer that would be so dope but obviously i wont have the time or the money for this for some time which i guess is the point of finishing my degree getting a job and starting my career i mean i figure i can build a pretty sweet gaming lounge for like five thousand bucks that should include computer chair tv wireless keyboard and wireless mouse i wonder what the range is on those things i guess it doesnt matter at this point maybe i can set up a receiver closer to my chair if theres an issue man i wish these were the problems in my life and not the bureaucratic quagmire i have to wade through right now also i should probably be studying oh crud and then theres that assignment i have due and dont even get me started on that comedy i was supposed to be writing oh well itll get done when it gets done okay this is probably enough they got the joke now i guess ill just drown my sorrows in video games and hope everything sorts itself out
    So turns out that in Pokémon, Ice Type is not super effective against Rock Type... It's been over a decade and I'm learning this today...
    Apparently these exist???
    I can't help but think that one day something went horribly wrong at the toothbrush factory, and some guy in marketing saw a golden opportunity.
  10. SPIRIT

    Since April 14th, 2006, those of you with microphones have been waiting for this moment. You have been hoping, nay, praying for a day when you too could star in another Flash PSA. Previously, I have only recruited people whose voices I had heard before, but no longer. The script has been written and now is finally the time when I hold open auditions for parts in PSA #5!!!


    Yes, I know. So without further ado, I present you with the long and complex audition process:


    Mantax: "Oh come on! That's hilarious! Man, you never laugh at anything I say."

    Lewa: "*makes sounds to hush the person he is talking to* I know what I'm doing, when have I ever been wrong before?"

    Tahnok: "Hey there. I'm a Bohrok, and I’m here to return Mata Nui to the way it was in the before time."

    Matoro: "Oh, this’ll be a huge fad, let me tell you. It’ll be in all the signatures."


    Having chosen a part for which you plan on auditioning, simply record yourself saying the given line in italics. Then, attach it to an e-mail and send it to spirit [at] bzpower.com (of course replacing the [at] with an @) with the subject as Audition.
    IMPORTANT: Your audition must be in an e-mail and it must have Audition in the subject line or you will not be considered ().

    The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 EST Saturday, February 9th, 2008 Anno Domini, which means you have roughly two weeks to do this.


    Q: Why didn't you just write out your e-mail there?

    A: Because, kids, that's one of the many ways spam bots send you e-mails.

    Q: Can I audition for more than one part?

    A: Absolutely. In fact, I encourage it; less people to share the script with.

    Q: What if I had a part in a previous PSA, can I still audition?

    A: Go right ahead.

    Q: Are those lines from the PSA?

    A: Sort of. I've changed them a bit, though, to get a better idea of the voices.

    Q: So how do you want me to say these lines?

    A: It's up to you. Don't keep the character in mind as much as the spirit of the line itself.

    Q: Can I use more than one voice for a particular line in my audition?

    A: Absolutely; the more the merrier.

    Q: Seriously, though, what does PSA stand for?


    Legal Stuff

    Upon becoming a cast member, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER may you share information from the script I will send you. Doing so will cause me to use the :angry: emoticon and trust me, you wouldn't want that.
  11. SPIRIT
    Stop it! Stop it now! :angry:
    To quote The Hobbit:

