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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    I've just finished recording what I'm sure is going to be the hardest episode of Treespeak on the Air ever to edit. Mainly it was due to the fact that we went quite a bit off topic, but that's to be expected (most shows end up like that anyway ). The real problem was that I was experimenting a new way of making the show easier to listen to and, although it worked, it sent the file size skyrocketing through the roof and right out of the solar system (we had a few complaints from the denizens of Alpha Centauri, as a matter of fact ). At the end of it, the files that made up the episode were over a gigabyte big (that's 1 000 000 000 bytes). After several failed attempts with my usual compressing software, I Googled a new one, downloaded it, and it worked like a dream; now it's only 14 MB. And so when I tried to delete the monstrous uncompressed file, it was so big that my computer's recycling bin couldn't hold it (I've never had that happen before). Other than that, it went pretty smoothly and now that the show has an XML feed, I think we're really going to get going now.
    The worst part of whatever sickness I had seems to have passed, but now I've progressed to a stage where I sound quite a *cough* bit like *cough cough* General Grievous *cough* (if you *cough* catch my drift). It's driving me and my family insane- I can down a whole bottle of water in 30 seconds and still be thirsty! I'm not quite sure what sickness I had, but it's certainly done a number to my immune system. The good part is that sleeping and eating are working properly again and they're much more important than breathing is.
    In other news, it's actually snowing now (♫I'm dreaming of a white Halloween...♫), which is odd because my part of the country barely even has snow at Christmas any more. When I used to live further north, though, there was usually a metre of snow by November! Well, it's a good thing that the heavy snow didn't start until night- I reeeeeeeally didn't want to walk home in a blizzard wearing October-appropriate clothes.
    So I'm playing LEGO: Lord of the Rings (because there was a Steam sale a while back and because I am the Lord of Procrastination), when I notice something strange.
    I turned on the Red Brick for Boss Disguises (which adds silly things to the bosses in the games), and then I fought Sauron.
    Gameplay shot.
    He's totally Kulta the Skull Grinder! See? Not only do they have golden masks with long spikes coming out the top, but they both carry giant black and orange maces! And this isn't a new game, it came out in 2012. That was 3 years ago (incidentally, today is its third anniversary, Wikipedia tells me). That was during the heyday of Hero Factory.
    Do you realize what this means?!
    LEGO plagiarized... itself!
    I'll call the cops.
    An open letter to the people who like the things that I do not like:
    Get over yourselves! Who do you think you are liking those things? Have you no self-respect? Have you no shame? They say there's no accounting for bad taste, but you take the cake. I bet you even took the worst flavour of cake. You have formed your opinions on incorrect or incomplete information and I lament the waste of humanity that you have become because of it.
    An open letter to the people who do not like the things that I like:
    What's the matter with you? Are you deaf, blind, and completely lacking of all sensory input? How could you not like those things? Did you even try them? Did you even deign to spend an instant of your precious time to gain a greater understanding of the world before retreating into the dank, enclosed prison of familiarity? It's people like you that have been a thorn in the side of true innovators and prevent society from reaching its full potential.
    An open letter to the people who like the things I like:
    Where do you get off liking the things that I like? Do you think that makes you better than me or even just as good by association? I will have you know that I like the things that I like to a much more appropriate degree than you do. Your varying amounts of interest and disinterest across a variety of subjects have been poorly allocated and your poor management of this has brought ill opinion upon me by association. Perhaps it would be best to reduce any revelations of your opinions on these matters until such time as I can verify your qualifications to do so.
    An open letter to the people who don't like the things that I don't like:
    Keep fighting the good fight, we'll beat them someday!
    Well, I was under the impression that BZP was in a coma but apparently it's not.  Who knew?
    So life's been really interesting recently.  I quit my job to start my own business and now ain't nobody tellin me to do nothing.
    It is both very stressful and very exciting.  Let's have a race to see which happens first: my business becoming solvent or BZP coming back to life.
    Know what I hate? When you ask someone a question, they give you the answer, and then follow up with "don't you remember me telling you?"
    Well obviously not or I wouldn't be asking!
    And somehow I'm the dumb one in this situation.
    Guns, scary elves, and bail; suspect freed
    By The Canadian Press
    MONTREAL - A man who allegedly armed himself with high-powered weapons because he believed elves were stalking him has been granted bail.
    David Abitbol will have to respect a number of conditions which include surrendering his firearms and not using electronic devices like computers to communicate with others.
    His father has also agreed to post $25,000 bail.
    Testimony at his bail hearing revealed that Abitbol thought he saw elves everywhere and needed the firepower to keep them at bay.
    Found this article on Yahoo! News. The article goes on to mention a few things which I can't post on the site, but suffice to say that he's been caught doing some bad things. Now tell me this article isn't the sort of thing to appear at the end of an Artemis Fowl book.
    I mean, they're asking me for the information. How do they know I'm not Cardinal SPIRIT?
    I just did the math and I missed it by a few days! :annoyed2:
    Oh, not the 7000th year since my birth, but rather the 7000th day. If my calculations are correct, I experienced my 7000th sunrise on June 6th, 2009 (it looked just like all the other ones, mind you). From now on I guess I'll have to go back to expressing my age in days like a newborn child. Today, for instance, I turned 7005 days old.
