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Status Updates posted by Jayk

  1. Many happy returns, Mr. Sherlock Holmes!

  2. Maybe he'll get past Rivet, but there's no way he's getting past Tyler Myers. And even if he can get past Myers, Miller's stoned better players than Malkin. No chance. :P

  3. Nah, Tim Kennedy. Buffalo boy.

    He knee-on-kneed Gonchar? Hmm. Don't remember that. Ah well, Pens won the series anyway. :P

  4. Name and Flight of the Conchords reference FTW.

  5. Need I say that you've got one of the best usernames on BZP right now?

  6. Nice banner and av.

  7. Nice little reference to my current display name in that Makutafest comic. XD

  8. Not In Love (feat. Robert Smith)

  9. Obtainer of rare antiquities.

  10. Of course. They're one of the best bands in the world, why shouldn't there be lots of fans on BZP? :P

  11. Jayk

    On LEGO.com, I mean.

  12. Ovechkin's a showoff, but he can get away with it 'cause he's so good. :P

    Malkin's great, Sid's great, there are some others who are very good...

  13. Perfect quote, my good sir.

  14. Sabres win agan. 2-1, over the 'Hawks. Lalime played great. Same with Gerbe.

  15. Same here. :D It's nice to see another Madeline L'Engle reader around.

  16. Jayk

    Say, does the username "BioKid2006" ring any bells?

  17. Schindler's List, Last of the Mohicans, Lord of the Rings; my three all-time favorite soundtracks.


  19. SSPV, eh? I never thought for a moment that I'd ever see that mentioned on a Bionicle website. More of an FSSP chap myself, but I hereby give you a sympathetic nod.

  20. Steve McQueen.

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