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That Klaresh Dude

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Everything posted by That Klaresh Dude

  1. Ya know that's a spoiler putting HF 3.0 in your pers pic/ avatar right? (which is against the rules)

  2. Well maybe it's cause you don't like a lot of other things so I just assumed you didn't like football either. :P

  3. I'm surprised you don't hate football. /:)

  4. That Klaresh Dude


    Take this apart and line up the pieces used to make it. (I can't tell what they are in the third picture.)
  5. That Klaresh Dude


    I AM SO USING THIS I don't know what to use it for though! D:
  6. That Klaresh Dude


    Happy be-lated Bday. Did he get a 360?
  7. That Klaresh Dude

    An Idea

    Actually it has... by me. ;3 except I didn't put the little armors on the front... I put them on the back so yours is a bit different then mine.
  8. What's the theme? I think you should enter
  9. What kind of iPod do you have? and what laptop?

  10. *high fives back*

    Skillet is awesome too. B)

  11. You MOCs are AWESOME!

    Magneon is my favorite.

  12. Linkin Park is awesome.

  13. I would if my PS2 was connected to the internet. ;.;
  14. That Klaresh Dude


    That really sucks... ;.; Although if I downloaded it, it would probably take at least 1 minute to open.
  15. That Klaresh Dude

    New Banner

    "Klaresh likes this"
  16. That Klaresh Dude


    I lol'd I can sleep fine...except when my alarm clock goes off. I sleep through like 2 or 3 minutes of it then I wake up. Whenever my alarm clock starts going off I'm dreaming about trying to turn it off.
  17. That Klaresh Dude


    I would suggest making the arms longer so it can walk on it's arms... sort of like stilts. And then it could have like a shoulder mounted laser or something.
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