  10. SPIRIT
    I used to wear funny t-shirts all the time, but eventually stopped after getting tired of people trying to one-up my shirt's joke. For instance, wearing a camo shirt that says "You can't see me" and having everyone you meet come up to you and say "hay i can c u ololololol" gets old fast.
    Anyone else have this problem? People ruining funny shirts for everyone?
  11. SPIRIT
    How many times do you hear this expression on TV/in gym class? Have you ever wondered if its possible for something to function at 110% capacity? Well I'm here today to tell you that it is.
    Last Thursday, the general consensus was that my computer was working at 100%. It had no errors, spyware, viruses, and it worked at a pretty good speed. Then, for some reason or other, disaster struck. Programs kept shutting down on their own, Firefox wouldn't open, my firewall wouldn't activate... After rebooting it several times and giving it many virus scans, I was able to get the computer to a state so that the firewall was working again. A few more virus scans and deleting of certain files and now everything is working great. The best part is that I now have updated versions of Firefox and Flash, as they had been infected by the virus as well.
    So now everything is back to normal and I have two new spiffy programs. As my computer is working better than it was before, it is therefore working at 110%.
  12. SPIRIT
    Officially, it's not a REAL snowday, but this is the second day in a row that the school buses have been canceled and since I barely did anything yesterday (and am almost certain that I'd accomplish even less today) my parents have decided to let me stay home today. Thank you adverse weather conditions!
  13. SPIRIT
    Long ago, on Christmas Day 2005, a young lad named SPIRIT received two particular Christmas presents: a wallet and an iRiver .mp3 player. It was on this day that a mighty fellowship was born: The Fellowship of Things SPIRIT Carries Around in His Pockets. This mighty fellowship would help SPIRIT through many battles, occasionally adding or losing members, but always making SPIRIT proud to live in a society when men's pants had decent pockets.
    Here is a list of all noteworthy members of the fellowship:

    Wallet iRiver (replaced by iPod Touch) Blistex (joined the fellowship in spring 2007 to combat the side effects of Accutane, left in fall 2007) Canadian cellphone (joined fellowship in November 2007, left in August 2010, expected to return in June 2011) iPod Touch (joined fellowship in April 2008) Keys to university residence (joined the fellowship in September 2008, left in April 2009) Pokéwalker (tagged along with the fellowship since April 2010, officially joined in September 2010) Keys to French apartment (joined fellowship in September 2010, expected to leave in June 2011) French cellphone (joined fellowship in September 2010, expected to leave in June 2011) Nintendo DS (honorary member) It is with deep sorrow, though, that I announce that my wallet, the only original member of the fellowship, will be retiring soon. He is worn and old and his zipper is detaching. Prophecies foretell that he will only last until December 2010, when he will be replaced by a newer wallet. It won't be the same, though. Forever the fellowship will feel as though SPIRIT has a hole in his leg where the wallet once was -- a hole the new wallet will never truly fill. 
    Rest in peace, old friend, rest in peace.
    Oh and uh, let's get all the "what it's got in its nassty little pocketses" out of our systems now, shall we?
  14. SPIRIT
    Repent! The end is near! I have essays and exams by the truckload in every single one of my eight courses which all must be done in the next 3 weeks.
    Science: Giant exam on everything since September on the 19th.
    Careers: Oral presentation next week and portfolio containing EVERYTHING due by the 12th.
    Technology: Hard stuff complete, but not out of the woods yet. Only one last teeny, little assignment.
    English: Huge 15% essay next week, but luckily no exam.
    Spanish: Oral exam on Monday and written exam on the 16th.
    French: Oral exam on the 9th and written exam on the 16th.
    History: Essay on Monday, exam on the 14th.
    Math: Giant exam on everything since September on the 15th.
    Well, better get cracking.
    EDIT: I'm done my Spanish oral exam and my History essay!
    EDIT2: Finished my Careers presentation!
    EDIT3: Finished my English essay and my mini technology project (which was a 3D rendering of Jupiter exploding- very cool).
    EDIT4: Finished the French oral exam; only one assignment to go until exams!
    EDIT5: Finished my Careers portfolio which is my last homework assignment of the year!
    EDIT6: Finished the Math exam, probably shouldn't have wasted so much time on question four though...
    EDIT7: Finished the History exam, but it was a little tricky because it was written in leet. Yes, I am completely serious.
    EDIT8: Only one exam left... and ironically it's the hardest.
    EDIT9: I'M FREE!!!!!!!!
  15. SPIRIT
    Treespeak on the Air (the Podcast I run) does not often have good luck. For instance, what's holding me back from putting up the next two shows is the fact that because I wasn't able to get my computer to record the episodes, I had to get Dr. Bionicle to record them for me. Unfortunately, the files are stuck on his computer because his e-mail is broken and they're too big to send through any other media. I hope he fixes it soon, I really feel bad about keeping everyone waiting.