    Not entirely what I'm getting at, but it's a good starting point at how vague our small talk is.
    What really grinds my gears is when people use qualifying adjectives (e.g. good, nice, beautiful, gorgeous, splendid, miserable, terrible, etc.) to objectively describe the weather. What I'm saying is, what the heck is "good" weather and who decides this?!
    Does it mean that the sun is shining, there are little or no clouds, there is no precipitation, the air temperature is greater than or equal to room temperature, and there is little or no wind? If so, then why not say that instead of acting as though your personal feelings about the weather are fact.
    For instance, if someone truthfully says, "my, isn't it sunny today?", you'd be insane to say, "I disagree, I think it's raining," when you can both plainly see that it is not. However, if someone were to say, "my, isn't it gorgeous out today?" in the same scenario, they do not expect you to disagree when it is clearly warm and sunny out by saying, "I disagree, I find this sort of weather unappealing."
    Who decided that bright sunshine, no wind, and warmth were "good" in terms of weather? Sure, I like being warm as much as the next guy, but I find overcast skies to be much more picturesque and nice to look at; I don't mind the wind, as long as it's not too cold outside -- it adds a real sense of power to nature, I find; as long as you don't have to shovel it, snow is fantastic to look at, the way it coats the countryside and how it looks when it's falling; and watching a lightning storm is just indescribable. So why is it that the sort of weather I like is considered not to be good?
    Basically, what I'm saying is, think before you speak. Some people might not feel the same about weather that you do. Rather than saying "isn't is splendid weather we're having old bean, wot, wot?" try saying, "I think the sunshine looks beautiful today"; or rather than "this weather is simply ghastly," try, "this weather is not to my liking as the rain is getting me wet and the wind has rendered my umbrella ineffective".
    That is all.
    Join us next time when SPIRIT gripes about people who say "supper" instead of "dinner".
  12. SPIRIT
    How do ghosts' clothes work?
    I mean, you don't normally see naked ghosts. They usually wear what they were wearing when they died. Does this mean their clothes died too?
    When I wear a hole in something and throw it out, does that mean I kill it?
    Or does it specifically have to be worn by someone as they die?
    Could there be a postmortem industry of getting terminally ill patients to wear many layers of clothing to help boost the phantom economy by ghostifying a whole bunch of clothing at once?
    Is there the slightest chance I'm overthinking this?
  13. SPIRIT
    It's my latest TV addiction. It's getting me through the holidays and it's actually pretty funny. Kind of a shame that I didn't watch it when it was on. Makes me hope the other shows they're doing now, Hiccups and Dan for Mayor, are actually doing well.
    So far I'm on season 4 and I think I'd have to say my favourite character is Karen. If you've seen it, come reminisce with me, if not, go see it.
    That is all.
  14. SPIRIT
    Took a few weeks, but everything people have asked me to re-post that I had archived has been re-posted.
    Apologies to @fishers64 because I did not think to save Mata Nui's Performance Review and to @meglatorian because not only did I not save The Three Bohroketeers, but I completely forgot I wrote it! If anyone happens to have those topics backed up, I'm sure both they and I would be very grateful to get to read them again.
    Also to note, there are still a few stories in my own private archive. They're largely earlier work or stuff that didn't get an overwhelming critical reception, but I could be persuaded to re-post them if anyone really wants to read them.
    Anyway, now that that's out of the way, maybe now I can focus on making new stuff.
    Stay tuned.
  15. SPIRIT
    So as I am still in France and Canada's got a federal election coming up, I got a mail-in ballot sent to my apartment. Turns out that to send it in, I put my ballot in an envelope, in an envelope, in an envelope. It's like Inception by mail!
  16. SPIRIT
    Okay, so the general consensus seems to be that Project BZ Nui is a good idea. So here are a few preliminary questions concerning what's been established so far (try to be as helpful as possible in your answers).
    1) Is having the BIONICLE logo as the map with each forum section being an island a good idea? If not, what would be better?
    2) Do you agree with the island names? If not, what are some better ones you can think of?
    3) Do you agree with the elemental designations of the forums? If not, what do you suggest? (If need be, I can explain my justifications for each).
    3) Where should blogs go?
    a - Underwater (like Mahri Nui).
    b - Their own island.
    c - On boats.
    d - In people's homes/on their property.
    e - Other (please specify).
    4) How do homes work?
    a - People choose a forum-village and live there.
    b - People live on boats that travel from forum to forum.
    c - Other (please specify).
  17. SPIRIT
    Here is how I would take over the world.
    Now, the problem with most world domination plans is that you have to be in charge of some sort of army or government. Since becoming a general is pretty risky and it's a real hassle to go through all the time and money required to successfully run for office, really the only way for anyone to easily rise to power over others is to become the chump husband of some monarch.
    Then I had a thought...
    Oh! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! SPIRIT? What if you were the chump husband? Okay, you marry the princess, all right? Then, uh, you become sultan!
    Marry the shrew? I become sultan... The idea has merit!
    Yes, merit! Yes! And then we drop papa-in-law and the little woman off a cliff! YEAAAAAAAAAAAA Kersplat!
    Step 1: Marry the shrew
    After the three Princes of Wales and the Duke of York, the next two people in line for the British crown are Princess Beatrice of York and Princess Eugenie of York, who are conveniently right around my age. All I have to do is bring one of them on board with my plan, marry her, and badaboom, I'm Prince Consort of York.
    Step 2: Drop papa-in-law and the little woman off a cliff
    All I have to do is plan an unfortunate "accident" for those ahead of us in line to become head monarch and then blame it on some terrorist group. If lacking a terrorist group, pull a Palpatine and make one up. After that, we'll be crowned Queen and King Consort of the British Commonwealth.
    Step 3: Convince the senate to vote us emergency powers
    Yep, pull another Palpatine and use the aforementioned terrorist group to convince the British parliament to return emergency powers to the monarchy. One way to do this would be to pool our collective wealth into raising a private army to combat the "threat". Soon we extend our military protection to other members of the commonwealth, gaining further control over such economic powerhouses as Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and particularly Pakistan and India. Using their combined economies, we could raise an army to dwarf that of the United States Armed Forces.
    We would continue to expand our control over the world, guaranteeing them protection from the Droid Armies (or whatever) until we had managed to expand the Commonwealth to the entire planet. Then we announce that in order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Commonwealth will be reorganized into the first Global Empire, for a safe and secure society which I will assure them will last for ten thousand years.
    Step 4: Laugh maniacally

