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Status Updates posted by Jayk

  1. Jayk

    Indeed. :D A fantastic movie. The soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard.

  2. Of course. They're one of the best bands in the world, why shouldn't there be lots of fans on BZP? :P

  3. I just want to say, that is one of the awesomest banners I've ever seen here.

  4. I'm a Lightning Voyager. Sweet.

  5. Hockey season's here! :D

  6. Maybe he'll get past Rivet, but there's no way he's getting past Tyler Myers. And even if he can get past Myers, Miller's stoned better players than Malkin. No chance. :P

  7. Love forever, love is free; let's turn forever, you and me

  8. Sabres win agan. 2-1, over the 'Hawks. Lalime played great. Same with Gerbe.

  9. Et In Arcadio Ego

  10. SSPV, eh? I never thought for a moment that I'd ever see that mentioned on a Bionicle website. More of an FSSP chap myself, but I hereby give you a sympathetic nod.

  11. Ovechkin's a showoff, but he can get away with it 'cause he's so good. :P

    Malkin's great, Sid's great, there are some others who are very good...

  12. Jayk

    Hello, Mr. F. I know you get a lot of PMs, comments, and stuff, but I'd just like to say one thing: Thank you. You (and the rest of the team at LEGO) have given me an incredible amount of joy with BIONICLE. Again, thank you. :)

  13. Awesome sig, dude.

  14. Nice banner and av.

  15. Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.

  16. Well, I like Myers, Kennedy, and Kaleta better, but yeah, I like 'em all. :P And why should Ovie have been suspended? That hit on Kaleta was just boarding.

  17. Ah, I see you're both a Red Sox fan and a Blackhawks fan. Very good.

  18. I'd like to commend you on your choice of movie. One of the greatest ever, IMO.

  19. Nah, Tim Kennedy. Buffalo boy.

    He knee-on-kneed Gonchar? Hmm. Don't remember that. Ah well, Pens won the series anyway. :P

  20. Yep, KotOR. :D Ever visit, um, that one modding site for it, with "files" in the name?

  21. Same here. :D It's nice to see another Madeline L'Engle reader around.

  22. :P

    Yeah, I can't wait to get to one of their concerts. I love the live version of The Hardest Part, with Postcards From Far Away.

  23. Thanks, Bricks. :D

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