  16. SPIRIT
    This is for listeners of TotA, readers of Wildfire, and viewers of my PSAs. I am sorry to say this, but I'm going to have to put all three of those on hold for the Artwork III contest (which is actually a really short PSA). Once I have that voiced and animated, I'll put out the next chapter of Wildfire, then edit Episode 12 of TotA, get Episode 16 recorded and editted, then another chapter of Wildfire, then I'll start working on the next PSA and hopefully things will get back to normal. *smiles weakly*
  17. SPIRIT
    So I'm doing a random online survey, and I get this question:
    A Hectic Morning:
    Your dog wakes you up at 8:00am because your alarm clock has failed to wake you up. Taking a look at your dog, you realize he desperately needs to be groomed, and let outside to do his business. You have a 2-hour exam at 8:30am and the last bus that will get you there on time leaves at 8:15am.You realize you should probably shower, and you feel a little sick and hungry due to lack of sleep from cramming for your exam.
    The phone begins to ring, and it's your landlord probably calling about the broken air conditioner. You receive a text from your best friend, and you catch another glimpse of the time: it is 8:03am. As you realize your limited amount of time, you think about the breakfast foods you have: cereal, chocolate bar, banana, and a frozen pizza pocket, because you can't write an exam on an empty stomach. Your mind races to the unpaid phone and Internet bills due by tomorrow and you can't risk anymore bad credit with all those student loans needing to be paid off. It's also your turn to clean the kitchen this week or your roommates will be very upset. You still need a pencil, eraser, and student ID for the exam, but that will take 2 minutes of searching though your very messy room. You scan your room and your eyes briefly rest on the job ads taped to your mirror, you need to find a job soon. It would probably be advisable to change out of those food-stained and very dirty clothes before being seen in public.
    It is 8:05am now, what do you do during this day? Make sure to get everything done, and be realistic about timing. It takes exactly one minute to get to the bus stop.
    So I thought for a bit, and came up with this response:
    Get on your skateboard and hang the frozen pizza pocket in front of the dog so that it will chase after it and pull you along. As you get the pizza pocket, snag a few ice cubes from the freezer and toss them around the kitchen -- by the time they melt and evaporate, everything will be washed away. As you shove the banana into your mouth, pick up the phone and answer the landlord with "mhmm" until he hangs up. Have your dog sniff out your school supplies and then set him lose into the street. As he pulls you along on your skateboard, lead him towards a puddle, whose splash will wash both you and your clothes. As you get on the bus, sell your dog to one of the passengers to pay for the bills and get your salesmen skills noticed by a pet store owner who's also on the bus. Keeping your banana peel with you, get to the exam hall a few minutes ahead of schedule. Slyly drop the banana peel so that your professor slips on it and drops a copy of the exam. Snap some pics with your camera phone and send them to your friend who's already taken the course. Use the stolen answers to ace the exam and you're done by 9:00. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  18. SPIRIT
    Lets play a game. I'll type a whole story using only autocorrect suggestions. Let's see what we get:
    The fact I can see it as an excuse for the year and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the first half of the year and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the first half of the year of high quality of life and the first half of the day I have to go back and I don't know how much you love it and it is not the same thing to say I have a good time with the new version is better to be the best of the year of high quality of life and the first half of the day I have a good time with the new version is better to be the best of the year and a lot more fun and addicting and I don't think I can see it as an excuse for the next few weeks of school tomorrow and I'm still not sure what I was a great way of life is so cute I can't even see it in a while ago but the fact I can get it right away with the same thing to say I have to go back and I don't think that the two sides to be the first half of the day before the end of the year of high quality and the other hand is the only thing that would make it a lot of the day before I go back and I have a great way to the gym today and it was the best thing to say I love it and it is not the same time as the best thing to say that I can get it right away.
  19. SPIRIT
    It was one afternoon ago on this day that I received an unexpected instant message from none other than Black Six. "SPIRIT," he asked me in a now paraphrased way, "how would you like to be a staff member?" Without a second's hesitation I said yes as calmly as I could type it, but my heart rate just about tripled. Well, here I am now, and what a journey it has been. I'm an RK, one who worked on revolutionising BZPower's reference system, and am working in seven forums right now. In my personal life this year, I've been all across the continent for various reasons and have seen and done some pretty amazing stuff. I got my G2 driver's license, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in about 13 hours, excelled at my job working at a day camp, and released a smash-hit PSA.
    Of course, now the pressing question is where can I go from here? Forum Leader, perhaps? Do I have the time or the experience? Time will tell.
    I recently had my 17.5th birthday; not much longer until I'm an official AFOL. For me, though, it's not a question of money or maturity for whether or not I'm going to buy more sets -- nor has it ever been -- it's going to be a matter of space. Where will I put them all when I'm off on my own?
    Oh well, enough about the confused worries of tomorrow and back to the present. I'm working on finding the right university as well as balancing my seven high school courses. It's tricky, but I'm getting there. I've also got this weird twitch in my right eye recently, which, according to Chinese tradition is good luck (that or I need more sleep ).
    And one quick skip back to the future, I've got some ideas rolling around my head for the next PSA. I've got a few cutaways planned already and a very rough plot. Estimated release time? Februaryish? I'll keep you posted.
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