    And if none of that works, I guess tomorrow night I'll have to do the same thing I do every night: try to take over the world!
  18. SPIRIT
    Today I'm going to complain about people who like olives, but not for the reason you might think.
    Personally, I love olives. Black, green. Can't get enough of them.
    My beef is with people who buy olives with the pits still in them.
    If you people are out there, why do you do this? We live in the information era. No longer must we be beholden to pits in our olives. For 3000 years the peoples of the Mediterranean struggled with this minor inconvenience, and now we have a factory machine that saves us the trouble. Anecdotally a random food blog I found on Google suggests that including the pit improves the presentation of the olive. Oh please, get over yourself. It's just going straight in your mouth anyway, and if you don't include the pit you can finish your meal even faster and get on with your miserable food blogging life. Now some of you may be thinking, "Hey, isn't it cheaper to buy the ones with pits in them? I'm on a budget, man!" Look, buddy. If you can afford olives, you can afford ones without pits in them. It's such a minor additional cost for a massive increase in quality of life. I dream of being about to pay an extra dollar to make my other minor inconveniences go away, and here you are spitting in the face of science.
    In conclusion, I'll probably never work as a food critic.
  19. SPIRIT
    Hi there, I'm SPIRIT. You might remember me from such BIONICLE fansites as this one, but I'm not here to talk to you today as a Prem Forum Leader/Ref Keeper.
    You see, my former youth pastor is going to be running across Canada this summer to raise money for child poverty in Canada. Partnered with World Vision, his goal is to raise one toonie per Canadian [a toonie is our $2 coin for those of you not from the true north strong and free]. There will also be the opportunity to join in the relay at specific dates and places so if you'll be in those places at those times, I encourage you to come join in. (At the very least, it'll give you a chance to get some extra steps on your Pokéwalker )
    Here's a few facts about child poverty in Canada:
    -Canada scores a “C” grade and ranks 13th out of 17 peer countries.
    -More than one in seven Canadian children lives in poverty, with Aboriginal children being hit the hardest.
    -Canada’s child poverty rate increased between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s while the US's, which is still worse than ours, has been decreasing.
    -Children who experience poverty, especially persistently, are at higher risk of suffering health problems, developmental delays, and behaviour disorders. They tend to attain lower levels of education and are more likely to live in poverty as adults.
    -Canada's child poverty rate of 15 percent is three times as high as the rates of Sweden, Norway or Finland.
    -Every month, 770,000 people in Canada use food banks. Forty percent of those relying on food banks are children.
    What does this mean?
    It means that 1 in 7 children does not sleep in a warm house or with a full stomach and it sure as heck means they don't get LEGO sets for Christmas.
    So yeah, here is a link to the site: One Nation Run. If you don't want to donate, that's cool too. Just making sure you're aware. Tell your friends. And if you aren't from Canada, nothing's stopping you from donating or spreading the news. If you'd prefer to help the folks back home, just peruse World Vision's website and see what programs are offered in your country.
    Remember, it takes a village.
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